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Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more


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On 8/15/2024 at 3:37 PM, EgoRod said:

That's what the sister said. When it comes to religions I only see grifters so any of them have the same values to my eyes.

From what she said it has to do with  the way she was involved with the organization rather than the meaning of the spiritual side.

Like they used her and tell her what to do or not and that clashes with Caresse help.

How much of that has to be part of the real deal who knows.

@Roland Barthes has some interesting points and info on that thread I just shared

Caresse's departure also coincides with a settlement they finally had with Warner regarding the sale of Maverick,  she was the negociator in this and she left right after the announcement of the deal. 

Also Madonna was based in London at the time and Caresse was still living in LA, she needed someone on a day to day basis which becker being in London was perfect for. She parted ways once she made up her mind to go back to New York. As much as Confessions was a huge worldwide success it was not really the case in the USA which pissed off Madonna, hence Hard Candy being totally manufactured for the american market, in some ways it's like a disco RnB version of Confessions. 

Sometimes people read too much into things when it's just business and not a soap opera. On the other hand i've recently been told the real reason why her friendship with Gwyneth ended is not really Tracy Anderson but Madonna wanted Gwyneth to star in a movie she directed ( the person could not tell if it was F&W or WE) and she did not want to, Madonna twisted her arm into doing it but Gwyneth did not falter other sources say she wanted to Gwyneth to publicly support her with the adoption of David because Madonna felt no one was defending her. And between Swept away and Confessions she was undergoing hormonal therapy to get pregnant. And the Kaballah aspect was totally out of control as they were using rabbis as marital therapists and Kaballah (Torah) to win arguments over each other (guy & madonna) which was all the time. Another thing no ones ever mentionned, the mysterious woman who supposedly called her to ask her to do something about Malawi is bs. The church of Kaballah had already established itself in Malawi and the Bergs are the ones who told Madonna about it and how she could be "a healer" and seen as a dogooder, in fact it started as far as when the same rabbi told her to make these children books to fund the spirituality for kids charity which turned out to be an embezzlement. Madonna sought help from many governments and i know that the french government turned down her request because upon inspection the charity was heavily involved in Kaballah which is registered as a cult in France. They made her think she was special and had healing powers, was a superior being....which is funny considering she said many times Kaballah was responsable for taming her ego, in fact they controlled it to take her money and use her as a pawn to attract new followers. It all blew up when officials and the press investigated into her Malawi venture and she discovered she had been robbed, all the money she invested to build schools was gone. Tracy Anderson's bf was the one in charge. She sought help from Jeffrey Sachs and he really saved her ass in Malawi. Then the Bergs died. But yes, Madonna was heavily manipulated by the church of Kaballah in every aspect of her life and i wonder how it affected her and what it mentally did to her because it was her whole life. Everything she had built in the late 90's, early 00's was gone : her marriage, her "religion", Maverick, people close to her etc...I don't know what her ties are now to Michael Berg or the Church of Kaballah, it disappeared miraculously from the media and no one paid attention to it or said anything. Very good PR. As in almost every era of Madonna's life there's a big story there which has not been revealed at all. 


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3 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

I don't know what her ties are now to Michael Berg or the Church of Kaballah, it disappeared miraculously from the media and no one paid attention to it or said anything. Very good PR. As in almost every era of Madonna's life there's a big story there which has not been revealed at all. 

She was still talking about getting advice from her “Kabbalah teacher” earlier this year on tour. I also discovered the hat she was wearing during rehearsals “Spiritually hungry” is for sale on the Kabbalah centre website. Plus of course she still follows them on Instagram. So she’s still heavily involved in it it would seem.

