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1 minute ago, Donna said:

And she didn't release a DVD/Blu-Ray of her last MX tour as well.  So yeah, the trend for the last few years have been going to streaming platforms if not offer a digital download.  I assume it's just easier and less expensive for the artists, meanwhile they may profit more from it being they don't have to pay for the physical DVDs for their content to be on.

There seems to be a climb in interest again in physical formats lately.  We're really seeing it in Vinyls and now Cassette tapes especially.  Not sure the statistics are for DVD/Blu-rays but I think there will always be a group of people who prefer to own a physical copy of their favorite concerts, films, etc.   

Vinyls i think overtook CDs in sales...cassettes are still a niche but really its all for collectors which is why there's so many varients and it also counts for higher chart placements. And yes, there are always will be those old people who can't bother to understand wifi and streaming lol i am part of alot of physical media communities so i do love it but in 2024 it just isnt practical and those communities are more collectors than function and a reaction to distrusting streaming services. These are for OLDER classic titles though. Just dump it on youtube or hulu and they'll be good.

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26 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Vinyls i think overtook CDs in sales...cassettes are still a niche but really its all for collectors which is why there's so many varients and it also counts for higher chart placements. And yes, there are always will be those old people who can't bother to understand wifi and streaming lol i am part of alot of physical media communities so i do love it but in 2024 it just isnt practical and those communities are more collectors than function and a reaction to distrusting streaming services. These are for OLDER classic titles though. Just dump it on youtube or hulu and they'll be good.


The reason to why I prefer physical media is that it stays. 

Madame X Tour was available on Paramount+ here in Europe, but it was closed down a couple of years ago, and replaced with SkyShowtime.

Lots os stuff from Paramount is now available on SkyShowtime, but not everything. 

Madame X was NOT a part of the move, so we in Northern Europe cannot watch the concert anymore.

So yes. this old man wants a Blu-Ray.

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46 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Vinyls i think overtook CDs in sales...cassettes are still a niche but really its all for collectors which is why there's so many varients and it also counts for higher chart placements. And yes, there are always will be those old people who can't bother to understand wifi and streaming lol i am part of alot of physical media communities so i do love it but in 2024 it just isnt practical and those communities are more collectors than function and a reaction to distrusting streaming services. These are for OLDER classic titles though. Just dump it on youtube or hulu and they'll be good.

Well as @Celebrationpointed out, I prefer the physical format over the streaming just for the reasons he pointed out.  Also, it's not a matter of us "old folks" not willing to  "understand wifi or streaming".  In fact, I understand it VERY well. I definitely use it very much. It's quite convenient and I rely highly on it when it comes to movies and television programs.  I stream all my favorite shows and the latest films.  But as Celebration pointed out, there is no promise they will always be available digitally and streaming.  And there are plenty of films and concerts that aren't streaming.  Therefore, if it's an artist, film or concert I enjoy, I would prefer a physical format. 

To me IT IS "practical" to have physical as well as streaming/digital.  I say let's make it available on ALL formats.  More than not streaming/digital can be limiting.  But I'm not one to say we should take one away over another.  I am not one who assumes an age demographic or how one understands these formats.  There might be some truth to it, but it's not that black and white.  There are pleny of us just want all available formats and platforms because nothing is worse is to have a monopoly where one controls it all, only limited formats to a vast array of people who enjoy listening and enjoying their music and films in different ways. 

At the end of the day, I'd take a physical format of my favorite movie or artist any day over just streaming. At the same time, I want to be able to stream whatever as well because as mentioned it is extremely convenient if it's available.

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23 minutes ago, Celebration said:


The reason to why I prefer physical media is that it stays. 

Madame X Tour was available on Paramount+ here in Europe, but it was closed down a couple of years ago, and replaced with SkyShowtime.

Lots os stuff from Paramount is now available on SkyShowtime, but not everything. 

Madame X was NOT a part of the move, so we in Northern Europe cannot watch the concert anymore.

So yes. this old man wants a Blu-Ray.

And I'm sure they're just gutted. Lol it really is no skin off their backs and that's just the reality. They're not gonna be losing sleep because the reality is nobody buys physical media enough to even break even for madonna and honestly honestly when was rhe last time a major music artist released a music bluray/dvd?

