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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Andymad

  1. Y’all think Tag Police has BAT Dallas? Or just a news report...?

  2. This speech. When a soon to be nation leader includes gay, trans, African American rights + in their first address I just... I’m so emotional. I’m so happy for this. ?

    1. Certified Fuck Up

      Certified Fuck Up

      Trump's already crying sour grapes as he's not a graceful loser and will  continue to cling on to power to avoid criminal prosecution he avoided as president but out of office hopefully we get a new TrumpTV where he's done on criminal tax issues, bribery, pay big $ to a porn star and the rest!

      I've always thought and said that Orange is not the new black! 

    2. R3B3LH3ART


      biden is the only cool 78 year old guy i know

      the rest are trash LOL

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "Is my daughter a go-er or what ?"
      His robot son-in-law 'hired' :confused: a bunch of volunteers to handle PPE and the Corona virus.
      Another money making scheme while hundreds of thousands of Americans died 'coz of his mis-handling.
      How is someone's age a laughing matter.
      Madonna qualifies for a bus pass.

  3. It’s so refreshing to hear someone who cares so much about America, to use words and complete sentences that don’t include words like totally, millions and billions, China virus and fraud. 
    its the REFRESHMENT for me.

    Bye Linda

    1. Bobo


      100% Someone who can actually think through a sentence in his head first and then say it, someone who actually can feel empathy. 100% Andymad!

  4. Hey do we have an AI upscale of the BAT Sweden news spot? Can we? Lol

    1. Andymad


      Oh and Detroit? ?

    2. Bobo


      I'd love for someone to AI upscale the Pepsi commercial and all the Japanese commercials! But they'd need relatively HQ sources to do it, wouldn't they?

  5. Will anybody else be watching the Hocus Pocus event tomorrow night?? I’ve got my Chardonnay chilled and ready ??

    1. Angelo


      I can see it from italy or it's just an america exclusive???

    2. Andymad
    3. Team Madonna

      Team Madonna

      Oh hell yeah! Bette Midler rocks!

  6. I just love Ina. The promo for her new show pretty much sums up my life these past 7 months. I’ll drink to that!


    1. RUADJAI
    2. Andymad


      Oh weird my IG tag didn’t stick. Ina Garten from the Food Network. I’m obsessed. My fav segments are “Cooking for Jeffrey”. Just obsessed.

  7. Oh this exists ?


    1. EgoRod


      I think you forgot this


    2. EgoRod


      and this:


    3. Andymad
  8. Hey mods I can't see status updates in mobile mode send help please:broken:

  9. M in TOD:

    "Chris don't let them take me"

    Donna: "They woooon't"


  10. I just realized anybody and their grandma can read/see the silly shit we post on this forum LOL. I thought we was private ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scottyx


      our stuff shows in searches all the time lol

    3. Fighter


      we have nothing to hide :bothered: except the downloads and the off topic bc that's for the community, i think those are the only ones hidden. 

  11. Sending love to New Yorkers today, and everyone else who was affected by the 9/11 attacks❤️❤️

    1. louis.exe


      I find it crazy that it happened nearly 20 years ago

    2. Ulisaax640


      its sad. just imagining if we actually moved to the city back in 2001... i'd probably be hospitalized now.

      RIP all of those people who died and those who have been heroes

  12. @InterlacedGeek I’m Loooooving your AI upgrade of the Drowned World Tour. Thanks for doing that ???

  13. My god The Weeknd at the VMAs. Child you sang it on the rooftop baby. Come on Toronto represent!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. devilpray


      2 hours ago, Brandon Clark said:

      Anybody know why his face looked like he had just gotten beat up in a fight??

      It's an alter ego from his new album, he's worn the same suit and looked beat up since November


    3. Brandon Clark

      Brandon Clark

      Guess that shows how much I know about The Weeknd LOLOL! Thanks for the info! I was hoping it wasn't real & that someone wouldn't have let him step out like that if it was! Just looked into it a little bit more (thanks Google!) & I get it now. Good for him! That performance was fire tho & def unique! Love the song! 

    4. blondebenji


      another reason why Madonna needs to go to max martin.

  14. Madonna in her Cherish music video with a fine ass polo team in merman bottoms and I’m like ???. Hunny I’m certainly Cherishing the thought bitch.

    1. Andymad


      Woooah I did not know this!

    2. realityisalways


      Herb Ritts was such an amazing creative. Most of his stuff is timeless art.

  15. Best free AI programs for Mac? Looking to upgrade the entire series of Mamma’s Family. Aaaand GO!


    1. Angelo


      It’s real?? ?

    2. Roy


      I swear, this is pure gold. :ahh:

  17. MX Tour? Like let’s go already. While everyone’s still talking about you girl.

    1. devilpray


      it's delayed because they're changing all the pop songs to urban songs on her boyfriends request 

    2. emanon


      they never really talked about it on dvd, blu ray...I guess it's something to forget like Re-Invention...

    3. Andymad


      I mean it’s true. You never know with her. With the IG teasers of Vogue and God Control I think it’s definitely going to happen. I think while she’s on this (literal) high right now it would be smart to announce something. But hey, what do I know. That’s just the pop star in my head talking lol

  18. The mobile version on this forum has become a little glitchy I think. I can no longer add photos into status updates, or go back a page and still see the unseen topics I’m following in bold on the menu. Very strange.


  19. I don’t know how to deal with this year. A good friend of mine, she passed away last month.. giving birth to her baby girl who also passed during birth... and now another friend of mine is dying from cancer... I’m a mess. A fucking mess. All I can say is why... just why. Two beautiful people. Life is just so damn short. I can’t stop crying.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RUADJAI


      it sucks... Don't let it dim your light. Shine brighter with part of them inside you. 

    3. Andymad
    4. Andymad


      I think the hardest part for me is not being able to be there to say goodbye. I couldn’t say goodbye to my girl who was so excited to be a mom, and is now gone. And my other girl who has been so brave fighting cancer... I won’t get to say goodbye to her. Give her that last hug because she was my main bitch...The health laws just won’t let me be there for her. And I’m gutted. 

  20. BAT New Jersey- when the anxiety sets in over the fact that M’s monocle wraps around her neck to the back at the end of EY. SOS

  21. i had no idea how rough it had been for her. Also had no idea she re-recorded her first two albums. Too Little Too Late was my absolute fav song in like 2009

  22. Why does BAT Barcelona have such horrible angles? Dark stage wide pans

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Ghost

      The Ghost

      It was a live broadcast

    3. madgefan


      Maybe it served as a test version for the final HBO broadcast.

    4. brank000


      It was the emergency back up show for HBO so I always wondered the same. Maybe they looked at the footage after and said "We need to fix these angles for HBO".

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