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Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman

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  1. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to gafuller in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    The show I saw was beautiful and the time flew by as it each segments fed into another. Yes she was late... but I already knew that walking in. Wasn’t the first time a big artist was late. Florence and the Machine was late to the show I went to a couple years ago and we were all fine. 
  2. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    some fans are quick to forget how much we used to moan about WB back in the day 
  3. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to deathproof in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Body shaming..., really?!?!?
  4. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to deathproof in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Why do we as adults have to stoop so low to shame someone based on their body? It’s childish. 
  5. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Scottyx in Is Madonna on this forum too? ?   
    it is Rocco. He messages me all the time.  We discuss suits with baggy trousers.
  6. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to giovannimdna in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    How DUA LIPA Got MADONNA To Work With Her
  7. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to VogueMusic in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Nailed it.
    I find it highly transparent that moments of mistake and weakness are when when some folks - particularly a certain subset of fans (and some of them even in the media) - decide to let out what really are long-held, pent-up resentments about her not being the artist or celebrity they think she should be...and even more specifically, to be 'the Madonna' that they fell in love with at what time they deemed to be her "peak"...with most fans that's ROL Madonna or Confessions Madonna. Newsflash, not all fans worship those eras as if they're infallible. Or that they even represent the totality of who Madonna is. No single era does.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think a lot of fans are dealing with seeing their icon as not infallible. As human. As messy. Sometimes contradictory. Sometimes confusing. And now, with age added, and no longer with massive commercial success to buffer it all. And thus, a great deal of confirmation biases and vulnerabilities in us fans are being brought out in ways they weren't before, and projected back onto her.
    As I always say, hit the Google Earth button and never forget the bigger picture.
  8. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from bedtimestory in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    The Blessed Madonna doesn't do urban, she does house music. 
  9. Wow
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Roy in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    The Blessed Madonna doesn't do urban, she does house music. 
  10. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from EgoRod in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    The Blessed Madonna doesn't do urban, she does house music. 
  11. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from nito84bcn in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    The Blessed Madonna doesn't do urban, she does house music. 
  12. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Gâteau in Madonna and the piano   
    I want her to play Erotica on the flute 
  13. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Jaawsshhh in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Nothing wrong with being a Satanist  Half the shit people say about them/us isn't even true, but it's a good laugh!
  14. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    That's not necessary a bad thing. Something I like about scandi music: Robyn, Ionna Lee, The Knife, Annie..Bjork. They do what they like and they have a follow that buy their records and go to their shows. They don;t need to be in every single radio station.
  15. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Piksel8 in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Can we go back to the guy posting gifs because he doesn't know The Blessed Madonna?
  16. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to RebelMe in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    1: Yes, people have their right to express their views and beliefs, but they need to see if what they believe have fundament and it is based on facts at all. Madonna is a public and very influential person, with 15.5 million followers on instagram, so what she says, wrong or right, always make the front page of social media and the worldwide news. This kind of influence needs precaution, especially when you spread disinformation about a disease that is making the whole world stop. Can't you see, now, what the problem is? 
    2: Stop with this nonsense. You can't make assumptions on health issues spreading "theories". It's well known documented why it's so hard to find a cure for AIDS/HIV and Cancer, but it's well known documented too the incredible advancements on these subjects. 
    3: Is it right, right now, spreading misinformation about a deadly disease? Trump was doing it not long ago and she was furious spamming all of our timelines on instagram. 
    So just stop.
  17. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    "Cancel culture is a problem"- says the same people that boycot Nike because of their support of Colin Kaepernick.
  18. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    I just want to say not all french people believe in that shit
    As for Madonna, she needs to surround herself with adults that are more clever than she is to learn from them. For a few years now she's surrounded herself with tools who are in awe of her and she lectures them like she's god. She needs someone to tell her off. Like real friends do because people on your payroll don't.
  19. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Fighter in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Ah yes, these freaking millennials and their evidence-based fact-checking, where will it end?
  20. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to madaboutM in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Maybe she’s trying to get Kanye to produce her a record or something.
  21. Sad
  22. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Velvet Rope in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Can we go back to the guy posting gifs because he doesn't know The Blessed Madonna?
  23. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    One of the big problems with Madonna and always had been it's that she is out of touch with her privilege.
    She is tone deaf when it comes to realised how so many things are at her advantage and how money makes such a difference to the reality you live in.
    She wants to be supportive of causes, give voices to communities, fair enough but the more money she has and furthest she is on that tower of security the more distant she is of actual facts and reality. Also she find herself in a white saviour conflict that she does'nt want to admit.
    Tom Hanks was really honest talking about his experience with Covid19 and how he was scared but he was confident he would be safe because of his wealth and access to the right people.
    And this is an issue worldwide with this pandemic, the ones that can afford to call it a fraud or don't take it seriously are those that, subconsciously know that it won't affect them big deal. Of if it does they have a big chance to get better.
    Then are those that have no access to health, have families, have no room to isolate or able to pay rents or have the kids at home. There are homeless, there are people with weak health that coul'dnt survive a light fever.
    When you live in that privilege and  you don't use towards those that need help but to justify more of your selfish opinions, you are part of the problem.
  24. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Andymad in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Can we go back to the guy posting gifs because he doesn't know The Blessed Madonna?
  25. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to carlosR in Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes   
    Disseminating false information that puts people's health at risk should not be tolerated and accepted as freedom of expression. People who support the use of this medicine are petty and irresponsible, cannot cope with the new reality of the world and want a quick cure, even if other people's lives are put at risk.
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