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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Bish no. I am tired of reading about kesha and dr luke. That's literally all they got. Joyride wasnt even a good song.
  2. I don't think the diablo videos were authentic. Obviously playing up the camera. I mean look at her last biopic post...do we honestly think that she was literally writing the script in those posts? I think with Bob, Bob Obviously made her feel comfortable to let her freak flag fly. I loved the bit where he says how he's always saying DRAG HER! and how it rubbed off on her. I think she's a bigger dork than what we realize and a major nerd. Hopefully she works with more people like Bob and we get to see that kooky part of her! And kooky in a FUN way not kooky in the Malik kooky covid years.
  3. Oh Gawd...Mtv sure is sadistic and Katy must be incredibly masochist. Imagine all the comments coming towards her!
  4. I mean...not even trying to be funny or shady but I had no idea who Patti was and it was a shock to me when i realized it was the religious lady from AHS Coven who made John Waters films look like subtle acting. I've never been a broadway fanatic or a theatre kid so i can't judge if that's considered good for theatre but if that's considered good for the broadway world, I'm ok never seeing a broadway play.
  5. Well to be fair, you've heard Madonna talk more about Kylie than you have heard her talk about Cher. I don't really think interviewers are interested in Madonna's opinions of others and it doesn't help that Madonna's interviews have been quite contrived for the past 20 years. Minus the adoption of David, they've all been pretty much the same questions. I think the two most boring album cycle interviews have been for Confessions and Madame X. What was the last celebrity Madonna has been asked about? Lady Gaga?
  6. I TOTALLY FORGOT! YES! also there was also a coffee table book in the works as well! there was also a photoshoot possibly coming but obviously it didnt happen. I know at the time some speculated that the interview shoot was meant for celebration but that was shot way later right?
  7. Exactly. They were being cheeky. Also what did the people asking those dumb questions expect? Rhino wasny going to say Yes! And then give them the release date and specs. They were just simply highlighting a release. It's like when they posted Live to Tell and then all these angry comments started appearing about the edit not being on digital 🙄 It's gonns come to a point where it's not even gonna be worth the hassle for them to post anything and we're gonna recieve things when we recieve them and that's that.
  8. You can see it VERY faintly in some pics but then when the light hits a certain way it really is not visible. It could've been either she didnt pencil it in that night or maybe it wiped off or even if the light hit a certain so the beauty mark isnt a good indicator. I kinda don't believe that it's her but the photo you posted is making me kinda think it could be!
  9. If you at younger pics in highschool and stuff you can't see it either. She always penciled it in to. She does have a little mole but it was never obvious without it being penciled in with makeup
  10. Lmao prestigious label...its an X account. It's 2024 not 2004. Anything and everything online is a joke and cheeky. Maybe the in-print press release on paper will be more serious 🤣
  11. Oh gawd if you say her name three times all the taylor haters are gonna come out in droves pretending they dont know any of her music yet hate it and say she's boring
  12. Uhh am I the only one who finds it funny? Also, stupid questions get stupid answers! Rhino isnt a political page or anything serious so them not being uptight and giving silly answers is a good thing. What did the people asking expect? Oh yes! Thank you for asking, we forgot to mention that will be selling it again!
  13. Everyone has done it, Madonna is absolutely late to do this. BUT tbh i always resent artists who do that so i usually skip and never look them up 😅
  14. I LOVED that geisha cut! I definitely think the tour would be all ROL with Bedtime Stories, Evita, STR, and Erotica sprinkled through out
  15. Also they look like they have stubble...we sure this isnt a man?
  16. She was talking about the VMA performance but I am like 99.99% sure she would've something similar for the tour. It also could've been the first and only time she's done a tour brunette 😭😭😭 Another side note for that Reinvention Tour rumor...the rumor was that Tree of Life seasons etc and that she was going to open with SKIN. Like i mentioned before, Chris hadnt written or spoke about the ROL tour so it's very suspicious that that rumor ended up being his initial plan for ROL (minus the Skin part but it makes sense and fits)!
  17. Well, whoever has an addict or recovering addict as a sibling/family member/friend knows to take the book with a grain of salt. The book VERY much reads like that. However...the most interesting part is where he talks about the Ray of Light tour! Here is another interesting side note...in 2004 waaaaay before the book came out the rumors for the Reinvention tour were pretty much the same as the way he describes the scrapped ROL tour was going to be like with the Tree of Life with each season being a different section. I wonder if she ever had a setlist for ROL or if it didnt reach that point so i guesd that would be my question.
  18. We need to start asking SPECIFIC questions!!!
  19. Why would someone ask him literally the same question lol. Like next time we need to ask to DESCRIBE how CYSMM sounds.
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