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13 minutes ago, Donna said:

Well as @Celebrationpointed out, I prefer the physical format over the streaming just for the reasons he pointed out.  Also, it's not a matter of us "old folks" not willing to  "understand wifi or streaming".  In fact, I understand it VERY well. I definitely use it very much. It's quite convenient and I rely highly on it when it comes to movies and television programs.  I stream all my favorite shows and the latest films.  But as Celebration pointed out, there is no promise they will always be available digitally and streaming.  And there are plenty of films and concerts that aren't streaming.  Therefore, if it's an artist, film or concert I enjoy, I would prefer a physical format. 

To me IT IS "practical" to have physical as well as streaming/digital.  I say let's make it available on ALL formats.  More than not streaming/digital can be limiting.  But I'm not one to say we should take one away over another.  I am not one who assumes an age demographic or how one understands these formats.  There might be some truth to it, but it's not that black and white.  There are pleny of us just want all available formats and platforms because nothing is worse is to have a monopoly where one controls it all, only limited formats to a vast array of people who enjoy listening and enjoying their music and films in different ways. 

At the end of the day, I'd take a physical format of my favorite movie or artist any day over just streaming. At the same time, I want to be able to stream whatever as well because as mentioned it is extremely convenient if it's available.

Money is king. Do you honestly think if there was money to be made that they wouldn't release physical versions? The older people like you get and die it matters less and less. Thats just the reality. We can cry and cry about streaming not having MX physically but its just delusion at this point. People arent even wanting to get their asses up and go to a cinema to watch movies when they can just watch them on streaming. Taylor and Beyoncé are an anomaly when it comes to concert films and sadly those days are behind Madonna at this point. Realistically we'll be lucky if it goes to MAX or Disney+ and not some janky streaming service. 

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49 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Money is king. Do you honestly think if there was money to be made that they wouldn't release physical versions? The older people like you get and die it matters less and less. Thats just the reality. We can cry and cry about streaming not having MX physically but its just delusion at this point. People arent even wanting to get their asses up and go to a cinema to watch movies when they can just watch them on streaming. Taylor and Beyoncé are an anomaly when it comes to concert films and sadly those days are behind Madonna at this point. Realistically we'll be lucky if it goes to MAX or Disney+ and not some janky streaming service. 

I told you that we can't stream it at all! Paramount+ was shut down. 

It has nothing to do with age. I just like to be able to watch Madonna's concerts when I want to. That's why I want a blu-ray.
It's pretty unfair that it's available in many parts of the world, but not here.
And this goes for alot of stuff. Once it's gone, it's gone. No matter how much I like it.

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1 hour ago, Alpha said:

Money is king. Do you honestly think if there was money to be made that they wouldn't release physical versions? The older people like you get and die it matters less and less. Thats just the reality. We can cry and cry about streaming not having MX physically but its just delusion at this point. People arent even wanting to get their asses up and go to a cinema to watch movies when they can just watch them on streaming. Taylor and Beyoncé are an anomaly when it comes to concert films and sadly those days are behind Madonna at this point. Realistically we'll be lucky if it goes to MAX or Disney+ and not some janky streaming service. 

I think you're failing to see my point.  I'm open to all formats and platforms be readily available.  Why restrict it to just one format? 

Also, we are seeing an increase in interest for physical editions and more are being released.  Just look at the huge increase in Vinyls sales. So yes, there seems to be a demand for physical releases too.

What you said about ..."more of us who get older and die, it won't matter", seems a bit ignorant to say.  It's just not true  In fact, many of us OLD FOLKS are living longer, and we have more money.  Advertisers, corporations, etc, are taking notice.  The age gap is widening more and more regarding the entertainment business. Don't dismiss us "old folks" just yet.

And besides, tomorrow you could get hit by a bus.  So who's winning now?   LOL!

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3 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Ok I want to publicly apologize to @Donna

The joke did not land and I obviously have no ill will towards them and I am extremely self deprecating and call myself old all the time but I accept not everyone is like me. So once again sorry.

i am also sorry to @Sultrysully 

There is no ill will towards anyone.


Thanks for the apology.  While I do think the statement went  a little too far, I know you weren't intentionally trying to be mean.

I would suggest; be a little more open to what other people are saying here, especially when you and I aren't really too far off in agreement.  The difference is; I'm open for everyone to have access to enjoying EVERY format and platform, rather limiting it.  :luv:

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10 minutes ago, Donna said:

Thanks for the apology.  While I do think the statement went  a little too far, I know you weren't intentionally trying to be mean.

