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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Alibaba reacted to Adonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Love that ensemble.  Looking really good too! 
  3. Haha
    Alibaba got a reaction from Honey Little in Mirwais interview in Bon temps magazine (FR) spring 2020   
    I'm sorry if that came across as impolite. Please; and thank you in advance.  
  4. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Crazy For M in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Speaking as a woman, when you find a garment that you absolutely adore because it makes you looks and feel good, then yes. You wear it all the time and you buy more than one variation of it. (Especially if it's a bra/bustier) It's a must. I can relate to M completely [emoji23]
    & I forgot to quote but @pawn_shop_bluesstrapless bras are comfortable no matter the age, lol. M wears her Paige bra from Agent Provocateur a lot if she's not wearing this bustier. 
  5. Like
    It’s a lot easier when you just flap your arms about with a peacock on your head
  6. Like
    I think this makes sense. Not only was she unwell but they lost 3 months of time. We don’t know what the arrangement was made with all the cast/crew but with Madonna’s sudden illness a lot of them would have been out of work for 3 months. People that live/work on tour don’t have something secure to go back to temporarily like that. So they may have even been paid for some of that time to ensure their availability when the tour continued. And the tour could very well have finished in April in SA/Asia if everything had of gone as originally planned. While the tour was a success they must have lost quite a bit with the rescheduling.
  7. Thanks
    I think that her decision to tour instead of focusing on the film of her life probably changed the commercial focus of this deal, either by changing or delaying the strategy. Further to this, she had a life-threatening illness that forced her to delay the start of her global tour, and perhaps (heard through the grapevine only) shorten an original plan for the tour to be extended throughout South America and Asia. I think there are a lot of changes and different choices that were made in general after her illness, and so expecting fantasy marketing strategies from 2 or 3 years ago to make sense now is probably not realistic. 
    Only time will tell, but I imagine Madonna has had enough of looking back for a moment or ten.
  8. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in Orbit teases his Madonna recordings in a new twitter post   
    Not the same situation at all. Not common for someone who actually knows Madonna in real life, works with her on several occasions to post this kind of stuff on social medias. That's the kind of things you say at home, you do not not post it on the net about the people you work with. The fact he usually posts bipolar stuff, and delete it after reflects his tortured state of mind. Can you imagine Guy Oseary or Steven Klein posting on a regular tuesday evening "Madonna is a great singer but she's also very mean". I doesn't take a scientist to get that the man is not doing ok at the moment, especially since he was praising and cheering her 1 month ago. Best thing to is for people to seach the keywords "William Orbit drugs" on Google and you'll get all the recent interviews he has given where he speaks about his battle with drugs and how it fucks up his mind.
  9. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in Orbit teases his Madonna recordings in a new twitter post   
    Once again the man is suffering of severe drugs addiction. He probably posts stuff at night when he's totally wasted on drugs and when he wakes up he's probably horrified by what he has posted and delete it. Typical. People shouldn't read too much into his posts. Madonna knows it and that's probably why she doesn't seem to be bothered. Remember when Courtney was totally wasted and throwing stuff at M at the VMA'S ? Keep in mind that Walliam is probably in the same state when he's writting those stuff... I'm not saying to be a drugs addict is ok to say mean things and that everything should be forgiven, i'm just answering to the people who don't get why he seems so bipolar on his posts and deletes some of them a few hours after posting them. 
  10. Like
    Alibaba reacted to GregVsMatt in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Full article here: https://news.pollstar.com/2024/05/13/the-grandest-grand-finale-madonna-celebrates-record-setting-rio-show-touring-career/
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    Alibaba reacted to Lucas B. in Madonna / Celebration Tour - Stuart Price DJ Mix   
    Uploaded it to the MediaFire, tagged and with this cover I created

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    Alibaba got a reaction from Neo in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    With the exception of a few posts throughout these four pages, there is a fundamental lack of attention given to the primary issue here. It has less to do with Madonna changing, and more to do with the concept of fame changing post-digital revolution. Madonna's type of fame was truly exceptional for the longest time, but she aged out of the Zeitgeist when corporate interests no longer saw her preeminence as commercially useful. There was more money to be made from youth-oriented culture. Doing business with an artist of Madonna's stature would have meant profit margins for the corporate entities were diminished because she could take a larger stake herself. As the industry changed and panic kicked in regarding dwindling sales and illegal downloading, replacing artists like Madonna with green-eyed younger and more malleable acts would have been a natural shift. As it turned out, Madonna and Oseary were prescient and understood that they needed to strike while the commercial iron of touring receipts was hot, thus her 360 deal with Live Nation. Sidenote: Recording music hasn't been a valid source of income for Madonna for well over a decade; she herself decided to use her records as showcases for her live performances. She approached her creative flow as a Broadway director does. The music is the soundtrack to the show. No one seems to get this. Look at how this has become a more cynical template for less successful legacy acts who all have some type of dreadful Broadway adaptation of their back catalogs in the works.
