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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Andymad

  1. Anybody else having issues logging on here?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andymad


      @Fighter for me it's working fine now.  But before, like yesterday and this morning I had issues loading the page to get in.  The page just failed or took longer than a minute to load.  But it seems fine now.  I tried getting on at work on wifi and phone network but the web page failed.

    3. Brandon Clark

      Brandon Clark

      @Fighter @AndymadSame here. Sometimes it just takes forever to load up or just fails completely & gives a message that says something along the lines of "The page you are looking for may have moved temporarily" while other pages work fine. Then I will try again 30 mins later & no issues? It's happened like 5 times for me total in the past few weeks & I just assumed there were too many people on the server or something like that? Next time I will take a screen shot of what it says for sure! 

    4. Fighter


      we've had issues with low disk space and also maintenance on the server location so it might be that but yes please send me a ss if you can :)



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lap


      Unfortunately, I totally agree with this person. 

    3. Andymad


      This post did not pass the vibe check ?

    4. proxy


      I reported this TikTok for bullying ?‍♂️

  3. Here in Canada we are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend. I know I haven’t been around as much as I used to, work work work. But I’m so thankful for for all of you, this place really is my other family. I love you all. Motherfuckers. 
    I Love You Reaction GIF by Demic

  4. Good lord my wine is on chill, ready for Madame X in 2 days. Madame X is a whore, a teacher, a nun, a pharmacist.

    Andymad, is a fat bottomed wineo.



    1. RUADJAI


      Fat Bottomed Wineos are here to observe your piece. 

    2. Andymad
  5. I’m in a BAT mood. I always am. But an interesting discovery. In the Soundboard of Barcelona for Express Yourself, you can prominently hear Niki singing the lead. Especially in the last chorus. I wonder why? There was obvious play back of album vocals. You don’t hear her backup part at all, but she is clearly singing Madonna’s part. Why is this? Was it a “this is my moment “ moment? Shady bitch. I love it! Bahahaha

    1. Brandon Clark

      Brandon Clark

      I've never noticed this before I'll have to check it out & have a listen later!? Love me some Niki she was prob like tonight's gonna be the Black Ambition Tour in Spain b^%#$es!! LOLOL :)o

  6. Y’all see the lineup for 2022 Super Bowl? Holla

    1. RUADJAI


      Biiiiiiiitch. Talk about a line up. :clapp:

    2. deathproof


      So good can’t wait!

  7. I have learned to cope with love and hope, that’s why I am here now…

    1. proxy


      Don't shut me down already a classic :fire:

  8. You just know she hated the EY choreography on MDNA tour LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RUADJAI


      why u think she didn't like it though?

    3. MCL_1993


      She rehearsed it so much and fucked it up occasionally during soundcheck. At some point (I think it was during the south american leg) she was so pissed that even her staff got annoyed when they had to rehearse it.

    4. Andymad


      @RUADJAI I was watching a random YouTube fan video and she accidentally throws the baton lol and she’s looks like fml this is bullshit haha



    1. MDRA


      Those crazy bastards did it! They made it sound like 40 years ago!

    2. proxy


      I have this song on repeat :fire:

  10. I’d love to get my hands on the studio intro of BAT. The factory sounds. Curious about how they created that.

  11. I’ve been working like a maniac lately. 65hrs a week. Miss all of you bitches.

  12. Drunk in an Uber and this radio station is playing THE WORST remix of LIKE a Virgin. So sad. 

    1. PanditaRulez


      Which remix? 

    2. Andymad


      I have no idea but it was in some mix of 80s songs and literally acapella with beats and some trumpets. Felt like I was in the twilight zone

  13. I don't know how it works internationally, but can anyone tell me if they made a studio version of this, as they do in the US and sell it on iTunes? I'm obsessed with this


    1. Andymad


      Hi, ok this isn't the video I posted LOL whats going on here 

    2. Andymad


      Wait now it is... Dancing Queen

  14. It's the brilliance for me. I've played around with vocalists throughout the years, where they know exactly what they want vocal wise. Mad respect for Ari


    1. Shoful


      This is such a nice calming video

  15. Wow, I’ve never seen this screen recording of RIT NY. The quality is actually really good!


  16. I’m feeling the effects of the second shot I just got this afternoon…. Oh dear Jesus please help me. It’s very intense. Help. I have an overwhelming sensation coming over me telling me that I NEED TO HUG AND LICK ALL OF YOU IMMEDIATELY!!!! Hallellu. ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aiwa08


      I got my second shot  this Saturday, and I don't feel anything strange. I've only had a little pain in my arm  both times. Nothing more.

    3. Andymad


      @emanon honestly the day after now, I feel okay. Sore arm, a little groggy. I have the day off and the weather is shitty so I’m perfectly fine vegging out and ordering a pizza lol

    4. diesel6888


      I had the both AZ and had very mild symptoms, nothing to be worried about, any side effects outweigh the risk of getting COVID to be honest.  I get a Flu jab every year nothing to worry about

  17. @RUADJAIbitch you beat me to it LOLOL your profile pic I hate you :hug:

  18. Pero……..


    cómo me duele…

    1. PanditaRulez


      Ay cómo me duele! Cómo me duele! Cómo me duele que te saquen a bailar! ???

  19. Interesting. Listen to EY from Barcelona BAT... is Nikki singing the main vocal w/ M in the 2nd chorus and the rest of the song? I'm pretty sure she is rather than singing the lower harmony.... I wonder why that is

    1. me1981


      I can't tell, though I'm almost certain she does this in Rome.

    2. Angelo


      I always thought that all of them used playback for EY, also for vogue

    3. RUADJAI


      Rumor has it Nikki and Madonna got into a fight and Nikki said "anything you can do, I can do better" and so she sang all of Madonna's parts to show her up in her own concert. This is how Causing a Commotion choreography came into existence as Madonna beat the shit out of Nikki during the 3rd number. The crowd loved it so they just kept it in the show. 

      This is all a lie

  20. I don’t understand why none of my photos are able to upload onto here. Even after selecting a smaller file size at like 32kbps or whatever LOL. Help

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jump8


      are you uploading from a cell phone? Check that your photos aren't in RAW format or similar in settings

    3. Andymad


      Thanks peeeeeeps!

    4. Certified Fuck Up

      Certified Fuck Up

      You might need to delete some pix you have uploaded in the past - its the most boring task as you might delete them all or one by one if you wanna keep some -



    1. RUADJAI


      I can't WAIT!

    2. Andymad


      I knooooow ? so many feels

    3. Scottyx


      Hub hasnt stopped talkin about this for months. Glad it is nearly here

  22. I’m not Levitating yeah, yeah, no.

  23. Calling all MODS. How do you determine the tag under Usernames? Like, mine is 'Dark Ballet'... ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shoful


      It's a beautiful life, but you never learn. Shoful tells you to shut your mouth or else you'll get burnt

    3. Andymad
    4. Enrico


      @Andymad @RUADJAI It changes every 50 posts. If you do a few more you'll get to Batuka, which is the final one (for now, hopefully).

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