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    VogueMusic reacted to Voguerista in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Madonna has her ups and downs ..and I haven't always agreed with her decisions and beliefs, but, that's ok.  I'm still such a happy and proud fan. I've enjoyed so many endless hours of her music, tours, and videos(which have only gotten more magnificent over the years) and taken something great from every era ...even those I haven't liked as much as others. I'll be here for the long haul no matter what. 
  2. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Can-We-Get-Together in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    What's wrong with having a toy boy at 60?! 
    She clearly is a very sexual person and has a high sex drive, most men of her age wouldn't be able to keep up.
    So if she wants to go to bed with a younger handsome man leave her to it. She deserves it!!
    Just because she is 60 doesn't mean she has to date someone who is 60. Age is just a number, why do you care so much? 
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    VogueMusic reacted to DoneGone in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    We (and the general public) used to think Mrs. Ritchie was a grown up Madonna but as soon as she divorced she came back to her old self. That means she was simply compromising during her second marriage and not being fully herself. All she got from it was her husband cheating and walking away with a lot of HER money so she was obviously pissed off.
    I watched the "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret" documentary the other day for the first time in ages and it's super sad to see it now. He treated her like shit.
    Anyway, she's a 60 year old woman with a stunning career, a happy family life (apart from the Rocco stuff) and no major drama in her life. And still creative. I think we should celebrate that, not thinking why she's not the same as 20 years ago, cause we all have changed too.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Life happened ?‍♂️
    I think her post 2007 self is very similar to the early 90s with lots of acting out and driving people away. It's just that back then she "cleaned up her act" and made good choices, had good breaks and was able to have a comeback. That hasn't happened in the last 10+ years. I guess W.E./MDNA were supposed to be a strategic move but it didn't work out as both had mixed reception, after that it's been an album with a lot of wait and without any build up every 3/4 years while the internet-era press eviscerates her for being human. 
    I guess my point is that not being able to have a lucky break in so long hasn't been fun for her, at least she still puts out great music, great videos and great shows, which is more than enough for me. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to cosmic_system in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Are you the same person you were 15 years ago when you became a fan? Or even 13 yeaers ago (in 2007)? I hope not. 
    It's called changing and evolving. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to dylanlioncourt in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    People handle divorces differently. Sure, she put on a brave face but imagine the rumors that your husband is cheating and then takes a huge wad of your hard earned money that your publicist releases the amount due to the bragging from Guy's family. He's also showed his true colors in the whole Rocco situation, cropping David out of photos etc. She has mentioned many times he didn't like some of the things she did or said regarding her career so she compromised. She shrugged multiple projects, moments and seemed to have compromised with him. Sure, her work post Ray of Light was great but her marriage influenced (along with Kabbalah) a lot of her material. She toned down her image but once the divorce happened, she seemed to stopped regretting things like SEX and no longer wanted to be an English dame. 
    The Aretha thing at the VMA's was winged because it was given to her at the last minute and she did what she could to do so. As for the outfit, well you do know she was spending time in multiple places and was showing appreciation for cultures she came across. Let's not act this is the first Madonna has done this especially in this very transparent and hypocritical SJW phase. As for the boy toys, grillz and other things, well it isn't that off radar to what she had done prior. Gold tooth, dating models and other men and stunts isn't new to Madonna. We're no one to judge her relationships as long as their legal and not harming anyone. Clearly, she doesn't think marriage is good for her and what's the harm in a partner, good sex and a good family unit for her kids. Eurovision was a mess but let's not forget she didn't deliver at BBMA's and disregard all the good she did during the HC, MDNA and RH eras where she killed performances, interviews and such. Seems to be baiting for the sake of pointing out the bad versus the majority she has given to us. I'm critical of Madonna but to say she didn't give good vocal, choreography wise performances despite her slowing down during the RHT is pretty much selling her short. 
    Madonna has always toured new material from the very beginning. Songs were always from their supporting albums that created half the setlists or more so it's nothing new. To complain and think she's Cher or some other artist who does the same GH set for every tour is a reach. It only seemed to be GH in her early shows because those songs came from the records at the time. I don't know, you guys want Madonna to tour the same songs again and again but also want her to push her creativity and artistry - she does a mix of both. I'd rather she continue doing inspired sets rather than simply going the cliched route of trotting out Lucky Star, Holiday to people who couldn't care less unless they hear the hits and begin bashing her the very next day. Was there not criticism of how boring and uninspired songs on RHT were despite being dusted off for the public? It's the album version and not reinvented were the criticisms. I've learned the fanbase is fickle and never content. The one thing is yes, I wish Madame X had her natural voice and didn't rely on the tricks as she knows she has a good singing voice.
