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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by vitoralmeiida

  1. omg you're a saint! this is a piece of history - it will be amazing to read it again years from now.

    ps: I was in attendance in both Lisbon shows, the grills were not present at the first show (Nov 6) but they definitively were present on the second show (Nov 7).

    1. first up she needs to rest! we know M, she puts up this facade that she's invincible... but 81 dates months after almost dropping dead, she really IS strong, but she definitely needs to rest her body and mind.
    2. releasing the movie version of the tour, would be amazing for a theater release (much like Renaissance) but at least on Netflix,  Max or Disney.
    3. I would expect new music next year, I don't see her releasing new music in 2024.
  2. 1 hour ago, thelament said:

    I'm working on my "remaster" mentioned earlier in the thread, but while I was replacing the 5.1 dubbed speeches with 2.0 stream I looked a bit closer at the 5.1 track and am now doing some more work than expected :)
    It seems the Left and Right channels have most of the stage audio (e.g. backing tracks, mic feed) whereas the Center channel mixes that with audience sounds and (what seems to be) a louder mic feed.

    The L & R surround channels seem to be audio from mics placed further out in the audience which causes a slight delay on audience cheering and reactions, just like in real life cause of how sound travels distances, just that it throws u off a bit when you're watching the stage in real-time.

    Watching the file on my surround system, I felt like the 5.1 mix washed out the music a lot and was very unbalanced compared to the more streamlined stereo mix. So I'm putting more emphasis on the front L & R channels, as well as mixing them over a bit into the C channel, turning down the volume of as well as moving the surround channels a few frames/seconds back so the delay is less apparent and more natural to us watching the stage action.


    There are two 5.1 tracks in the 13 GB file, seems the second is the same as this one (the first 5.1 track in the file is the true surround mix, the second seems to be just a stereo mixdown + 3 empty channels).

    Other changes I'm doing:

    • Minor image adjustments for the entire video so the broadcast looks slightly less washed than it does currently, to make the colors pop a bit etc. I'm with all the folx complaining about the occasional pixelation but that's a bit difficult to get around. Grading will help a bit though! :)
    • Adding some visuals to the malfunctioning Bedtime Story cube (mostly cropped footage from either the side screens or fan footage from earlier dates) so it does the staging justice and doesn't look awkward.
    • Bob's mic feed is super low volume when he's telling the Garage rules during Holiday so I'll dub his voice over best I can with sound from a previous date.

    I'll try to be quick!

    omg THANK YOU!

  3. I think the perfect scenario would be to:

    1. Keep video from the Globo feed (14GB), we have less logos and the actual music is 5.1 audio.
    2. Replace ONLY the speeches with the audio from the Multishow feed (5GB) since its not dubbed.

    I dont have any video editing skills, but I think this way we get the best of both worlds.

    ps: for people wondering why there's any dubbing at all: only 5% of brazilians speak english and Globo is a national public TV. Multishow is a paid channel much like MTV.

  4. 6 minutes ago, FraP said:

    Madonna hasn't done an outdoor tour for years, not since 2012 to be precise. She must be thrilled.

    Anyway, I'll heed your advice. I'm going without a phone, as I'm not that dependent on smartphones and have absolutely no intention of taking photos or videos at the concert. I've seen it four times already, and even last time in San Francisco, I never took out my smartphone, resulting in a much better concert experience. Of course, I won't bring any documents or wallet. At most, I'll carry my old ID card that expired a few months ago, just in case.

    In any case, I'll use my Samsung smartwatch to make payments and I'll bring a bit of cash for emergencies. I'll generally be cautious, especially since I'll be in Brazil for 10 days. I'll avoid using my phone in the streets without taking attention around me.

    I'm always cautious and never act like a tourist. And no fear, as always. Just enjoy the moment with awareness to my surroundings.

    I'm pretty much chilled out everywhere... And there's security, too


    amazing then! it should be a smooth experience I'm sure - please enjoy!

  5. 1 minute ago, Andymad said:

    Not particularly the place but the whole thing altogether. Stresses me out, I don’t know if I could go to a huge massive thing like this with so many people. Even festivals I’m like 😳. So happy for everyone going but OMG my anxiety could never. STRESS

    oh yesss! absolutely. I've never been to Rock in Rio exactly because is just HUGE. don't like festivals that much.

  6. 1 hour ago, FraP said:

    Tomorrow I'm taking a flight to Rio... Can't wait! ✌️🥂

    I don't expect the show to be different, so if I get a surprise it will be a good surprise.

    But they told me to pay attention.

    I have been told that if I go from the early morning I will be robbed, raped and tortured... so I think I will camp as soon as I arrive (on the 2nd) 😆😆😆

    Jokes aside, is it really that dangerous? I was thinking of going late in the morning. I don't care about being in the front row; I just want to dance and have fun. I've seen this show four times and the most fun I had was when I was in the stands. Obviously, I won't bring my smartphone; I can do without it for a day, especially since there will be official recordings.


    don't listen to the people repeating the same stereotype. you're not gonna be stabbed on the stairs coming off of the plane.


    1. do not bring to the concert anything you cannot lose (ie. passport)
    2. try to buy a small money belt, where you can put your phone and spare change and your credit card (do not bring multiple credit cards with you)
    3. if you get the money belt, put it inside your pants, not on the outside.
    4. do not walk with your phone around, if you need to use it, get inside a store.
    5. for the concert: when you want to record it or take pictures, use both hands or secure it with a strap to your wrist.

    just be aware of your surroundings and try to be around other people. enjoy Rio and enjoy the show!

  7. 22 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    We even had stage design industry experts insisting it wasn’t possible 


    it is definitely  possible! my only question at the time was: "are they going to build the structure to make it happen?" and for the looks of it: yes! so its a win-win scenario, let's wait and see

  8. 2 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

    I have a question. Does anyone know if the company that is setting up the stage for Madonna's presentation in Brazil is the same one that has done it for the entire tour or is it a Brazilian company that is in charge of it?

    it's a Brazilian production company who's setting up the "shell" of the stage - the actual stage will be set-up by Madonna's team as always. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Donna said:

    Wow! Thanks for this. As for your question, couldn't it be set up from under the runways?  I'm assuming you mean the lights that light up around the side of the stage floors?

    yesterday they were mounting the light fixtures by the sides of the stage, MAYBE those will act as lighting for the runways - because there are a lot of moments on the show were the hanging lights are very important (Die Another Day, the beginning of LAP, etc...) but I'm still not sure... let's see how the stage will look by the end of today.

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