    As much as it upsets many of Madonna's fans to face this truth, most of them have long stopped being a core capitalist demographic. In fact, whenever I consider Madonna's modern legacy I am more fascinated by how limited many of her fans' perspective on her evolution is. I read endless posts about how she should be promoting her music as she did Ray of Light...That she would be better off returning to Warner Bros, as if nostalgia holds some sort of commercial magic wand in an era when almost no one sells music anymore! It shows a fundamental lack of comprehension that the world itself has drastically changed over the course of Madonna's career, and the fact that her phenomenal stamina managed to give her a somewhat imperialistic hold on global pop culture for two and a half decades is unprecedented. That's enough within itself to make everything she has done since that imperial phase ended worthy of admiration and a much kinder assessment, but there is so much more to explore here. 
    There is no doubt that the public essentially wrote her off after she returned to her raunchier persona post-divorce.  One cannot deny the dismal showing of Celebration was more than a commercial embarrassment; it was a global smack in the face to the woman; age seemed to offer the world the chance to finally kick her where it hurt. 
    I am more shocked by people's surprise at Madonna's healthy appetite for self-preservation through plastic surgery than by the results of the surgery. In an era of digital film and photography, no one can afford to show signs of obvious aging, and as one of the world's most photographed women whose career was built in great part on the promise of video as art form, it seems entirely logical that she would succumb to the pressures of the industry. Surely people aren't shocked to learn that Madonna is vain and a narcissist? 
    Madonna explained herself most effectively during her promotion for her film W.E. I don't think many actually caught on at the time when she made parallels between herself and Wallis Simpson by describing the limiting views of the masses that prevent a public person from having more than one or two characteristics. It had long become painfully obvious that Madonna could not simultaneously and successfully be a provocative showwoman, a film director, a recording artist, an actress, a business owner, a good mother, and a human being with an evolving intellect...She therefore seemed to step back until she eventually found the best way to enable her own version of that narrative to thrive by inventing the Madame X character; an empty vessel capable of being anything she wants to be at any given fork in the road. Tears of a Clown was her first foray into meta-identity-fucking, and she knew all along that the only way forward was to leave the past and its intransigent inhabitants behind. I believe Madonna is a deconstructionist at this point in her life, fully in charge and fully self-aware. Whatever anyone else thinks of her is merely a projection of something deep within themselves. The need to denigrate her choices and their results is most probably more indicative of the audience's inability to move beyond preconceived notions and prejudice. After all, in a world of bullies, everyone is somehow still a victim. Madonna's greatest achievement is that she is a living work of art, full of contradictions and the ability to elicit the fullest emotional spectrum no matter the brush stroke. 
  13. Like
    Alibaba reacted to wtg1987 in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    Rest girl - she fucking deserves it 😘😜🥰
  14. Like
    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I got teary eyed my friend 
    She’s ONE not in a lifetime but in many many lifetimes. 
  15. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from SecretProject in One Sentence Loves- Celebration Tour   
    I love how at 65 she can convincingly recapture herself at 25 or 40 without looking absurd or caricatural. 
  16. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from nito84bcn in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    This was real. I loved seeing Madonna get messy in sweat! I think there were a few missed opportunities with choices of wide shots vs close-ups, but they captured the show well! It was a monumental achievement considering where Madonna was at just ten months ago, and she has re-cemented her status as the global icon she deserves to be seen as.
    I can’t believe it’s all over! The Celebration Tour era started almost a year and a half ago, and once again I will see this as a very particular time in life. I hope you all feel this in your own special way! How lucky we are to be able to look back on our lives always having Madonna as a reference point. She’s quite extraordinary. This feels bittersweet! I will miss the frenzy of posts that the tour inspired. Who knows what’s next or when it will transpire, but it’s been a blast! 💛 
  17. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from NRMX in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    This was real. I loved seeing Madonna get messy in sweat! I think there were a few missed opportunities with choices of wide shots vs close-ups, but they captured the show well! It was a monumental achievement considering where Madonna was at just ten months ago, and she has re-cemented her status as the global icon she deserves to be seen as.
    I can’t believe it’s all over! The Celebration Tour era started almost a year and a half ago, and once again I will see this as a very particular time in life. I hope you all feel this in your own special way! How lucky we are to be able to look back on our lives always having Madonna as a reference point. She’s quite extraordinary. This feels bittersweet! I will miss the frenzy of posts that the tour inspired. Who knows what’s next or when it will transpire, but it’s been a blast! 💛 
  18. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from WokeUpInMedellin in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    This was real. I loved seeing Madonna get messy in sweat! I think there were a few missed opportunities with choices of wide shots vs close-ups, but they captured the show well! It was a monumental achievement considering where Madonna was at just ten months ago, and she has re-cemented her status as the global icon she deserves to be seen as.