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I think we do not realise how much that Kabbalah thing has changed her and her whole life for more than 25 years. The thing is, when people begin to follow a new "cult", at the beginnin everything is peace and love and people are feeling "way better" with eveything and everyone around them, and that's more or less the Ray of Light era so in a way, we all had a good taste in our mouths about Madonna and Kabbalah. Then we all noticed it took a slightly different turn around 2003... And in the end i have a feeling we have no idea how much impact that cult had and still has in her life, proffessional and private. As some mentionned it's still there, in her life. We, as fans, follow her as if it's just gone, or still there but it's something positive and after all we're used to it, but we have no idea how much it's influencing all her decisions for more than two decades. 

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In the end only her and close people to her know about the positive, negative or neutral overall impact of Kabbalah in her life.

Plus things are never black or white. She could have had a bad experience with the Bergs but not overall, etc. She doesn't talk about it, so there's no way to know about how she feels about that all. Maybe in the biopic, but I doubt it.

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i also sense, that there were major issues with kabbalah in the background and she is heavily affected and changed by it. it saved her life in the late 90s as she stated many many times. she might owe it, loves it, believes it, needs it to stay sane. at the same time, a religion/cult always comes with a price to pay and she pays it. she stopped talking about it publicly, which is interesting as she was sooo passionate about doing so in the past. it could be one of her big conflicts / contradictions. she believes/needs it, but at the same time, she must understand the systematic power it has over her and she must rebel about it in some ways.

i don't know, but it is for sure one of the big unknown mysteries about her in the almost last two decades.

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Well if anyone is spiritually hungry for $49.99 per month you can start your journey toward enlightenment at www.kabbalah.com.

There are also red strings for $26, a Karen and Rav Berg candle set for $100 or a case of 12 bottles of Kabbalah water that has been blessed and meditated on at the Kabbalah centre “infusing the light of the Pinchas Torah reading”  for $58.

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The Red String Package

The Red String protects us from the influences of the Evil Eye, a very powerful negative force. It refers to the unfriendly stare and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us. Kabbalah teaches that we can remove intrusive negative influences by using tools such as the Red String. The package includes enough string for about 3-6 bracelets depending on wrist size.

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The teachings of Kabbalistic Astrology originate with Abraham the Patriarch who authored a book known as the Book of Formation 3800 years ago. Abraham was able to reveal the DNA of our universe and how the influences of the zodiac affect our lives. Join world renowned Kabbalistic Astrologer Yael Yardeni as she explains how we can use Kabbalistic Astrology as a short cut to find and understand the truth of our soul, our mission in the world and how we can improve all of our relationships.


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13 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

The teachings of Kabbalistic Astrology originate with Abraham the Patriarch who authored a book known as the Book of Formation 3800 years ago. Abraham was able to reveal the DNA of our universe and how the influences of the zodiac affect our lives. Join world renowned Kabbalistic Astrologer Yael Yardeni as she explains how we can use Kabbalistic Astrology as a short cut to find and understand the truth of our soul, our mission in the world and how we can improve all of our relationships.


Abraham was able to reveal the MDNA of our universe

Thank you.

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13 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

Angela's departure also coincides with a settlement they finally had with Warner regarding the sale of Maverick, Becker was the negociator in this and she left right after the announcement of the deal. 

Also Madonna was based in London at the time and Caresse was still living in LA, she needed someone on a day to day basis which becker being in London was perfect for. She parted ways once she made up her mind to go back to New York. As much as Confessions was a huge worldwide success it was not really the case in the USA which pissed off Madonna, hence Hard Candy being totally manufactured for the american market, in some ways it's like a disco RnB version of Confessions. 

