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Ranking the Tracks: MDNA


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16. B-Day Song

15. Some Girls

14. Beautiful Killer (too similar to DAD)


12. Falling Free (I'm sorry, but I find it boring and repetitive)

11. Superstar

10. Gang Bang

9. Love Spent

8. I'm a Sinner (I love the prayer to all the Saints!)

7. Best Friend

6. I Fucked Up

5. I'm Addicted

4. Turn Up The Radio

3. I Don't Give A (love the "I tried to be a good wife" part)

2. Masterpiece

1. Girl Gone Wild



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Girl Gone Wild
I Fucked Up
Give Me All Your Luvin'
Beautiful Killer
Love Spent
Best Friend
Gang Bang
Falling Free
Some Girls
I Don't Give A
I'm Addicted
Turn Up the Radio
I'm a Sinner
B-Day Song

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  • 1 month later...

1. Girl Gone Wild

2. Give Me All Your Luvin’

3. Falling Free

4. Masterpiece

5. Beautiful Killer

6. Gang Bang

7. I Don’t Give A

8. I’m Addicted

9. I’m A Sinner

10. Some Girls

11. Turn Up the Radio

didn’t like:

12. Superstar

13. Love Spent

14. Best Friend

15. B-day Song

16. I Fucked Up

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1. I’m Addicted
2. Love Spent
3. Girl Gone Wild
4. Some Girls
5. Beautiful Killer
6. Masterpiece
7. I Fucked Up
8. Give Me All Your Luvin’
9. I’m a Sinner
10. Falling Free
11. Gang Bang
12. Turn Up the Radio
13. Best Friend
14. I Don’t Give A
15. Superstar
16. B-Day Song

I love tracks 1-3, 4-8 are fine, the rest I really don’t care about. Definitely her worst album for me.

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PERFECT / girl gone wild - I'm addicted - I'm a sinner - I don't give a .... - masterpiece - GMAYL - some girls - gang bang

I LOVE IT / turn up the radio - i fucked up - falling free - love spent

SOMETIMES / beautiful killer - best friend - superstar - b-day song

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  1. I'm Addicted
  2. Love Spent
  3. Falling Free
  4. Best Friend
  5. I Fucked Up
  6. Beautiful Killer
  7. Gang Bang
  8. Girl Gone Wild
  9. I Don’t Give A
  10. Give Me All Your Luvin’
  11. Masterpiece
  12. I’m a Sinner
  13. Some Girls
  14. Turn Up The Radio
  15. B-Day Song
  16. Superstar


its such a shame that when they release "superstar" as a promotional single (free with a newspaper?) in brazil they didn't choose another track... imagine not being a fan and then putting THAT SONG on to represent the album... MADNESS

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10 minutes ago, cleopatrathatcher said:


its such a shame that when they release "superstar" as a promotional single (free with a newspaper?) in brazil they didn't choose another track... imagine not being a fan and then putting THAT SONG on to represent the album... MADNESS

No, I like it ! It's a feel-good song, love the production. It's very catchy, IMO anyone could love that track.

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16 minutes ago, Mister_Pop said:

No, I like it ! It's a feel-good song, love the production. It's very catchy, IMO anyone could love that track.

its fine to like it... but its a poor representation of the album i think... personally i find it cringe... and if i wasn't a fan and heard that there's no way id check out the album! each to their own though!

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Guest Sonny

I still think that MDNA is better than Hard Candy. Sure, there are some very awful songs on it but it sounds more like Madonna and it contains some of her most personal lyrics to date. For those who want to give it another chance, try and listen to the original intended tracklist and not the messed up official one.

  1. I'm addicted
  2. Love spent
  3. Girl gone wild
  4. Gang Bang
  5. Beautiful killer
  6. Masterpiece
  7. Falling free
  8. I f**ked up
  9. Best friend
  10. I don't give a
  11. I'm a sinner
  12. Give me all your luvin'
  13. Turn up the radio
  14. Some girls
  15. Superstar
  16. B-Day Song (just awful)
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I agree:  it's one of her most underrated albums.  When it gets my daughter's seal of approval, then I know that us actual M fans need to take a second listen. 

