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    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Life happened ?‍♂️
    I think her post 2007 self is very similar to the early 90s with lots of acting out and driving people away. It's just that back then she "cleaned up her act" and made good choices, had good breaks and was able to have a comeback. That hasn't happened in the last 10+ years. I guess W.E./MDNA were supposed to be a strategic move but it didn't work out as both had mixed reception, after that it's been an album with a lot of wait and without any build up every 3/4 years while the internet-era press eviscerates her for being human. 
    I guess my point is that not being able to have a lucky break in so long hasn't been fun for her, at least she still puts out great music, great videos and great shows, which is more than enough for me. 
  2. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Pootz333 in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Ok, it is all well and good, but why did her music suffer? If it is indeed the soundtrack to a show, and she expects people to go to the show so she can profit, then the music should still be top notch, what happened is the question... her shows and their musical direction have also suffered. 
    Obviously there's still been brilliant things here and there, but there was a change, maybe she lost interest to some degree. 
  3. Haha
    Fighter got a reaction from Leona Helmsley in Top 3 Madonna Videos   
    I still refuse to pick 3 lmao
  4. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Leona Helmsley in Top 3 Madonna Videos   
    Another tough question 
    I love a ton of her videos so much and it's impossible to choose.
    Bedtime Story, Justify My Love, Frozen, Sorry, WIFLFAG, Erotica...... I mean really.
    Its impossible.
  5. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Gay vs. Straight fans   
    by the late 80s and early 90s she became much more clear about her association with gay culture, and also became a much more outspoken person in general, so of course the straight men left her, and a lot of women too. also queer men sometimes live vicariously through strong females in the arts so they have attached to her for longer.
  6. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from rlittler81 in Dislike towards Rebel Heart Tour?   
    I'm here. There are many things I thought made it underwhelming. But mostly the themes seem very been there done that, and the album had many themes that while she's done them before a little bit, they fit the songs better so we would've ended up with a more creative tour.
    I thought MDNA Tour really elevated the songs and album to something greater, I didn't think the same with RHT.
  7. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Confessions Lightside in Gay vs. Straight fans   
    by the late 80s and early 90s she became much more clear about her association with gay culture, and also became a much more outspoken person in general, so of course the straight men left her, and a lot of women too. also queer men sometimes live vicariously through strong females in the arts so they have attached to her for longer.
  8. Thanks
    Fighter got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    you again. How many times do I have to ban you Liam/MarXus/Gilbert?  You're not wanted here and you never will be.
  9. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from WopaelWopael in The Long, Troubled History of The MDNA Tour DVD   
    Where did this info come from? I didnt know most of it.
    Honestly I think the film is pretty poor. Even if they had different stuff they had to blend together if these reasons are true, It's not just that they used footage from different shows but that a big deal of the footage is poor, even the Olympia footage was poorly shot.
    Ideally I would've liked the show to be filmed on a stadium show possibly in Brazil. Maybe one day the full Stade de France will leak. 
  10. Wow
    Fighter got a reaction from steady75 in "Immaculate Collection": Which track would you have replaced?   
    I think its perfect tbh, her most perfect compilation. and Im not a huge fan of the 80s stuff (I appreciate how amazing it is tho) but its just flawless.
  11. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Confessions Lightside in Nothing Really Matters - HD Remaster   
    The quality of these latest videos from the 90s is actually surprisingly good but there are tiny details that make me think they're upscales, for example at the beginning in Frozen her face in the distance looks very sharpened... the videos would be more detailed if they were from the original film too i think...
    anyway Nothing Really Matters is truly amazing, probably the best one so far
  12. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from into the erotico in Gay vs. Straight fans   
    by the late 80s and early 90s she became much more clear about her association with gay culture, and also became a much more outspoken person in general, so of course the straight men left her, and a lot of women too. also queer men sometimes live vicariously through strong females in the arts so they have attached to her for longer.
  13. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    cute. her sonshine 
  14. Like
  15. Like
    Fighter reacted to tomasjohn in Welcome - New but Same Forum   
    thank u @Jackie and @Fighter for saving this amazing place 
  16. Like
    Fighter reacted to wtg1987 in Welcome - New but Same Forum   
    Thanks @Jackie and to @Fighter for putting up with all our love and bitching 😘 let’s hope the next Madonna era is a great one 😍😍
  17. Like
    Fighter reacted to ChrisK in Welcome - New but Same Forum   
    Hi all
    Yesterday Fighter and I transferred the forum over to the new server. I want to give a HUGE thank you to @Fighterfor guiding me every step of the way. If it wasn't for them, there'd be no forum as I really was 'like a virgin' - I think I'm now still a 'baby' Madonna with this, but certainly know a lot more than I did yesterday!
    Nothing will change, all the same rules, expectations, community standards will remain the same. All moderators will stay the same and I hope @Fighteralso stays as a member/admin!
    I also want to thank each and everyone one of you for keeping this place alive, dynamic, respectful and a great place to come together to share anything really!
    Lot's of love
    Rebecca Carlson
  18. Like
    Fighter reacted to Spanky1995 in Welcome - New but Same Forum   
    Thank you @Jackiefor keeping the this forum alive and @Fighterfor making this space 
  19. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from ahlegx in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    id like a horror themed music video or something, dark ballet is pretty creepy already
  20. Like
    Fighter reacted to SuperBicycle in FORUM Not closing   
    Wow, was out for about a month and only getting back onto the forum, sorta glad I missed this stress. This is my favourite Madonna community and I hope to continue to participate for years to come. Thank you @Fighterfor all your hard work and best of luck with your health and studies, which are the most important, and a big thank you to @Jackie for taking over!
  21. Haha
    Fighter got a reaction from Andreo in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    @HollywoodXno offence did you sign up just to post this insanity or ...
  22. Thanks
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Art is supposed to be enjoyed, and being a fan of an artist's work is supposed to be enjoyable. If I'm not happy with an artist I'll take a break, and I actually do that all the time.. but also don't forget her Art is still there, her past albums, tours, videos... they're still there to be enjoyed and explored...  a "Van Gogh" type of artist will do things when they're inspired and ready, not when people want it or rushing to cash in on a situation like a pandemic and their work can still be enjoyed after a long time and not thrown away like McDonalds leftovers. I feel like her past work is always amazing, but I also loved Madame X and can still enjoy it like it's brand new (which it still is tbh)
  23. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    idk if she believed that or shes just trying to live her life and have fun, be a mum a girlfriend.. idc honestly as long as her actual work is still good and she pulled off madame x so im not too worried even with the messy tour...
  24. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Honestly I don't think you're against everything she does, but other people are. Other people who haven't liked her for 15, 20 years still visit places like this regularly to trash everything she does and help push negative posts with likes and it's a bit odd...  
  25. Like
    Fighter reacted to LikeAMelody in FORUM Not closing   
    Ok, now just seeing this.....thank you @Jackie! Again, thank you @Fighterand wish you the best of everything! 
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