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Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman

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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from deathproof in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Why not? For me it's the perfect way to say goodbye. I doubt she'll ever be able to top it.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Voguerista in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    This has a kabuki theatre sound...
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Aiwa08 in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    Excuse me, but this is almost offensive. What do you think? Spaniards only sings flamenco music? We have thousands of ballads similar to "Take A Bow" singing in spanish. And disco music, and rock, and heavy metal, and classical music...
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    If she went for the oriental approach even considering this was the 90s. It would aged really bad because of the cultural appropiation.
    I was living in Spain at the time and I remember she was obssesed with the culture. She had the Banderas crush and she was meddling in the scene. The bullfighter in the video is  a real bullfighter and the media gave lots of interest because of the supposedly affair between them.
    Top of that she was after Evita's role already and her character on the videos show her closer to the persona she developed after .
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from kesiak in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Tough luck for people.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to scion in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Stop moaning! 
    This summer could very easily have been Madonna free, just be grateful she's done a single that's probably going to be her most famous in years.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Sultrysully in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Jesus Christ.  There is a pandemic and Madonna is injured.  Cut the woman some slack.  
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from DiegoLCL in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Shoful in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Do you know any necromancers? Coz the only way you'd get a Rauhofer mix of Jump is to reanimate his corpse.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Fighter in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    The remix isn't the most amazing thing I've ever heard, but it's inoffensive. Ppl are so extreme lmaoo.  
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Norbert Peti in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    U know what is " HORRIBLE" ? The Corona virus Pandemic is horrible. A simple Club Remix is not. 
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to PaperFaces in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    I just want the God Control remixes.
  13. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Kristian_Kasell in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Do you know any necromancers? Coz the only way you'd get a Rauhofer mix of Jump is to reanimate his corpse.
  14. Sad
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Ulisaax640 in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Do you know any necromancers? Coz the only way you'd get a Rauhofer mix of Jump is to reanimate his corpse.
  15. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from nito84bcn in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Do you know any necromancers? Coz the only way you'd get a Rauhofer mix of Jump is to reanimate his corpse.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to CYSMM in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    when you first listen the song you are not even sure it's her.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Lum in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    she literally doesn't sound like madonna.
  19. Haha
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to TOpher in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    fans say Lucky Star is sampled. there has literally been no mention of it anywhere.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to deathproof in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and is likely bluffing lol
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to DoneGone in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Why are some of you so negative? There's no drama here, some singles are released on Thursday to gain attention and places on important playlists such as New Music Friday on Spotify. If they've moved it one day before I'm sure there's a reason behind it.
    Like I said, Dua's team don't mess around.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to kesiak in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    In a time when you're either a "follower" or a "hater" there's very little room for a nuanced discussion. The lack of general public's ability to engage in music and with an artist on a more nuanced way is also why Madame X suffered (I mean, aside from not getting radio airplay). I love that album. I think it's clever, brilliant, edgy and packed with great songs but it's a little bit too much for the 6 second attention span generation (although I'd argue even that could be challenged with certain songs off the album were they given proper airplay). Would I prefer less vocal processing? Yes, but I got over it and enjoy it for what it is. The tour was a magical experience for me despite several cancellations - it was a privilege to see that show. And yes, I would've loved a live drummer but I got over that too.
    The relief Gaga's and Kylie's recent returns to straight forward dance pop shows how little is expected of our artists these days - as long as they stay in their lanes, provide the stuff that made them big in the first place, we shall accept them wholeheartedly. It's also displayed in the never-ending Confessions On A Dancefloor nostalgia among Madonna's fans (one of Madonna's weakest albums in my opinion). I love the fact Madonna is not that kind of artist and she does what she wants. I struggle to understand why people can't appreciate and celebrate the fact that here's a woman in her 60s, with almost 4 decades in the business behind, who doesn't conform to what's expected of her, doesn't rely on her legacy and is instead looking forward and still experimenting. That doesn't mean liking everything she does (I sure don't) but perhaps having a bit more perspective and compassion for her. I think others are doing the best they can given the circumstances they are in. I don't know if that's true but I know I feel better when I assume that. 
  25. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to ChrisK in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    So much negativity towards her last couple of albums. I personally loved all three!
    People slagging Medellin - if I remember correctly it was UKs Radio 2 featured song for several weeks in a row - that says to me it was received well. Her Billboard performance was trending for a few weeks as well.
    Crave did well too - No. 51 on the UK charts, and No. 11 on the US Adult Contemporary - and received good airplay!
    Bitch was her biggest uTube hit in decades from Rebel Heart - plus with Rebel Heart she put her blood sweat and tears into that album - there's 130 + versions, and at least 40-50 unique songs - she worked hard on that album and some fans (or maybe non fans) ruined it for her. But she promoted the fuck out of it - all over the world!
    Whether you like her processed vocals or not, that's a personal preference. They all do it - even Taylor Swift.  Madame X was received extremely well by the critics - and I think it did pretty well considering it was very much a latin infused album in a non latin market.
    But, her brand is damaged - touring wise - coming on so late on all tours since MDNA isn't helping her with the general public. Her Rebel Heart Tour while brilliant - and finally coming to Australia - the legacy of that was the general public being pissed about her coming on so late.
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