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  1. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from CARBASS in Finally a dark theme!! My eyes and I thank you a lot, Mr. Fighter   
    yourre welcome ??
  2. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Gabocicco in   
    thanks sweetie 
  3. Like
    Fighter reacted to Gabocicco in   
    Enjoy, a big hug for you dear. 
  4. Sad
    Fighter got a reaction from devilpray in So heartbroken ? RIP SOPHIE.   
    so sad  RIP
  5. Thanks
  6. Wow
    Fighter got a reaction from RUADJAI in Anyone wanna buy a straw hat for 400$, I heard they were popular. Open to see a pictu   
    i never heard of that omggg i hate her 
  7. Haha
    Fighter reacted to R3B3LH3ART in coming here to escape the crazy little monsters i cannot stand ga anymore so annoyed   
    not this blowing up LOL
    no i love gaga i just cant stand her fans atm.. they're quite.. special..
    anyways stream MDNA
  8. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from RUADJAI in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    @WinnI am not worried about politics on this forum the way you and the other person are. You go on and on about being silenced yet you are the ones implying people shouldn't post things and becoming belligerent on a simple celebratory status update.  
    I can also assure you I do not worship politicians because that is very weird. I value ideas and institutions as do normal people, hence why we celebrate democracy being saved from the hands of stochastic terrorists inciting violent coups through years of hateful brainwashing and disinformation. My bringing up the FBI was a humorous way of saying "careful what you engage with on the internet" considering some of you are propagating conspiracy theories that led to what it led to. I'm ok with discussion but I draw the line at dangerous conspiracy theorism.
    Now about your second post;
    You are talking about criticism against Israel and lobbyists, coming from Muslims and leftists who don't agree with many of Israel's actions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and who do not agree with lobbying in general. Many prominent jews have defended Illhan Omar while recognizing the unfortunate way some of the wording in her criticisms falls into antisemitic troupes, as she has recognized herself. Criticism on the politics of Israel on a very complicated and sensitive conflict, doesn't equate "distrust of jews". 
  9. Haha
    Fighter got a reaction from HypocriticalMadonna in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    @cedarlake It's not fair enough, no. You've been a member for 6 years and haven't contributed anything to this community, you only come here to leech files. I don't know why you thought you have the right to question what anyone posts, especially a status update on someone's own profile.
    Some people couldn't help it but butt in on someone's celebratory post because the Immaturity and Entitlement is off the charts. No one wants to listen to entitled, self victimizing, conspiracy theorists. 
    No one said anything about Kamala's race making her more qualified to perform her job, but her race (and gender) in her position are important to achieving greater equality as a matter of representation. That is self-evident and a reason for celebration. You can be mad all day about it but don't make it anyone else's problem.  
  10. Thanks
    Fighter got a reaction from artlover in Congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris ? ? Congratulations   
    It's perfectly understandable you feel that way, but it's also perfectly understandable that people may misunderstand your replies as you weren't very clear and there's so much chaos out there. Let's just have patience 
  11. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from RUADJAI in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Don't waste your breathe, communism is doublespeak for civil rights, deep state is doublespeak for jews. "We can't have opinions anymore" means "I can't speak bigotry openly". 
  12. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from me1981 in Congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris ? ? Congratulations   
    It's perfectly understandable you feel that way, but it's also perfectly understandable that people may misunderstand your replies as you weren't very clear and there's so much chaos out there. Let's just have patience 
  13. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Raio_05 in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    kamala officially vice president ? ? ? ❤ 
  14. Like
    Fighter reacted to Andymad in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    HALLELU can I get an amen up in here!
  15. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Andymad in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    kamala officially vice president ? ? ? ❤ 
  16. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from RUADJAI in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    kamala officially vice president ? ? ? ❤ 
  17. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Of course I'm sure her race was considered, but clearly it isn't the only or even main factor. 
  18. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    @Winn do you really think the only reason a black woman would be picked as running mate is because of her race? Consider she's not that popular in the black community nor with progressives. I think Biden wanted someone who would push his buttons and we saw that in the primary debates. and she was also a prosecutor which will be very needed after the most corrupt administration in history. It's perfectly understandable he wouldn't want unqualified sycophants around him like Trump had.  
  19. Like
    Fighter reacted to RebelMe in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    Done. Feel free to edit, as the way you please @Fighter
  20. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Shoful in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    whoemever wants to open a new thread can open one 
  21. Like
    Fighter reacted to Shoful in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    Yes! Can we please open a new one. I love the speculations 
  22. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Shoful in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    I didn't have any arguments with anybody. I am the admin and I manage the forum how I see fit. I don't have all day for back and forths and dealing with childish people having childish fights.  I asked the favor for people to stop and they didn't. If people don't like how I manage my forum, there are other options. 
  23. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from VogueMusic in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    I didn't have any arguments with anybody. I am the admin and I manage the forum how I see fit. I don't have all day for back and forths and dealing with childish people having childish fights.  I asked the favor for people to stop and they didn't. If people don't like how I manage my forum, there are other options. 
  24. Haha
    Fighter reacted to Brandon Clark in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    LOL thank God soooooooo many of these fools around here need to be put in their place it's getting RE-DICK-YOU-LESS to say the least! I have to say I miss your Bette avatar it was always funny reading your comments & imagining her saying it LOL! Respect!
  25. Like
    Fighter got a reaction from Gabocicco in Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?   
    I didn't have any arguments with anybody. I am the admin and I manage the forum how I see fit. I don't have all day for back and forths and dealing with childish people having childish fights.  I asked the favor for people to stop and they didn't. If people don't like how I manage my forum, there are other options. 
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