I would suggest; be a little more open to what other people are saying here, especially when you and I aren't really too far off in agreement.  The difference is; I'm open for everyone to have access to enjoying EVERY format and platform, rather limiting it.  :luv:

Well like i said im in so many physical media groups, i like collecting too but its just unrealistic to dwell on that and IMO that's what really has contributed to so many of her failures where fans refuse to stream. I remember so many comments at the time that fans weren't gonna bother to stream MX because they already bought the album. The only reason she has been able to achieve what she's achieved recently is because NON-FANS and CASUAL FANS were the ones to really stream the f*ck out of the Frozen remix and Popular. That can only help her. I also recall someone saying the digital anniversary releases were just a test to see if they should upload legacy releases like singles on digital. Imagine if they hadnt gotten a good number? We wouldn't be seeing all these singles etc which would leave her streaming catalog for future generations very bare and signify a lack of interest which means less money and effort put into reissues etc

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why do we always have this argument about streaming vs physical formats ??? going by the campaign so far all M and her team seem to favour is streaming and vinyl - not the best choice imo but frankly after nearly 3 years ive come to the conclusion i will never get any official concerts from her now on a shiny blu-ray or dvd so i will have to keep my laserdiscs and bootleg cds/dvds instead. i just think it shows poor foresight from her team ....

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18 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Well like i said im in so many physical media groups, i like collecting too but its just unrealistic to dwell on that and IMO that's what really has contributed to so many of her failures where fans refuse to stream. I remember so many comments at the time that fans weren't gonna bother to stream MX because they already bought the album. The only reason she has been able to achieve what she's achieved recently is because NON-FANS and CASUAL FANS were the ones to really stream the f*ck out of the Frozen remix and Popular. That can only help her. I also recall someone saying the digital anniversary releases were just a test to see if they should upload legacy releases like singles on digital. Imagine if they hadnt gotten a good number? We wouldn't be seeing all these singles etc which would leave her streaming catalog for future generations very bare and signify a lack of interest which means less money and effort put into reissues etc

The world is a big place. There's room for it all.  I wasn't one of the fans to say I wouldn't stream her MX album, but I also see the point of wanting a physical copy and playing that.  But hell I'll admit to the convenience of streaming!!!  :party:  I love that option.  But I also know it takes a lot more streams to get a gold album than if people bought a physical copy.  Also, there's nothing "unrealistic" to wanting to collect something you enjoy either. Again, why can't we just have it all?  It's 2024, why should we fight about formats and platforms when we can just make it available for everyone to enjoy it in their own way?  I realize that corporations will go the way where the most money will be made, but we shouldn't just settle for ONE WAY.  I like the idea that I have the option to stream or download what I enjoy as well as owning a physical copy of things I really enjoy. My philosophy is if I am planning to want to play or watch things I enjoy for years to come, I will want to own a physical copy.  If I'm just going to listen to it a few times and move on, then streaming is quite convenient.  Also, it's convenient therefore you can decide if it's good enough to purchase a physical copy if available. :)

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43 minutes ago, Donna said:

The world is a big place. There's room for it all.  I wasn't one of the fans to say I wouldn't stream her MX album, but I also see the point of wanting a physical copy and playing that.  But hell I'll admit to the convenience of streaming!!!  :party:  I love that option.  But I also know it takes a lot more streams to get a gold album than if people bought a physical copy.  Also, there's nothing "unrealistic" to wanting to collect something you enjoy either. Again, why can't we just have it all?  It's 2024, why should we fight about formats and platforms when we can just make it available for everyone to enjoy it in their own way?  I realize that corporations will go the way where the most money will be made, but we shouldn't just settle for ONE WAY.  I like the idea that I have the option to stream or download what I enjoy as well as owning a physical copy of things I really enjoy. My philosophy is if I am planning to want to play or watch things I enjoy for years to come, I will want to own a physical copy.  If I'm just going to listen to it a few times and move on, then streaming is quite convenient.  Also, it's convenient therefore you can decide if it's good enough to purchase a physical copy if available. :)

Because thats just not how things are guaged. There is always gonna be a format that is gonna be the standard and used to see whether something is popular or not. Maybe it won't matter anymore because everything is gonna be focused on legacy releases and not new content so there wont be a goal for her to reach anymore in terms of new songs charting etc...remember, rebel heart only made it to #2 because Empire's numbers were stronger on streaming.

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37 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Because thats just not how things are guaged. There is always gonna be a format that is gonna be the standard and used to see whether something is popular or not. Maybe it won't matter anymore because everything is gonna be focused on legacy releases and not new content so there wont be a goal for her to reach anymore in terms of new songs charting etc...remember, rebel heart only made it to #2 because Empire's numbers were stronger on streaming.

