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Unapologetic Bitches
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    NowRadiate got a reaction from MDNA22 in What musical direction would you like for the next album ?   
    Either unbridled pop with proper oldschool songwriting on par with her classics, or 90s vocal house with proper hooks.
  2. Like
    NowRadiate got a reaction from cosmicarlo818 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Her tits look good. That’s all that matters. 
  3. Like
    NowRadiate got a reaction from ChrisK in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Her tits look good. That’s all that matters. 
  4. Like
    NowRadiate got a reaction from Fighter in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Her tits look good. That’s all that matters. 
  5. Thanks
    NowRadiate reacted to eXtremeOccident in Why Is Madonna Silent On #FreeBritney?   
    Additionally, for all members here who haven't listened to the whole thing -- bear with it, it's 25 minutes....and horrifying, enough to make you feel absolutely sick to your stomach -- but you need to listen to it from start to finish to get the full context of what happened yesterday:
  6. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to ShantiAshtangi in Why Is Madonna Silent On #FreeBritney?   
    BTW, I do think there is absolute no need for her to say anything in public about the whole Britney-thing. I actually wish celebrities would say much less about these things because it always seems as if the sole purpose of was good publicity. 
  7. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Why Is Madonna Silent On #FreeBritney?   
    ^ I agree. People should be more concerned about the judge's decision than seeking validation from celebrities. This is a person's autonomy being deliberated. Who cares what other celebrities think?
  8. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to Nahual in Why Is Madonna Silent On #FreeBritney?   
    She's not obligated to talk about it, and frankly I'd rather she didn't get involved since conservatorships aren't something that she has experience with  anyway iirc.
  9. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to PaperFaces in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Is this 1993 and people just watched The Girlie Show?
    ...Im confused. People's comments sound the same...
  10. Thanks
    NowRadiate reacted to Bjonkers in Erin Wilson Writing Screenplay   
    Y'all have the shortest memories! Before everyone goes down fantasy rabbit holes again, a reminder on the situation with Diablo in the article below...
    Also, isn't the whole point of the biopic thread to.... nevermind...
  11. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to cosmicarlo818 in Drowned World Tour 2001 - 20 Years   
    Wow I am so emotional. 20 YEARS of one of MADONNA'S BEST TOURS and my 2nd favorite Madonna tour ever! You've got to be kidding if you don't think so! 
    I am so in love and have been so obsessed with DWT 2001 since I first saw it on video when I was 12 in 2003! God... like I had said before, it feels like a cosmic journey into the depths of the Universe just with the opening and the first section alone! 
    Vocals, punk attitude, stage presence, costumes (that coveted European leg look!), set, lighting (huge deal!), choreography... and just overall mystic yet futuristic atmosphere. There's also something emotionally dark about it!
    I am so happy to be part of the minority that thinks DWT 2001 is far superior than the cliche Blond Ambition Tour 1990.
    This is one of my favorite parts of the entire tour, the transition from DWT/SFL to Impressive Instant... it looks as if she's ascending into a mothership! Wow

  12. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to Loki in Drowned World Tour 2001 - 20 Years   
    Along with The Girlie Show, it's my favorite tour from her. I love everything about it: the setlist, the arrangements, the outfits and the leaked soundboard is...magic. I'm a bit envious of you who attended the show, you were so lucky! I'd have given everything I have to be there...
    20  years old and still so modern, it didn't age at all.
  13. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to Bermu in Drowned World Tour 2001 - 20 Years   
    June 9th, 2001
    My very first Madonna Live Experience as well...
    20 years... I can't even.... 