    Instagram is easy to target because it is SHE responding. Most of the time you had Liz Rosenberg and others speaking to the press and media while she handled the music, TV interview junket side. I wouldn't be surprised she responds out of anger or frustration of what she reads said about her, her looks, how irrelevant and washed up she is from people and her own fans. She's evolved and changed through the years like any human being will and does things that will either be a hit or miss as a person but that's the beauty of her. Had she done what the public always wanted and craved, you could honestly have kissed her goodbye and gone to some fair in Chicago with other 80's acts. I may not agree with her choices or artistic ventures but it's the risk she takes that has kept her relevant and afloat the music industry along with the hard work, talent and foresight. To simply diminish her decades of struggle, exploration and endurance over silly features, facelifts or whom she dates is rather an unfair criticism to the woman. 
    What's next? Quite frankly I don't want her to go the lazy route and perform a greatest hits show simply to regain public favor that will drop once her body slows even more or god forbid health issues arise. I would rather continue seeing the Madonna I know, the one who takes risks whether they rise or go down like a lead balloon, challenging people through music, visuals, themes and subjects and continue paving the way for performers that will no longer be judged by age. I mean look at the acclaim and praise J-Lo and Shakira got! To say there aren't things that can't be improved on is untrue. I wish she'd take voice lessons to bring out her voice that shines during moments on tour, certain performances, push her in finding new talent and producers no one has worked with or are under the radar and show the fickle GP and fans alike, she's still a force to be reckoned with. There's also the truth to be faced that she is 61 years old and will be getting older and biology doesn't spare anyone. If you're expecting MDNA Tour Madonna or BAT Madonna, I would hope you realize she probably will not hit that bar again choreography wise but that doesn't mean or say she is any less of a performer.
    She needs a publicist like Liz again to handle bumps in the road and shoot down the rumor mills or people who come after her as flawlessly as Liz used to. It wouldn't hurt to also honor the show start time (within reason, an hour post opening act) and perhaps down the road negotiate with Warner in regards of proper reissues, DVD/BR sets of her tours, videos and remastering her work for today's standards.
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    VogueMusic reacted to PaperFaces in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Thats like looking at the Madonna from “Lucky Star”, and seeing the Madonna from “Erotica” and asking “What happened to her?”.
    Madonna’s just done something alot of us fail to do: evolve.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Debord in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I will never fail to be amused by this idea some have that if you're not writing essays tearing apart a woman's face and grasping at straws to psychoanalyse her rather than thinking "hey, maybe the issue is with me, my ageing and the things I get nostalgiac about", you're some loon fan who's in denial. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to adirondak in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think economics forces her too. She may be willing to do it on her end, but she needs a producer who also is willing to, and we already know what happened with Diplo. He had a multitude of other gigs and she couldn’t hold him down. He’s not going to give up money just to lock down with Madonna for an album. If she wanted his time solely for her, she would have had to pay out for it. Times have changed, and music is rarely made the way she’s been used to anymore. She’ll either have to discover someone who hasn’t broken through yet like Sickkick, or work with a producer who doesn’t have much else going on professionally like Mirwais if she wants the time and dedication she used to enjoy when album budgets were much higher.  
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    VogueMusic reacted to Alpha in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    Hmm hard question. Copied has to be Gaga for sure and copy is the most superficial way of putting it which fits Gaga perfectly. I think initially Gaga was at best a Kylie/Goldfrapp/Grace Jones wannabe. She wanted to be Grace SO badly. Musically of course Gaga just sounded like Timbaland leftover wannabe. Once Grace dissed her, she changed directions FAST which is when she met Madonna and Madonna showed interest. That's when she became a Madonnabe only in the most superficial way and really showed there isnt much there.
    I think female artists that have been influenced by her the most though are Beyoncé and Rihanna. Beyoncé I think is dumb as rocks and too stupid to string a sentence together on her own which is why she stopped doing live interviews BUT she got what Madonna does and realize it's not just about changing looks but capturing Je Ne Se Quois....Rihanna did this even better and she's actually EXTREMELY intelligent. She's just unfortunately in an era where music doesnt make any money and like bad ass intelligent person shifted gears into another industry. 
    Both Beyoncé + Rihanna i think are the only pop stars who have gotten Madonna with proof in the pudding.
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    VogueMusic reacted to TheGoth in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    Madonna is the mold they all came from. Every single one of them. It's hard to look at pop culture and not see the influence of La Ciccone in every facet. She might not have invented certain things, but she made it accessible, and what's more, she made it possible. But the difference with Madonna doing it is that she did it for a cause. There was always a reason or an issue she was highlighting, or an idea she was rebelling against. What's the point of doing anything after Madonna did it anyway 🙂 
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    VogueMusic reacted to Adonna in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    We're basically saying the same thing. But I still don't believe Madonna was as influential to Janet being more sexual. I think she would have gotten there no matter what.  Madonna took it to a level no one else has gone and really hasn't gone since.  Sure, Madonna may opened the door to make it easier, but I do think Janet would have done the same without anything Madonna did.