Sometimes people read too much into things when it's just business and not a soap opera. On the other hand i've recently been told the real reason why her friendship with Gwyneth ended is not really Tracy Anderson but Madonna wanted Gwyneth to star in a movie she directed ( the person could not tell if it was F&W or WE) and she did not want to, Madonna twisted her arm into doing it but Gwyneth did not falter other sources say she wanted to Gwyneth to publicly support her with the adoption of David because Madonna felt no one was defending her. And between Swept away and Confessions she was undergoing hormonal therapy to get pregnant. And the Kaballah aspect was totally out of control as they were using rabbis as marital therapists and Kaballah (Torah) to win arguments over each other (guy & madonna) which was all the time. Another thing no ones ever mentionned, the mysterious woman who supposedly called her to ask her to do something about Malawi is bs. The church of Kaballah had already established itself in Malawi and the Bergs are the ones who told Madonna about it and how she could be "a healer" and seen as a dogooder, in fact it started as far as when the same rabbi told her to make these children books to fund the spirituality for kids charity which turned out to be an embezzlement. Madonna sought help from many governments and i know that the french government turned down her request because upon inspection the charity was heavily involved in Kaballah which is registered as a cult in France. They made her think she was special and had healing powers, was a superior being....which is funny considering she said many times Kaballah was responsable for taming her ego, in fact they controlled it to take her money and use her as a pawn to attract new followers. It all blew up when officials and the press investigated into her Malawi venture and she discovered she had been robbed, all the money she invested to build schools was gone. Tracy Anderson's bf was the one in charge. She sought help from Jeffrey Sachs and he really saved her ass in Malawi. Then the Bergs died. But yes, Madonna was heavily manipulated by the church of Kaballah in every aspect of her life and i wonder how it affected her and what it mentally did to her because it was her whole life. Everything she had built in the late 90's, early 00's was gone : her marriage, her "religion", Maverick, people close to her etc...I don't know what her ties are now to Michael Berg or the Church of Kaballah, it disappeared miraculously from the media and no one paid attention to it or said anything. Very good PR. As in almost every era of Madonna's life there's a big story there which has not been revealed at all. 


This is exactly why a 2 hour or even 3 hour biopic is not gonna work for me. This paragraph alone should be turned into a God damn mini series.

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23 hours ago, Frozen98 said:

I wonder why her friendship with Gwineth Paltrow ended....what do you think happenned ? 

She's sick of following M's diet and decided to go for fried chicken, hence, the end of "friendship".


"I just spent a few months living and working in Nashville, Tennessee, which was an incredible experience," Gwyneth writes. "As I'm apt to do, I researched, ate, drank, tried and asked my way around the city 'til I found the best spots it has to offer. Never have I met such warm people, heard such good music, eaten so much fried chicken ... I could go on and on ... it's pretty damn great."

Among Gwyneth's 'great places to eat' for fried chicken was Swett's, recommended to her by co-star, Tim McGraw.

The restaurant's specialty is "meat and three" -- your choice of meat with three side items, among them collard greens, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, apple or peach pie and more.

"The fried chicken here is superb," Gwyneth writes. "Crunchy and not oily on the outside, and juicy on the inside."

There was also the Whiskey Kitchen, about which Gwyneth raves, "The sweet potato fries are delicious, the fried chicken sliders do the trick, the [biscuits] are the best that I sampled in the city of Nashville, and the oysters on the half shell come with a shot of Bloody Mary. What more could you ask for?"



Forbidden carb
You ditch the friendship forever :drama:


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@LongIslandTea I guess the chicken Gwyneth has chosen over Madonna's diet is the same that gave Scotch Tape a few more (biological) chicks... @Roland Barthes has some thé about I suppose.

But OT: I guess a woman can have the right to retire from her job the time she want to without being on scrutiny of lil'medonsters; or they are implying Madonna discarded her just like a used tampon only because of "concurrence for men"? Comm'on guys, you are better than that! By the way, I believe Caresse took too personally the erase that the Berg family made Madonna to do to her since she had all her bridges burnt (out of curiosity, Caresse managed Paulina Rubio just after Madonna and Mexican Madonna/chica dorada is a fucking Kabbalist as well, so it must have sounded painful by square to poor Caresse) after what happened to M and her - I believe Caresse had nothing more to do at the showbiz so she found out that the heartstabbing could've only been cured to a deadlier wound - I know the ways things like these happen.

But Angela is a whole different case and she's happy to be a mother and having Madonna as part of her past (while Caresse was never happy to).

