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How would you react if Madonna collaborates with Lady Gaga?


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So, how would you react if they collaborate together?


Speaking of Gaga, some of you like her and admire her, some of you are just ''OK'' with her, and some of you call her Lady Caca  :Madonna017:

Will you like the fact that they've done something together?

For me, that'd be the best thing  :heart:

Let's discuss  :cute:




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I'm all for collaboration. With any artist. I think both of them have similar artistic minds and could make awesome music. As long as it's something really really groovy and makes us sing and dance. I love them both!



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I'm all for collaboration. With any artist. I think both of them have similar artistic minds and could make awesome music. As long as it's something really really groovy and makes us sing and dance. I love them both!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Exactly, they both have same aspects for everything (music, life...) It's just that Gaga still builds herself, which is normal she's only 8 years into this.

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any reason???


while i respect everyone's tastes and while i think that gaga is truly talented, i still dislike her as a music act/public persona because i could never connect with her at all; she always seemed super-fake to me. even if she was standing up for "outsider" communities (which frankly, i thought was just not heartfelt and looked imitated).

also, it seemed like i had seen a lot of her act before in some shape or form, in ways that i liked much better.

and there was (still is?) a sense of megalomaniac mentality that she expresses/exudes that i just don't like. i have always felt there's not enough substance to her to back her words/actions/appearance.


in my opinion, madonna should not collaborate with any female singer (as much as i liked the MATM song, the visual made me cringe; don't get me started about miley and taylor swift...bad moves IMO). i never liked ANY of her (visual) collaborations with females. for some reason, i think her energy works much better with men than with women. she is too much of an alpha female. if she dominates by presence but not by musical skill in a musical act with a female, it reflects bad on her, in my opinion. energy-wise, performance-wise she will probably be the strongest out there but she can't be paired with someone who has more musical talent as such or who builds their appearance/performance on it. the same goes for over-the-top costumes or performing with people who make them part of their performance. she never needed these costumes (although some of hers were pretty outrageous already but never dimmed out HER. she wears clothes. she never let clothes wear her), or let's say, she never needed the monster-like appearance; even when she wears masks it sort of dims out her real shine when you see that compared to her whole face/appearance. which is natural. her body language is top notch, being a dancer.

Her performance and energy is built on her face, her energy, her charisma, her body language. anyone who is performing next to her who is not like that would make a cringeworthy pairing. 


bottom line for me:

they are VERY different artists. they only seem to be very similar because gaga seems to have been very inspired by M but only grasped superficial elements of her; and i think that's exactly what was meant by "reductive". reduce madonna to a few things and you end up with gaga several years ago.

i am curious to see what she does with acting experience under her belt though.(promising)

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If I were managing Madonna AND her goal was continuing to focus on trying to get a hit and stay uber current, I would have her focus on collabo's at this point.  Every upcoming DJ album release would have a Madonna vocal track on it.  ie: Calvin Harris feat. Madonna

That could help her chart again by introducing her to millennials and the market that listens to DJ's, that have no idea who Madonna really is.


Im having a hard time seeing a gaga/madonna collabo being huge if it were to come up as part of Gaga's return to pop.  She's trying to retool her pop career.  Working with Madonna could make sense for Gaga once she finds success again in pop - her LG5 album is going to be her big bet.  If it pays off then she can then consider a track with M for LG6 or some side project.

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There's no point in this. Gaga is over since 2011.Madonna may not chart as well but at least she's a legend. 8 years in and Gaga hasn't produced a truly lasting song, all she did just vanished like flavour of the day.  I wish they just did something together like an lgbt rally  to ease the stupid and tired fans feud but no collab. I also wish Madonna never covered BTW on the MDNA tour. 

Madonna should collab with Rihanna or somebody who is charts material or somebody completly leftfield. Gaga is neither of these.

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There's no point in this. Gaga is over since 2011.Madonna may not chart as well but at least she's a legend. 8 years in and Gaga hasn't produced a truly lasting song, all she did just vanished like flavour of the day.  I wish they just did something together like an lgbt rally  to ease the stupid and tired fans feud but no collab. I also wish Madonna never covered BTW on the MDNA tour. 

Madonna should collab with Rihanna or somebody who is charts material or somebody completly leftfield. Gaga is neither of these.

speaking of lasting hits:



but wait, you're talking about charts also, right?? Do you know how many times Madonna was never to be seen on the charts and than came back bigger than ever?? for example, after erotica and bedtime stories (which were not that much successful) she continued with movie (even bigger blackout from the music), but then she released ray of light and she was bigger than ever... american life was heavily hated and not that successful, but then she released coadf and everyone remembered who's the queen of pop again... 


I don't want to sound harsh tho, we're just discussing  :smile:

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I would love it. I think it would be the collaboration of the century, and also could be a chance of Madonna getting a #1 on the Hot 100

the whole GP would eat up the song.... madonna and gaga, it'll surprise them  :wink:  and it seems really easy to get #1 today, and even when these two names would come together, it'll be a chart-topper 

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No, thanks. I prefer to hear her vocals and her own point of view. Example: I prefer to listen to the demo version of Veni Vidi Vici without Nas' lyrics. I like his voice and his own stuff but I do not like hearing his own story sung or shadowing Madonna's autobiographical lyrics. I was not a big fan of Me Against the Music and I never play it. I figured a collaboration with Madonna/Britney should have been better produced and written. Maybe William Orbit would have been a better producer of that idea. I did, however, love the live and on the stage M./Britney collaborations of Like a Virgin and Human Nature. Now to me, that is how a younger diva collaboration with Madonna should be done -- a live/one-off show number and not on an album track. 


