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Unapologetic Bitches
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    mouse reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | London   
    I'd love her to disappear musically for two years and then return with a 40 year career retrospective and a VERY limited 20 date international Greatest Hits Stadium Tour... even market is as a farewell, even if it's a move. 
  2. Like
    mouse reacted to Blue Jean in How Could Madonna Comeback?   
    It's very simple.
    A Greatest Hits album with heavy promotion and a whopping new dance anthem included. Followed by a worldwide Greatest Hits Tour. Something epic and celebratory like the Superbowl but a full concert/tour.
    There's no other option now. Call it 'The Immaculate World Tour' and the album 'The Immaculate Collection 40th Anniversary' or something like that. It's not the most creative idea but it'll SELL.
  3. Like
    mouse reacted to steady75 in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I mean, here in the UK we were pretty much here for everything she ever did up until Hard Candy campaign. We were there through Erotica Who's That Girl and American Life. We always showed up and even though the British press were tough on her, the public always held her dear. She always felt very much like one of us in spirit. The US audiences always seemed harder on her than Europe. 
    There's no doubt the first very "obvious" surgery around 2008 caused a bit of a disconnect with the casuals and even some of her regular fanbase. The building of the Madonna LEGACY artist phase by roping in Britney, Justin through to Nikki and co has been a tough pill for a lot of fans to swallow. Madonna simply works better on her own for the most part and although she's always collaborated with people it was nowhere near as front pedelled as it has been in the last decade+. 
    All cool but actually...If anything,,it made her appear older than she actually was. Seeing her perform, attempt to out dance and and try so hard next to artist half her age had the adverse affect. This came to a head when Gags arrived and the Celebration era felt like a bit of a Jubilee / abdication. 
    MDNA was neither forward thinking or well written and produced and Rebel Heart was probably her final chance to claw back....but the leaks and the fall at the Brits seemed to undermine it all. I think the song Rebel Heart would have made an amazing lead single and put her back in the main frame. I think she has conceeded to the commercial peak being over and now wants to make the music she wants to make.
    Good for her.
  4. Like
    mouse reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I never said she should change to please me. Nice made up narrative you got there. 
    No one in here is saying she should settle down and be with someone her age or that she should work with this or that producer or what she should wear or not...and in no way am i saying what she should do next. 
    She can do what she pleases.
    That said, as a public figure and as a fan i can and have the right to open up this topic and comment on her awful change of behavior from the late 90's to 2020. 
    I don't need to "step away" because i have an opinion. In fact, the OP isn't a diss at Madonna and it comes from a place of someone that actually cares and doesn't kiss her ass every single time.
    It's okay to be a fan of Madonna and still not enjoying every single thing she's doing. Specially with the rough year we're having right now as fans. (unless i also can't comment on that shameless lottery program, going on stage 3 hours late, "is she performing or not? is she canceling 2 hours before showtime or not?" etc).
  5. Thanks
    mouse got a reaction from RinoTheBouncer in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Personally, I think that the divorce + her 50 years were a disastrous cocktail.
    We are all equal in time, but for someone who has played with her body & face all her career, it must be very hard.
    I never thought she would age like this (too much surgery, face and body). I thought she was more like Jane Fonda for example.
    But I don't judge. It must be a very hard fight for her.
    For the rest, in my opinion, she only has people who says amen to everything she does or say. No one should contradict her (professionally or personally).
    She became for me a terrible human being.
    Recent stories from theater staff who can't watch her and turn their backs, toilet seats wich must be changed regularly ... God, she was always a bitch, but that is really embarassing.
    I used to admire her so much as an artist and as a human being. She inspired me. Not anymore. Her strength remains admirable. The rest is gone. She lost her mojo but I still like her ! Truth is I feel very nostalgic. It's surely because I'm getting older too ... 
    I hope for massive change in the future. More simplicity in everything (music, style, surgery). Focused on her legacy. And maybe a greatest tour to reconect people with her... Dreams can come true 
  6. Like
    mouse got a reaction from moon1 in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Yeah I know but it's really well thinking and not overdone like Madonna
    Same thing for Glenn Close or Meryl Streep
  7. Thanks
    mouse got a reaction from into the erotico in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Personally, I think that the divorce + her 50 years were a disastrous cocktail.
    We are all equal in time, but for someone who has played with her body & face all her career, it must be very hard.
    I never thought she would age like this (too much surgery, face and body). I thought she was more like Jane Fonda for example.
    But I don't judge. It must be a very hard fight for her.
    For the rest, in my opinion, she only has people who says amen to everything she does or say. No one should contradict her (professionally or personally).
    She became for me a terrible human being.
    Recent stories from theater staff who can't watch her and turn their backs, toilet seats wich must be changed regularly ... God, she was always a bitch, but that is really embarassing.