And sorry for my repulsive choice of words - well, lil'medonsters are used to use much worse things shall we be honest.


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I'm still amazed by how her whole life turned upside down when she hit 50, it feels like a curse. 

There were stories about the Church of Kaballah that were close to the ones we hear about Scientology, how they use big stars to attract the regular guy but thet never meet the stars who are in a totally different section. How they charge heavily for everything and try to control lives. How all this disappeared from the media is a miracle considering how Kaballah was pretty big in the news thanks to Madonna. 

And "healer" really is a high rank position in the church of kaballah.

From Caresse's sister itw she said that Kaballah got into Madonna's head and she mostly blames the church of kaballah than Madonna even though she thinks she's not innocent. So from that, i wondered if it was like for Scientology where a person from the member's entourage questioning the cult is considered "suppresive" and the member must cut ties with this person which could be an explanation. 

Many women from the Housewives franchise, especially the BH one joined Kaballah in the early 00. You don't see any celebrity talking about it anymore or wearing the red string....if the church still operates it's very low key. Has Ariana Grande talked about it ? Her mother joined it and Franky and Ari followed. 

I very recently learnt about the ties between the church, israel and malawi that date back from before Madonna. 

I know Madonna being in a cult is something fans rather forget about more than MDNA but it is another fascinating ramification in her incredibly eventful life like how she was heavily involved in gangsta rap feuds in the mid 90's, you can almost base a whole miniseries around every year or 6 month period of her life. Nobody Knows Me was no joke, she had so many lives.


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27 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

There were stories about the Church of Kaballah that were close to the ones we hear about Scientology, how they use big stars to attract the regular guy but thet never meet the stars who are in a totally different section. How they charge heavily for everything and try to control lives. How all this disappeared from the media is a miracle considering how Kaballah was pretty big in the news thanks to Madonna. 

I have absolutely no idea on how Kabbalah operated/operates but at least when she was in London she attended completely regular Kabbalah classes where literally anyone else interested in Kabbalah could attend too. If I remember well you just needed to buy a couple of books and that was it, you were in. I know people (fans) who were there in the same room with her but of course by keeping a low profile, I guess if it was obvious that you were there for her you would be kicked out?

What I mean is, at least in London, it seemed to be all very normal and she was among regular people.

Again, I have no reason to defend Kabbalah but them not appearing in the news anymore could be actually a good sign instead of the opposite. I mean, after so many years, if there were horror stories from back then, surely they would be shared now? Media and people always love a good cult horror story. I don't see the comparison with Scientology, really. That other cult... they seem to be way darker and dangerous and there are many, many stories about it.

Kabbalah maybe just went out of fashion.

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22 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

There were stories about the Church of Kaballah that were close to the ones we hear about Scientology, how they use big stars to attract the regular guy but thet never meet the stars who are in a totally different section. How they charge heavily for everything and try to control lives. How all this disappeared from the media is a miracle considering how Kaballah was pretty big in the news thanks to Madonna. 


As @Prayermentioned I also have a very close friend who attended Rosh Hashana the same time she did at the end of reinvention tour, He was behind her at the celebrations and his only comment is that she keeps to herself and is very quiet. He has also been at some Purim parties in NYC and at the center at the same time she has  

I don’t think that Kabbalah is a cult, but I do think that the Catholic Church is the biggest cult scam there is 

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9 minutes ago, littlestartman said:

who cares about Kaballah when she delivered ROL-Music-AL-COADF during those heavy K years. The best output for an artist after 40

I was going to say that whatever Kabbalah took away from her (money?) she also used them A LOT for her own benefit and it inspired a lot of her work. And “ROL” promo was all 50% new mum, 50% spirituality. In the first, first album interviews (late 1997, early 1998) she wasn’t that much into talking about the whole Kabbalah thing but once she saw with journalists it had become a big key selling point for the album and for herself, suddenly she was all Mother Earth.

And people loved it.

So who used who really?

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