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[November 1-2, 2023] The Celebration Tour (10-11/78), Barcelona


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30 minutes ago, pcd said:

So, thousands of ppl somehow manage to gather in one place on time but one person cannot get on stage on time even though shes been touring for years professionally.

it was my first madonna tour. But im already tired after waiting hours in line and also waiting more than an hour for madonna to go on stage. Still she is not on stage. How is it professional?

You are in time to quit dear, if being surrounded by fans, merch, the venue, the guys, the energy, besides de anticipation for Madonna isn’t enough, wait for the dvd next time. 

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20 minutes ago, ron92 said:

Same old story. The complain for the late is really boring. It was late every show from years, still complaining about it doesn’t make her on stage in time. Next time don’t buy tickets, it’s the only solution.

I agree with this to a point, but she is nearing two hours late.  I believe this is the latest she's been so far?  Up until tonight, she's been starting before 10 pm.

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5 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I agree with this to a point, but she is nearing two hours late.  I believe this is the latest she's been so far?  Up until tonight, she's been starting before 10 pm.

I’m not defending her. I’m just admit a fact. She is late, we don’t know why. Maybe she is tired, maybe she has technical problems or maybe she just wasting time who knows? The only thing that she could be late for sure, so if you don’t want to wait simply don’t go. There are no other choices. 

P.S. And we don’t have to forget that her kids are with her. Of course her priority are her children even if it’s just for some silly reason. Every mom will do the same. 

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10 minutes ago, ron92 said:

I’m not defending her. I’m just admit a fact. She is late, we don’t know why. Maybe she is tired, maybe she has technical problems or maybe she just wasting time who knows? The only thing that she could be late for sure, so if you don’t want to wait simply don’t go. There are no other choices. 

P.S. And we don’t have to forget that her kids are with her. Of course her priority are her children even if it’s just for some silly reason. Every mom will do the same. 

You say you aren't "defending her", but you've just listed many excuses for her without knowing yourself.  You're right! We don't know why she came on so late, but let's not pretend she doesn't have a history of coming on stage late, just because she can.  She doesn't need an excuse in her mind.  It's not a huge deal to me, but I can see why it can upset a lot of other people.  Not everyone is taking the next day off from work, or they rely on public transportation which may shut down after a certain time.  Ask yourself this question, how many jobs have you've had where you were allowed to be habitually late for more than an hour or an half or longer without being reprimanded or fired?   I doubt very many.  I love Madonna and I'll stick up for her for nearly about anything, but this lateness is a bit ridiculous.  Especially when she's been known for holding people accountable for punctuality in her own circle and those who work with her. 

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6 minutes ago, Cyber-Raga said:

I don’t care why she is late if she is late 2 hours or so. She also doesn’t care that people queue in front of a freezing venue (maybe not in Barcelona) for hours before being let into the arena where you end up standing for hours again before the show starts. If some people want to justify that and continue to enable her unprofessional behavior, fine your choice, but don’t tell me that I should just get over it because you don’t want to read people’s complaints or read them say something negative about M and her - once again - unprofessional behavior. If she had the balls to print the actual start time on the tickets she knows half of the general audience would tell her to F off and not buy them. But no she wants her cake and eat it too and that is not okay. 
Having said that, I do not have a horse in this race because at my shows she was on time and the last show I will attend I will survive if she comes on late but I can absolutely understand people who are annoyed by her decision to keep showing up late for whatever reason it might be (and no it’s not always because of technical issues and if it is she needs to fire those people and hire more reliable and capable/professional ones). 

have fun at tonight’s show y’all. 

I choose not to travel from Australia for this reason, being in strange cities where the performer thinks they as an individual are more important than the safety of their fans to get home or to hotels, not to mention get value from a very expensive show before the energy plummets from tiredness or fans getting hang overs before the show starts.

Its a choice but also completely normal to get annoyed at. Its very very very rarely technical issues and there is zero justification for defending her bad behaviour.

I am just glad phones are back, no need to put up with that unprofessionalism with that much access. I will only go if she comes to my city and cost is minimised 

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8 minutes ago, Cyber-Raga said:

I don’t care why she is late if she is late 2 hours or so. She also doesn’t care that people queue in front of a freezing venue (maybe not in Barcelona) for hours before being let into the arena where you end up standing for hours again before the show starts. If some people want to justify that and continue to enable her unprofessional behavior, fine your choice, but don’t tell me that I should just get over it because you don’t want to read people’s complaints or read them say something negative about M and her - once again - unprofessional behavior. If she had the balls to print the actual start time on the tickets she knows half of the general audience would tell her to F off and not buy them. But no she wants her cake and eat it too and that is not okay. 
Having said that, I do not have a horse in this race because at my shows she was on time and the last show I will attend I will survive if she comes on late but I can absolutely understand people who are annoyed by her decision to keep showing up late for whatever reason it might be (and no it’s not always because of technical issues and if it is she needs to fire those people and hire more reliable and capable/professional ones). 

have fun at tonight’s show y’all. 

That's where I stand.  I've actually been to a couple shows where she was late.  But I expected it and planned for it.  Still, it doesn't mean people don't have the right to complain.  I agree; some people can't stand  to read any negativity about her, so they will say whatever to justify.  While, they have that right, it doesn't mean people should just accept it or don't go.  I agree, she isn't the first entertainer to be habitually late, but at the end of the day, it doesn't mean people should accept it or sit out.  We can't pretend that this behavior hasn't affected her ticket sales, no matter how many tickets she's still selling.

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What “fan” could possibly be expecting her to be on time after 4 decades of getting later and later for each tour. I think they are trouble making haters and not fans. Complaining for something that you know is going to happen. Like the other’s said, if you don’t like the lateness, stay home and watch a DVD.

I refuse to defend anyone on this forum that complains for lateness.

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8 minutes ago, Honey Little said:

What “fan” could possibly be expecting her to be on time after 4 decades of getting later and later for each tour. I think they are trouble making haters and not fans. Complaining for something that you know is going to happen. Like the other’s said, if you don’t like the lateness, stay home and watch a DVD.

Says the person who judges her constantly for her ass and face.  Please, take a seat and stop this ridiculous trolling you're doing.  People have every right to "complain" about her lateness whether they are a fan or not.   It has nothing to do with "expectations".  We all are aware she's always late! :bubblebitch:

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14 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

I would say 9pm is acceptable 10pm is taking the piss and she wonders sometimes why audiences are not lively 

And even if she takes the stage after 10 pm for a legit reason, I'm fine, but we all know she's habitually late.  I've accepted that.  I think most fans have, but it doesn't mean we should sit quiet and say nothing.  Like mentioned in an earlier post, no other job would allow someone to be habitually late without just cause without being reprimanded or fired.  Also, she has been known to be very irritated by those who show up late on her time as well, so I think it is justifiable to allow people to voice their opinions about her lateness, even though it probably won't change anything.  At the same time, the more people complain, the more chance it will get back to her and her team.  There has to come to a point they must realize this could very much be damaging to her touring reputation and affect sales.

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1 hour ago, o_g_c_x said:

Tonight the audience was cold af. I think I have seen 3-4 people dancing...

cuz people were probably tired. Did u see the queue? We waited in the queue for hours. And then madonna came on stage close to 10 pm.

And its weekday, probably ppl came after they got out of work. So… u cant expect people to be energic at 10 pm after all those waitings.

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