    I used to admire her so much as an artist and as a human being. She inspired me. Not anymore. Her strength remains admirable. The rest is gone. She lost her mojo but I still like her ! Truth is I feel very nostalgic. It's surely because I'm getting older too ... 
    I hope for massive change in the future. More simplicity in everything (music, style, surgery). Focused on her legacy. And maybe a greatest tour to reconect people with her... Dreams can come true 
  8. Like
    mouse got a reaction from kesiak in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Yeah I know but it's really well thinking and not overdone like Madonna
    Same thing for Glenn Close or Meryl Streep
  9. Like
    mouse reacted to broujeorbit in Madame X Tour | London   
    Its unfair to say that only madonna has her private things going on. The people who work there have their private things too. So it aint only madonna. Nobody wants to work a minute longer because of somebody’s tardiness. Certainly not me. Not for Madonna, rihanna, beyonce or obama. They’re not paying my bills. We close at 11 so get the f out because i want to clock out and go home! So whoever did that, did the right thing. Ain’t nobody got time for diva problems.
    You don’t go to work, to your boss with this attitude. When you have a big presentation at work, you make sure to be on time. If you’re late, its your fault. You don’t holla censorship to your boss, do you? 
    No hate but some of y’all fans accepting things that are not ok just because it’s Madonna. But if it was your colleague, yall wouldve send a 10 letter page complaint to your boss, the mayor, lawyers, the insurance company...
    Just keep it 100. Her behavior was not ok and fans have the right to complain about it. 
  10. Like
    mouse reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | London   
    Madame Xtraordinary!
  11. Like
    mouse reacted to MattyMads in Madame X Tour | London   
    TOD is a mix of the 3 nights in Paris, the last night being the issue with the sound hence keep it together with the sound cutting out and she uses the handheld microphone. You can also see if you look closely in Express yourself there are 3 different curly hairstyles, at one point she has hair clips in the front of her hair, Sorry for being a bit of geek lol 
  12. Like
    mouse got a reaction from Levon in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Madonna body is a huge part on her career. Like someone said one day, I saw her butt more than own mine. it seems normal to refer to it after seeing it for real (with respect) 
    Very good news for this last show. Hope she will be ok for London and Paris 
  13. Like
    mouse got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  14. Like
    mouse got a reaction from sumusicman in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  15. Like
    mouse got a reaction from DiegoLCL in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  16. Like
    mouse got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  17. Like
    mouse got a reaction from xrhaul in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  18. Like
    mouse got a reaction from Madonna_Alltheway in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  19. Like
    mouse got a reaction from stefo in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  20. Like
    mouse got a reaction from moon1 in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  21. Like
    mouse got a reaction from Danton in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  22. Like
    mouse got a reaction from Kuba Pondel in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    For me it's pretty clear.
    She stopped intense sport (which is catastrophic for a body overtrained for decades).
    She's done an intervention for her butt at 60 years which destabilized her body and creating additional pressures on his joints. It prevents her from being as dynamic and fluid as she was.
    She seems enjoying more drinking than before.
    I hope she will recover without too much damage to her body and her mind 
  23. Like
    mouse reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    I have actually. Every tour Confessions-onwards, minus S&S. We can certainly have a difference in opinion, but to imply I haven't seen these tours myself to understand that they're "amazing and unparalleled" is a little silly. 
    And many fans have felt otherwise regarding the Madame X Tour in particular, myself included (who has seen nearly everyone live, too). Yes, I did go live. Multiple times.  
    It's not that I'm comparing her to Cher as to imply one is a better performer than the other. It's simply an observation that Cher has a pretty demanding international arena tour schedule at 75, and it's odd that Madonna, who used to be such a health zealot, seems to have dialed it down quite suddenly post-MDNA era and has had such a string of health issues as of late (remember, she's been using the cane since at least the Grammy's performance in 2014). And that I never thought the day would come where we were discussing her inability to even venture out on tour. That's all.
  24. Like
    mouse reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Lisbon   
    Don't you think it's awfully odd that she's deteriorated so quickly in performance ability, though? I just want to point out the differences in these two performances:
    Cher Believe Tour Finale (53 Years Old):
    Madonna MDNA Tour Finale (54 Years Old):
    And yet we now we're here discussing Madonna retiring from touring...at 61...I mean, 7 years after what she was doing on the MDNA Tour?! That's unfathomable to me.
    The difference in Madonna the performer pre-2012 and post-2012 will always be one of the most fascinating mysteries in her career to me...
  25. Like
    mouse reacted to Enrico in Rate Mary Lambert's Videos For Madonna   
    1 Like a prayer (no competition!)
    2 Material girl
    3 La isla bonita
    4 Borderline
    5 Like a virgin 
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