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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. IMO her best shoot period. I wish we got more outtakes!
  2. Not sure but I've heard that since the movie came out. Of course some rumors are gonna just be flat out untrue.
  3. Haha oh really? I knew you followed me cuz you have the same name and profile pic :P ty!
  4. I think the closest she got to something supernatural was Bedazzled...she was going to play the devil which ended up going to Liz Hurley...also I guess Batman as well? Does that count? Both Cat Woman and Harley Quinn...ohh and she did mention the Matrix as well!
  5. I think she would be perfect in a John Waters film. Imagine her in something like A Dirty Shame? As for horror/sci-fi yes...something like hagzploitation a la Joan Crawford in Strait-Jacket!
  6. Btw this might be the perfect place for me to plug my fanart instagram @consecration_of_madonna https://www.instagram.com/p/C_yGqW5vZPj/?igsh=NGdpbzZneHRmZmVz I started my page for alternate artwork and hopefully have been improving 🙃
  7. I mean she was a child actress so she was always working...kinda like a miley just not as well known. Obviously she is NOT going to do it and the rumor was that Madonna sought HER out cuz a movie she saw on netflix. Just an interesting tid bit of gossip that got lost in the shuffle!
  8. Yup it was a random blind item so obviously sabrina has had a madonna fascination for awhile already!
  9. ...me? Out of ALL the members on this board...I am the hostile angry one? Gorrrrrl...the lack of self awareness of so many people here is astounding. I am literally Roger the Alien from American Dad meets ALF. That is literally me.
  10. Also are you seriously so scared to actually tag me or quote me when discussing me? Not very alpha of you! Don't worry, i won't judge you being a cuck.
  11. When it comes to you, correct. I definitely would not want touching involved. Stranger danger!
  12. Ha that's a good one, low hanging fruit tho...damn you would think with all the supposed hip people here there would be more creative insults
  13. 🤔 if only that response made sense. Either way, the elders seem PRESSED. Thankfully in my elder gay years I'm still fun! @Tudors feel free to tag me when speaking about me or else sadly you just come across and probably are a little sneak who can talk smack but afraid when people reply. Also...what word did i learn? Out? Or do you think i never knew the word Of? Or maybe you think I've never knew the word Touch? Or is the word you think i learned today was Today? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! I DON'T UNDERSTAND DUMB REPLIES!
  14. Countries are not un-susceptible to being out of touch 👶 so perhaps!
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