I'm not sure what we're really disagreeing about here, if we are?  I don't see what you're trying to prove here. Physical formats will always outlast any digital or streaming release, especially if you're in a situation you don't have access to the internet.

As for Rebel Heart and Empire Numbers, if I recall, Madonna actually outsold Empire in physical copies.  However, it takes far more streaming/digital numbers to equal a physical sale.  And we all know it's easier to get a count for streaming than a physical. With streaming, you don't even have to hear the full album for it to count.  However with a physical, you have to actually buy the full album to count.

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13 minutes ago, Donna said:

I'm not sure what we're really disagreeing about here, if we are?  I don't see what you're trying to prove here. Physical formats will always outlast any digital or streaming release, especially if you're in a situation you don't have access to the internet.

As for Rebel Heart and Empire Numbers, if I recall, Madonna actually outsold Empire in physical copies.  However, it takes far more streaming/digital numbers to equal a physical sale.  And we all know it's easier to get a count for streaming than a physical. With streaming, you don't even have to hear the full album for it to count.  However with a physical, you have to actually buy the full album to count.

My point being physical is antiquated and obviously fans didnt move on thus effecting how well she could do. You're saying its easy to get a count for streaming which i guess not easy for madonna when fans are so stuck. We really only have her doing as well as she is because non fans really boosting her numbers so imagine if fans actually got with the times and did so as well? 

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39 minutes ago, Alpha said:

My point being physical is antiquated and obviously fans didnt move on thus effecting how well she could do. You're saying its easy to get a count for streaming which i guess not easy for madonna when fans are so stuck. We really only have her doing as well as she is because non fans really boosting her numbers so imagine if fans actually got with the times and did so as well? 

But that shows that a majority of her fans prefer physical copies. You can't fault that because many of us grew up on Vinyls, CDs and Cassettes.  It's only easy for certain artists to gain huge amounts of streams, if the fan base is among a generation who is used to only digital and streaming content.  Sorry to say, but you can't change that as much as you wish. Madonna is an older artist, so of course her fan base is dominated by older people who prefer the physical concept.  It doesn't mean we don't accept the digital/streaming formats. It just means we prefer something more tangible.  You also have to remember radio still plays a huge part in how one charts.  It still takes more streaming to chart than a radio play and physical sales.  The more people who requested her on radio or bought her albums, the better chance she'd chart better which what this all comes down to. Madonna makes more money from endorsement or physical sales not radio/streaming.

Regarding Madonna albums, she's still outselling a lot of popular acts when it comes to physical sales. She would have had a number one album for Rebel Heart if it was based on her physical sales.

I don't disagree that more fans should stream her albums, but let's look at the fact when someone like Lady Gaga comes along, how Madonna fans get irate that Gaga's fans were able to generate more streams than Madonna or sales tactic, when most Madonna fans don't feel like they need to do that to show their support for Madonna.  In many cases, if you ask fans to continually stream Madonna to get more counts, they see it as the same as how you might see how Lady Gaga fans are putting the album on repeat to up her streams.

So are you gonna fault Madonna fans for just being true to how they want to support her, or you going to ask them to purposely do something that doesn't represent who her fans are and who she is?  My take is if she's still physically outselling some of the most popular artist in physical sales than she's #1 in my book.

At the end of the day, I rather enjoy Madonna from my Vinyl or CD than streaming any day. Once again, Madonna makes more money from endorsements or physical sales than radio/streaming.

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8 hours ago, LongIslandTea said:

She will NOT allow any unfinished demo to be released.

Exacly. She's a perfectionist.

I wanna be an artist in the future and I feel her why she doesn't want to share a work in progress. While we enjoy those tracks, they never met with her expectations. That's why we can't demand demos unfortunately. :Madonna023:


However Madonna will put something additionaly into the reissues to encourage people to buy them for sure. :Madonna036:

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10 hours ago, LongIslandTea said:

To M, this is the max extend she would do for a deluxe boxset.... or maybe with a dildo keychain.

She will NOT allow any unfinished demo to be released.

I think this mindset is a little bit in the past now for her. She posted on Instagram vibing to her 1981/1982 demos while she was writing her movie script and she released the "Back That Up To The Beat" demo as it was (no tweaking) after it got viral a couple of years ago. She also gave permission to Patrick Leonard to upload three "Like A Prayer" demos to YouTube to make an auction tape go down in value.

She's more relaxed about demos in the last few years I think. I'm sure the expanded editions will include demos, maybe not all of them and just the selected ones she likes of course, but demos anyway.

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