From Worst to Best:

16.  B-Day Song

15.  Masterpiece

14.  Give Me All Your Luvin'

13.  Love Spent (good song, but don't understand the big deal)

12.  Best Friend

11.  Falling Free

10.  I Fucked Up

09.  Turn Up The Radio

08.  Superstar

07.  I'm A Sinner

06.  Beautiful Killer

05.  I'm Addicted

04.  Girl Gone Wild (the top four are on my M100)

03.  Gang Bang

02.  Some Girls

01.  I Don't Give A (!!! love this song:  #8 of my Madonna 100)


Image result for picture Madonna MDNA

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I'm not a big fan of this album, but here it goes:

1. Girl Gone Wild

2. Gang Bang

3. Give Me All Your Luvin'

4. Love Spent (though I prefer the live version)

5. I'm a Sinner

6. I Don't Give A

7. Falling Free

8. Masterpiece

9. Turn Up The Radio

10. Best Friend (kinda basic, but cute)

11. Beautiful Killer (basic. I really like the mashup with Die Another Day tho)

12. I'm Addicted (it gives me headache - sucks)

13. Some Girls (it also gives me headache - sucks)

14. Superstar (why is that even in the album?! - sucks)

15. I Fucked Up (meh...)

16. Bday Song (i mean... really? - sucks)

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  • 1 month later...

MDNA was my first Madonna Album so it holds a special place for me. On the other side though I know that it's a far cry compared to her previous efforts and in my opinion also loses to both of its descendants. Personally I think especially this kinda trashy EDM sound just didn't age very well. All in all it's still a good album I think.

Well then, from worst to best:

15. Some Girls

14. Superstar

13. Give Me All Your Luvin

12. Turn Up The Radio

11. I fucked up

10. Love Spent

9.  Falling Free

8. Best friend

7. I'm A Sinner

6.  I don't Give A

5. Gang Bang

4. Beautiful Killer

3. Masterpiece

2. I'm Addicted

1. Girl Gone Wild 


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1. I’m a Sinner

2. Beautiful Killer (Best bonus track ever)

3. I Don’t Give A

4. Masterpiece

5. Turn up the Radio

6. Some Girls

7. Girl Gone Wild

8. Give Me All Your Luvin’

9. Love Spent

20. I fucked up



4001 Gang Bang

4002 Superstar

4003 I’m Addicted

4003 Falling Free

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1. I'm Addicted (Should have been the first single)

2. Love Spent (Should have been a single)

3. Beautiful Killer (Should have been a single)

4. Girl Gone Wild (This should have been huge - the Gays let her down!)

5. Masterpiece (Should have been pushed as a single from the W./E. soundtrack)

6. Falling Free

7. I'm a Sinner

8. Some Girls

9. Give Me all Your Luvin'

10.  I Don't Give A

11. Gang Bang (Loved this at first, but it hasn't aged well)

12. Turn Up the Radio

13. Best Friend

14. I Fucked Up

15. B-Day Song

16. Superstar (quite possibly my least favorite M song ever)

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1 Masterpiece

2 Addicted

3 some Girls

4 Love Spent

5 Gang Bang

6 Beautiful Killer

7 Best Friend

8 I’m a Sinner

9 I Fucked Up

10 Falling Free

Don't think i will play these song soon  again all bonus tracks 

11 Girl Gone Wild

12 I Don’t Give A

13 Give Me All Your Luvin’

14 Turn Up The Radio

15 Superstar ( good for true blue )

16 B-Day Song worst song



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Girl gone wild, gang bang, im addicted, im a sinner, love spent, beautiful killer, best friend are the only good tracks 


everything else sucks

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