    (A pic with my shitty cheap analog camera during Ray of Light, I think)
  14. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to Bjonkers in Drowned World Tour 2001 - 20 Years   
    Truly shocking how quickly time goes by... I remember refreshing Madonnalicious every second for the updates... sigh....
  15. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to nito84bcn in Drowned World Tour 2001 - 20 Years   
    20 years ago, Barcelona (where I am from) had the opening night of this amazing tour. It was the beginning of a long summer, and amazing worldwide attention to her return to the stage after 8 years. Happy times. 
    After the show I told my family that I was gay. I was 16 and I never saw so many LGTBI people together till then. I felt included and full of energy after that night! 
    Artistic, modern, dark and joyful... the DWT is still one of my favourites after all these years!
  16. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to RUADJAI in What do you think the meaning behind the Bedtime Stories album theme was? What was the secret? Can any secret be a good one?   
    So, it's generally understood that Madonna wanted a softer image after the backlash she received from releasing Erotica and the SEX book. Physical image, sound image, and even subject matter in the songs are softer and more palatable. 
    I see alot of Madonna reaction videos that see Madonna's work as "always having a meaning or a deeper meaning" and then something like "Don't Stop" comes around and they try and psychoanalyze it as something profound when it's basically just fluff. 
    Survival:  It's exactly what the title says it's about. Life is about surviving. She's had ups and downs, but she persists. She also declares that her motto is "No risk, no glory". Which could be taken as an explanation of why she chose to do the SEX book. She took an artistic risk. 
    Secret: I know everyone is constantly wondering what the secret is... but my personal opinion is that the secret is in the song right in front of our eyes. "Happiness lies in your own hands". She's saying it's something so simple, yet it took her much too long to understand this. She also feels so strongly about this that it's included in another song on this album. 
    I'd Rather Be Your Lover: This comes off to me as just rehashed JML lyrics with a woman rapper thrown on top to give it subtle lesbian vibes. A discrete provocation. 
    Don't Stop: It's the Jimmy Jimmy of Bedtime Stories. But the production is superb!
    Inside of Me: Is obviously Madonna doing what she does in writing a love song to her mother, but letting it be ambiguous as it could be taken sexually. However in this soft, romantic production it's not as harsh as songs off the Erotica album. 
    Human Nature: Response to her critics for the SEX book and Erotica era. 
    Forbidden Love: Doesnt have a deeper meaning, unless you want to know if it's about someone specific. 
    Love Tried to Welcome Me: Same 
    Sanctuary: Same
    Bedtime Story: These words were written by Bjork, because she wanted to hear Madonna sing these words. I think Bjork saw Madonna as calculated and strategic and Bjork wanted to kind of suggest that Madonna relax, let go, and let her intuition take over. 
    Take a Bow: Very straight forward. It's about feeling you have been deceived by a lover. They pretended to love you but it was all an act. 
    I don't think there is an over arching lyrical theme, and I don't think racism is anywhere on the album. 
    Oh, also... I would say this album is more a sister with Erotica than Ray of Light IMHO. A flip side of the coin. Maybe a prelude to Ray of Light in that she's staring to impart wisdom. 
  17. Sad
    NowRadiate reacted to madonnaultimate in This Beautiful Stranger arrangement should be in her next tour as official   
    It makes the song justice, same vibe, more esoteric and ambient than dancing up and down. Could be a cool performance from M : )
  18. Thanks
    NowRadiate reacted to kesiak in This Beautiful Stranger arrangement should be in her next tour as official   
    It really shouldn't. Thanks for sharing though .
  19. Haha
    NowRadiate reacted to RUADJAI in The Biopic; Untitled     
    Video of Madonna reading the entire Biopic script has leaked. 
  20. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to stefo in Madonna: Rare   
    From the Fever video set

    ... and two Dick Tracy promo outtakes

  21. Haha
    NowRadiate reacted to scallywally in Blond Ambition and Re-Invention tours - who owns the rights?   
    Oh, as someone mentioned Bjork before, her fans complain that she releases too much. lol.
  22. Thanks
    NowRadiate reacted to DanK in Revolver appreciation topic   
    Horrible demo sessions song passing hands from singer to singer until someone makes the best offer. In no way do I consider this generic industry tender a Madonna song. And the whole gun/dance performance was bollocks, although nicely energetic.
  23. Like
    NowRadiate got a reaction from RUADJAI in RIP John Draper   
  24. Like
    NowRadiate got a reaction from Semtex1 in RIP John Draper   
  25. Like
    NowRadiate reacted to RUADJAI in RIP John Draper   
    Can you imagine if all of us watched Truth or Dare together... It would be like one of those Rocky Horror Theatre extravaganzas where we are louder than the film. 
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