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Agent Cooper

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Agent Cooper

  1. On 8/25/2024 at 3:39 PM, Adonna said:

    I can understand be frustrated about the omitting LDLHA.  It's really a crime being that was a sweet spot in the show for a lot of fans.

    I agree the mentions of those songs you mentioned, again, many sweet spots.  Though, I also really enjoyed the Candy Shop performance which really sold me on enjoying that song more than I ever did before. The whole section where she chose to sing a different song acoustically was nice.  I really loved her Burning Up performance as well. For me, the lack luster was "Holiday" on that tour.  It's the one time she performed that, where I really didn't feel the joy that song usually does emit when she performs it.  While CELEBRATION's tour sorta gave it a somber spin to it, by the end, but that was done to put emphasis on the AIDS epidemic that  impacted her in the 80's and 90's.

    For me, I still choose MDNA, if for anything, the sound/mixing. It was just awful. I didn't mind the effects sprinkled throughout the show, but it got weird around Vogue for me. Though, I agree, the LAV/Love Spent effects were perfect. I agree it worked specifically for that dramatic effect she was hoping for.  MDNA had a pretty solid set list I enjoyed too, but it was a pretty dark show compared to Rebel Heart which was more lighter and fun.  Also, I felt like she really connected with the crowd on the Rebel Heart Tour. 

    MADAME X Tour was fine for me, but again I take issue with the sound/mix they went for on that tour.  I absolutely hated how she sounded on Frozen.  Also, LAP was pretty lifeless.  May favorite part was toward the middle when she sang some of the Portuguese influence songs.  But like MDNA, the tour was pretty dark and maybe her most political tour ever. Also, you just felt a huge negative vibe from the show because she seemed to be in pain most of the tour and it showed.  She powered through it, so I give her that. She should have cut the tour short once the Holidays came around.  Just left it there because by the new year, it just really became a huge chaos mess.  The pandemic may have been her savior (as odd as that sounds) since it forced her to end the tour before completing the tour, risking her physical health even more.

    I've always asked myself if Holiday didn't work on RHT or if I felt this because of the bad DVD edit :lol: I don't know what happened because I love the outfit, the remix... but somehow it wasn't so memorable as this number used to be in other tours. It wasn't a highlight on Celebration Tour as well, as you mentioned. I really like the mash-up with "I Want Your Love", though.

    My criticism was all about the DVD edit of MDNA Tour and RHT. I love these shows so much, the setlists, they're so creative as usual, she looks incredible... I saw MDNA Tour live and I'll never forget that show in Porto Alegre, here in Brazil.

    I agree with a lot of the things you said, including that our girl needs to know when to stop, regarding to Madame X Tour dates. I love MXT, but it really was a difficult time for her health. I was so happy and surprised about her great shape on Celebration Tour <3

    Wow it's amazing you both had fun and were so emotional during La Vie En Rose @Adonna @Veronica-Electronica it's an unforgettable show :hug:

  2. 3 hours ago, Adonna said:

    I have to respectfully disagree.. that honor goes to the concert release of MDNA.   RHT is quite tolerable.  The only real complaint I have is the omission of LDLHA, but there is so much more to that show that made it still fun to watch even with its concert film release. :luv:

    Actually, yesterday I was angry with the "new info" about they not including LDLHA by choice, lol

    There are a few songs in RHT film release that I enjoy: True Blue, La Vie En Rose, Heartbreak City, Unapologetic Bitch... Fortunely, they slowed down the frenzy a little bit for ballads.

    But I never know wich one is the worst, MDNA or RHT. The only edits I love on MDNA film release is Like A Virgin and Love Spent, they are so dramatic, beautiful and it works.

    To end with a positive note, I really like Madame X Tour release, still very edited but I think it's not so fast and we can appreciate the concert. I love Sticky & Sweet video edit as well, it's very similar to a regular broadcast. And now we have the incredible footage of Celebration Tour, by Globo TV and awesome fan edits.

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