    I can’t believe it’s all over! The Celebration Tour era started almost a year and a half ago, and once again I will see this as a very particular time in life. I hope you all feel this in your own special way! How lucky we are to be able to look back on our lives always having Madonna as a reference point. She’s quite extraordinary. This feels bittersweet! I will miss the frenzy of posts that the tour inspired. Who knows what’s next or when it will transpire, but it’s been a blast! 💛 
  19. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from rlittler81 in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    This was real. I loved seeing Madonna get messy in sweat! I think there were a few missed opportunities with choices of wide shots vs close-ups, but they captured the show well! It was a monumental achievement considering where Madonna was at just ten months ago, and she has re-cemented her status as the global icon she deserves to be seen as.
    I can’t believe it’s all over! The Celebration Tour era started almost a year and a half ago, and once again I will see this as a very particular time in life. I hope you all feel this in your own special way! How lucky we are to be able to look back on our lives always having Madonna as a reference point. She’s quite extraordinary. This feels bittersweet! I will miss the frenzy of posts that the tour inspired. Who knows what’s next or when it will transpire, but it’s been a blast! 💛 
  20. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Where's The Party? in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    This LEGEND.
    When it comes to concerts, I feel like M is one of the few performers - perhaps the only performer - who gets it. And I mean really gets it. She understands what a concert should be, and is - a whole experience from beginning to end. And that's what this was. Every single part of the show was so well-thought-out, and you could tell she was living her absolute best life. The fact that she's achieved a career high in her 60s and coupled with the fact that we almost lost her a year ago, makes this achievement even more emotional. I'm very, very honoured to have seen this masterclass in how to put on a show back in October.
    The perfect way to end the tour. Quite simply, the greatest performer of all time. There will literally never be another.
  21. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Pltcn61 in RIO REAL TIME DISCUSSION   
  22. Like
    Alibaba reacted to PlayPause in Hommage to Paul Auster - Singing Telegram / Blue in the Face (1995)   
    Famous American author Paul Auster died today.
    I went totally crazy for a lot of his books in the 1990s and 2000s, especially In the Country of Last Things that I still recommend to any reader.
    He wrote and co-directed a couple of movies, including Blue in the Face (title: Brooklyn Boogie in some countries). A loose story made of different situations with recurring characters, where Madonna appears in a short skit. Happened in the middle of the 1990s when she was very active in Hollywood and the New York scene, made the headlines back then because she was in such an indie production, proved once more she's such a showgirl with a comedic flair. I loved the film, which has aged rather well.
    Check it out and read books:
  23. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from VogueMusic in Patrick Leonard and Shep Pettibone on Celebration Tour?   
    N + D had friends and family tickets. I think most of the major players in M’s career are extended that offer. In M’s case, you pay face value and get prime seating. If she personally invites someone I imagine it’s free! 😂
  24. Like
    Alibaba reacted to DoneGone in Patrick Leonard and Shep Pettibone on Celebration Tour?   
    Are we sure they did? I don't remember reading that when they were there?
    Plus she didn't acknowledge them at all from stage.
    But if they did I'm very happy for them, of course.
  25. Like
    Alibaba reacted to RUADJAI in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Yes. I agree with this interpretation. But I wouldn't say she "doesn't have a future" or "nothing left to do but die".... it's just after someone becomes spiritually awakened you do realize that nothing really matters and you confront death. You then will not view death as a negative but will see how fragile life truly is and your entire existence will be a celebration of life. The ones you love will be the most important thing to you, YES even more important than being the biggest pop star in the world. (Which I have no doubt she's mentally moved on from, because it doesn't really matter) 
    I didn't quote your entire message but I agree with everything you said. 
    To the person insinuating "this is why she shouldn't tell her own story", because she talks about death and the such... 
    All you really did was expose the majority of "the audience" for not having an open mind to a different story. Not that she lacks the ability to tell a good story. Her OWN story. For lack of a better term, the typical audience as being basic and needing their stories to have perceived happy endings and heroes and perpetuating the false narrative of a superstar. What would the story of Madonna be if it only focused on accomplishments? Only on the happy times. Only had a typical struggle of the real world, not of the spiritual struggle of a soul. It would be vapid and a throwaway and dishonest. It might have box office success but it would be trash. Just a polished version of that horrible lifetime movie they already made about her in the 90s. (Im sure a lot of fans only like her because she was/is the best of the best, but she's more than a popstar.)
    Death is all around ALL of us!!! If it hasn't hit close to you, dont worry, it soon will. And then it will be your time. Death is a part of life. And to deny it,  pretend it doesn't exist, or be afraid of it you will live a life that is unfulfilled. 
    Sorry I just had my morning coffee 
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