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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by mr00mister

  1. a few nights ago i dreamed about the new M album. can't remember if it was the official announcement or release day, but i remember I saw the cover, and the title was something no one expected, but was so obvious at the same time. i thought it was a genius concept, but can't remember anything about it.

    1. RUADJAI
    2. Fighter
    3. wtg1987


      Im actually bored of the waiting now and the endless teasing - we were supposed to be getting this in 2018 and now we are a quarter of the way into 2019 :(((

  2. so, after months of thinking about it, i finally moved with my girlfriend. i feel good things coming our way.

  3. Guy-O said M will celebrate her birthday in Marrakech, Morocco. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. madgefan


      @mr00misterMadonna has never played in Africa. She filmed some promo stuff for Holiday in the 80s though.

    3. mr00mister


      @madgefani dont know why in my head Morocco and Turkey were suddenly the same

  4. hello everyone and sorry for the involuntary absence, but lately college has made every week feel like finals week. thank you.

    1. madenis


      Welcome back :)

  5. yesterday it was 3 years since I first joined here, and it's so far the best M community I've been part of. how time flies...

    1. Andymad


      Isn’t it lovely?


  7. and remember kids, if something leaks, DO NOT LISTEN AND DO NOT SHARE. let's wait for the finished thing instead of having a partial picture of what's going on.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. PlayPause


      thanks for not telling me how to be a good fan.

    3. Betuncba


      that is going to be a bit difficult, we are all going to want to listen or see what it is, nobody resists, especially some members of this forum, who are the first to have certain material that they only destine to sell or exchange! and sometimes telling people not to see or distribute becomes a little hypocritical! this is just my humble point of view, and I do not pretend with this to break the laws of the forum or cause any fight!

    4. WopaelWopael


      Im sure going to hear them, i'll buy her stuff anyway and I dont spread the leaks. So no harm from my side

  8. i've been a little absent lately and i am sorry.

    1. Fighter


      dont be sorry we all been absent from here


  10. Everybody was released 35 years ago.

  11. M talked about the songs on her next album being politically charged. *i'm already having a heart attack*

  12. who else agrees that Changes by David Bowie should have been the outro on the Re-Invention Tour instead of This Is Radio Clash by The Clash? it fits more with the concept!

    1. RUADJAI


      Did she play this song at the end of every show?

    2. mr.sterns


      I agree, if only because I'm a massive Bowie freak! ;-)

    3. mr00mister


      I know it was played at the end of the last one on Lisbon. a different song used as outro was In Da Pub by 50 Pence

  13. officially going to the Humanz Tour!

    1. devilpray


      YASSSSS me too!

  14. ok but what if this "new music" ends up being just a soundtrack for this film?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rebelheart29


      It could be music just for the film we just have to wait and see.

    3. G House

      G House

      A couple of singles for the soundtrack of the new movie would be great, with a proper release of course.

    4. poserdemadonna


      It could be one track, like she did for W.E. let;s just hope the song gets nominated for an Oscar this time!

  15. the man's shirt is good but the woman's one what the fuck is that

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. wtg1987


      do people still actually buy dvds now ? surely you people all have blu-ray players now ??

    3. poserdemadonna


      I don't. Blu ray players are actually not sold in my country, so... either I buy a whole home theatre - which I already have - or I import one. Since importing is definitely not an option, I buy DVDs :)

    4. mr00mister


      a blu-ray player is not on my priorities

  16. i showed my girlfriend, a martial arts and ancient cultures enthusiast, the Geisha act from the DWT. she was enchanted and said that, maybe, the story was inspired on the same story which was the base for Mulan: a japanese woman who wanted to be a warrior, but wasn't allowed to be a samurai, so she became a ninja. the best of her generation.

  17. yesterday i celebrated 5 years with my girlfriend, and can you believe her gift was Ray of Light on vinyl?!

  18. have the 4 Minutes stems leaked?

    1. Angelo


      no...unfortunately :(

  19. 1. the comeback of 4 Minutes / 2. Monte Pittman actually playing guitar instead of cowbell on that number

    1. rebelheartgermany


      Unfortunately we will never hear 4 Minutes on tour again, cause she'll perform Candy Shop instead lol

    2. Fighter


      ill have candy shop any day tbh

    3. NikiHarisAssistant


      4 Minutes seems to be snuck in with a medley or at least sampled

  20. hey there! can anyone help me get the Miles Away backdrop from the promo tour? the most HQ available version

  21. can anyone isolate the vocals from Miss Sarajevo by U2? i need the singing from maestro Pavarotti for a project :/

  22. ok but have you taken the time to listen to Bionic (2010) again?

    1. James19709


      Why listen to trash when good music exists?

  23. is anyone else concerned for this Stacy person on every M post on facebook?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James19709


      She's quite the creep but I don't know yet...

    3. Fighter


      who. screencaps

    4. BringUrLUV


      Yeah creepy AF.

  24. my 1983 venezuelan Madonna LP comes with a different version of Burning Up (lasts 4:48). does anyone know more about this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dazedmadonna


      Yeah, it was originally issued on vinyl (I never checked the cassette versions) with that mix back then!

    3. mr00mister


      and why was it replaced then? also Everybody is longer on the CD editions. as far as i know, those are the only songs which were replaced with other versions on her albums, right?

    4. Enrico


      Also Mexican copies?

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