    I love Janet and other than her being a pop star and having huge success in the U.S. like Madonna, I don't see much more comparisons.  I've noticed only Madonna fans make the comparisons.  I know some Janet fans who aren't Madonna fans and they don't compare her to Madonna or think the two are any much alike. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to godonna in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    I said Janet didn't consciously take notes from Madonna.
    Janet definitely carved her own lane and has her own legacy separate from the blueprint Madonna created, but to say she would've done the same (reinvention, genre hopping, pro-gay themes, sexual liberation, provocative/powerful imagery) in a universe where Madonna hadn't just been the first to popularize each thing with huge commercial success mere months-years prior... is just not realistic. 
    You can't put it down to coincidence when Madonna was thee global standard for all women in pop music at the time. The concept of "female pop icon" was cooked with Madonna's DNA... and reheated by every pop girl to break through after 1985.
    I did mention New Jack Swing as an instance of Janet influencing Madonna. and naturally the TLC influences on Bedtime Stories stem from Janet too. My point was that they influenced each other more than some fans would like to think. As a stan of both I'd say their careers are actually very similar, and there are no artists who match either of them better than each other.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Adonna in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    I can get on board with that. Madonna definitely continued the sexual revolution.  She wasn't afraid to explore what many were experiencing, but at the time pretending it wasn't happening. She did open the doors.  I still don't believe Janet was following Madonna's lead, but yes Madonna probably  made it more acceptable for what Janet was expressing sexually.
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    VogueMusic reacted to godonna in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    Before Madonna the blueprint for women in pop was Tina Turner, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Cher, Olivia Newton John... none of whom created anything remotely comparable to Justify My Love, Erotica and the Sex book, or even really Like a Virgin. Madonna didn't invent sexual liberation but she sure as hell revolutionised it and popularised it... and then Janet just coincidentally had the same idea as Madonna, a matter of months-years later, just as Madonna's sexual liberation art started changing pop culture? Come on guys!!!
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    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    But you’re not saying anything that isn’t common knowledge? The claim was that Madonna wasn’t the reference point . But she clearly is half the time when it comes to female pop stars. Especially in the 90’s and 2000’s. Maybe not really for today’s artists. But to deny she hasn’t been copied by many female pop stars (or their creative teams… whoever ) or that they didn’t know Madonna did this or that first is just rubbish.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    Specific examples of works?
    What was Lady Gaga referencing here that wasn't Madonna? Steven Klein? 

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    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    What are some examples of Pop divas other than Madonna referencing anything that would require an academic background in the arts?
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    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    And also isn't it a bit insulting to all these women to say "oh, their creative teams did all that. They couldn't possibly have known where the ideas came from." To me it seems like a cop out. Gaga is well known to have taken credit for all these ideas and inspirations and blabbed on about her fashion influences, visual artists that inspired her blah blah blah. "It's a reverse Warholian experience."
    Are we really supposed to believe her entire creative team were inspired by things that just happened to be the same inspirations Madonna had 20 years before her? 
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    VogueMusic reacted to Adonna in Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?   
    I don't really think Madonna had much to do with her going that route, but I can see that Madonna opened the door to allow mainstream to accept Janet to be more sexual, but by that time, many other acts were being more open.  Also, I do feel Janet was already giving hints of that with a couple of her last singles/videos from Rhythm Nation in 1990.  Also, Janet was already "moaning sexually" on her 1986 album.  The point I am making is that I don't think Janet copied or was inspired in anyway to what Madonna did.  At most, what Madonna did was open the door for the mainstream to be more accepting for these artists to be more sexual.
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    VogueMusic reacted to Veronica-Electronica in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    I don’t know if it call them Easter eggs as such, maybe more self-referential but for the Fan Version of the Celebration Video her dancers from the sticky and sweet tour recreated her iconic looks. Lourdes is wearing the VMAs bridal outfit, Sophia Boutella is wearing the Like A Virgin look etc. 
    also on the sticky and sweet tour these looks were worn by the dancers for the She’s Not Me segment of the show. 
    and similarly for the Celebration tour multiple iconic looks were worn by dancers during the Bitch Im Madonna segment. There’s also the latex mask wearing “young Madonna” featured throughout the show. Particularly self-referential in the scene where they masturbate on the bed together wearing the Gaultier cone bra referencing the Like A Virgin performance from the Blonde Ambition tour. The celebration tour has quite a few moments like that. But again, I don’t know if I’d classify them as Easter eggs so might not be what you’re looking for. 
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    VogueMusic reacted to GregVsMatt in Did Madonna ever do the Easter egg thing like TS in her videos?   
    She does part of the Papa Don't Preach dance in the Living For Love video too
    I'm also proud to reveal I have never ever seen a Taylor Swift music video lol
  25. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to whiteheat in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    I mean regardless of editing the camera for the screen was at a different angle than the one the picture was taken at. So there's gonna be a difference. 
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