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Unapologetic Bitches
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    VogueMusic reacted to aleex123 in Debra Winger can fuck off   
    I have no idea who she is, but i'm glad she quit, Genna Davis was absolutely fantastic.
  2. Thanks
  3. Thanks
    VogueMusic reacted to PlayPause in Why is Madonna currently silent about the attacks between Israel and Palestine?   
    @anton5000what makes you say that her spirituality and her faith have anything to do with her geopolitical views? Can't you all just grow  up and stop thinking that things are so simplistic?
  4. Thanks
    VogueMusic reacted to Angelo in Why is Madonna currently silent about the attacks between Israel and Palestine?   
    Someone is forgetting  RIT ending, Imagine backdrop, Forbidden Love performance, MDNA speech in Tel Aviv, new lyrics in Killers during Madame X Tour. She’s pro-peace.
  5. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to RUADJAI in There's a show about POP Music on Netflix, and one episode is all about Auto-Tune...   
    Like was she or was she not the only person really using AutoTune for a good 8 years, alot more artistically than anyone did or has since I might add. 
  6. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to anton5000 in I always see so much interest in that song(warning sings)why?? Why not "Indian summer   
    the Dragon commercial song is called "Pure", an outtake from BS sessions... would LOVE to hear it in full.
  7. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Steffmad in I really feel like Madonna is quickly losing not only so many of The Gays but her lon   
    That's life, some Fans go and some comes in.
    I will stay on her site, she did great Songs, and i say "she" did. She is not a Puppy Product like others.
  8. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to survivalartist in I really feel like Madonna is quickly losing not only so many of The Gays but her lon   
    I kinda dig her anti-hero status as of late. I want success for her but I also want her to be happy (which she really truly seems to be)
  9. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in I can't with these VHS "remasters"   
    Ill take anything as long as I can enjoy her videos again lol
  10. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to DanK in Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. I still don’t understand why a l   
    Partly because she succeeds in doing these things when they do not. 
  11. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Andymad in Fuck Doug Ford for handling this pandemic so poorly. Why tf would you tell hair styli   
    Our patio was bumping last night. The last night before lockdown and I was seriously concerned. Like these young people don’t care. At all. But I’m all geared up. I feel like an idiot with double masks and a face shield but like hey. I don’t want to get sick. And our 4 person per table/household rule... I had to break up so many tables because they just scooted themselves to make a 6 or an 8. They just don’t fucking care. If they get sick or if they get me sick. Stupid arseholes
  12. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Velvet Rope in About her recent pictures: “All the gays “it’s too much for me”...and then they have   
    She looks gorgeous and has a rocking body.
  13. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in Could you all report this tweet/account? She's judging Madonna by the men she's slept   
    modern conservatism = call anyone you dont like a pedo
  14. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Roy in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    Brilliant pieces of work. She truly upped her music video game since the last several album cycles. I firmly believe the Madame X work belongs right up there with her best works since the 80s and 90s.
  15. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Voguerista in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    So very true!! I love them all!!!
  16. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Shoful in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    She literally gave me everything I wanted for a Madonna album. Electronic sounds, Political Themes, Imagery, and an alter ego. Everything was so well done! I only wish we got more live performances like how Rebel Heart got a bunch 
  17. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Voguerista in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    Brilliant pieces of work. She truly upped her music video game since the last several album cycles. I firmly believe the Madame X work belongs right up there with her best works since the 80s and 90s.
  18. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Frank in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    Brilliant pieces of work. She truly upped her music video game since the last several album cycles. I firmly believe the Madame X work belongs right up there with her best works since the 80s and 90s.
  19. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    its her at her best and pop at its best... 
  20. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Clark_Kent in People still don’t understand the true meaning behind the released Dark Ballet video.   
    Definitely. It's a piece of art that trascends her. 
  21. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to stefo in People still don’t understand the true meaning behind the released Dark Ballet video.   
    Yep, the released version is much much better, even if the part where she alternates speaking with Blanco as he's starting to burn from the Director's Cut was very effective imo and is a pity it has been discarted.
  22. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Fighter in The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?   
    Brilliant pieces of work. She truly upped her music video game since the last several album cycles. I firmly believe the Madame X work belongs right up there with her best works since the 80s and 90s.
  23. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from RUADJAI in Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but .... MUSIC on the Celebration album soun   
    I have the itunes plus version back around the time it came out (or shortly thereafter), and "Music" sounds just fine. From what I know, my CD version sounds fine too.
  24. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Of course I'm sure her race was considered, but clearly it isn't the only or even main factor. 
  25. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Fighter in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    @Winn do you really think the only reason a black woman would be picked as running mate is because of her race? Consider she's not that popular in the black community nor with progressives. I think Biden wanted someone who would push his buttons and we saw that in the primary debates. and she was also a prosecutor which will be very needed after the most corrupt administration in history. It's perfectly understandable he wouldn't want unqualified sycophants around him like Trump had.  
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