I did not mind the Justin T. featured vocals on Hard Candy - and I prefer the Dance 2night over 4 Minutes only because Madonna never really gets to sing the chorus or say "4 minutes to save the world" on that song. It makes it seem like as if she is the featured artist on a JT album. I really disliked Timbaland's noises and grunts. It really made it seem non-Madonna. The same with the Kanye produced tracks on Rebel H. -- Inside Out, to me, is over shadowed by Kanye. Especially the part when the beat stops and Madonna whispers. In the demo, its only her voice, but on the album version it has chords and makes it feel less-Madonna in style... and to me his "one more time" additions are too much. 


When I was younger I would always skip over Love Song with Prince, but today it is one of my favourite songs from that album. I really enjoyed the Ricky Martin duet and I loved hearing the Pet Shop Boys on their remix of Sorry. Maybe all those rap features on her albums should have been saved for remixes. I much prefer the solo version of Give Me All Your Luvin', but like the raps on the remixes. Same with Missy's remix rap on American Life. 


I'm writing my thoughts out loud. Maybe I'd be ok with a Gaga collab if it was not really an album track but a special single of sorts and it was completely written and produced together -- and a complete masterpiece. But then again, what for? I'd rather hear Madonna work with artists of her generation, like: Kylie, Pet Shop Boys, Cyndi Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, and even George Michael or Boy George. I would rather Madonna feature a Celine Dion bridge solo than another Nikki Minaj rap. Can you imagine Celine Dion belting out the Like a Prayer intermediate solo?? OMG. Maybe I'd feel different about a rap feature if the choice was more edgy, like Peaches for example. I guess M.I.A. and Mike Tyson was edgy choices.


When I think of Gaga, I think of Do What You Want and its duets -- it makes me cringe. 


Other artists I'd rather see Madonna work with are: RuPaul, Alanis Morissette, Feist, Sufjan Stevens (write and produce), Stevie Nicks (even if just song writing or a cover of Stevie song), more Pet Shop Boys, Cyndi Lauper, Kylie Minogue, Bruce Springsteen (write and duet), Dave Stewart (write and produce), Robyn, George Michael and/or Boy George.


Who would be your choices over Gaga?


(No more Gaga, no Justin B. or T., no Jonas Bros, no Disney wannabes, no to Kanye or Drakey poo, no Destiny's child, no more Diplo, no RiRi, no new Britney or smiley Miley, I don't want a Sia clone song, no more bubblegum radio trash)


Thanks for reading.

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I read it all. So, you don't want any collaborations or you don't want Lady Gaga to do a song with Madonna?




I prefer Madonna to be the only vocal on a track. I prefer when Madonna collaborates with great producers and songwriters. 


If she chooses to work with other artists (Gaga or ??) as duet or featured vocals on a same track: I'd be ok with it as long as it has longevity and is a masterpiece like for example No More Tears (Donna and Babs) ... and not a copy of that, but something fresh and original, well produced and written. Not some gimmick for attention or just to get a charting single. Blow are goddamn socks off.


Also I would prefer an anthem song written about the joys of life, sex, romance, boyfriends, friendship, dancing, love, dreams.


No statements about empowerment, or feminism, or hate crimes, or rape culture. I'd be ok with gender issues, but no to Born This Way.


I'd be ok if she wrote a song with Gaga and recorded it on her own, but not duet.

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I prefer Madonna to be the only vocal on a track. I prefer when Madonna collaborates with great producers and songwriters. 


If she chooses to work with other artists (Gaga or ??) as duet or featured vocals on a same track: I'd be ok with it as long as it has longevity and is a masterpiece like for example No More Tears (Donna and Babs) ... and not a copy of that, but something fresh and original, well produced and written. Not some gimmick for attention or just to get a charting single. Blow are goddamn socks off.


Also I would prefer an anthem song written about the joys of life, sex, romance, boyfriends, friendship, dancing, love, dreams.


No statements about empowerment, or feminism, or hate crimes, or rape culture. I'd be ok with gender issues, but no to Born This Way.


I'd be ok if she wrote a song with Gaga and recorded it on her own, but not duet.

They're both amazing songwriters, I'm sure that'd be a lyrical masterpiece  :Madonna041:

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The new Kylie Minogue song - theme to Absolutely Fabulous movie Wheels On Fire would have been a fantastic Madonna and Kylie duet collaboration.


It would have been so much fun to see both of them camp it up as Edina and Patsy in a video and dance around, oh and remixes too omg. It would have been a major gay anthem and such an abfab moment. But alas, I can only dream ...


I love Kylie's version. Great for her!!

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Alanis Morissette

Sufjan Stevens 

Stevie Nicks

Pet Shop Boys

Dave Stewart 


George Michael


(No more Gaga, no Justin B. or T., no Jonas Bros, no Disney wannabes, no to Kanye or Drakey poo, no Destiny's child, no more Diplo, no RiRi, no new Britney or smiley Miley, I don't want a Sia clone song, no more bubblegum radio trash)


Thanks for reading.




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