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Status Updates posted by Enrico

  1. The TagPolice is showing the Music b-rolls on the Stories....

    1. poserdemadonna


      Something's really odd about these supposed b-rolls

  2. You may not like Superstar, but this fanmade video is great!

  3. Just found this, is this real?



    1. survivalartist


      Its a blue dress

    2. MarXus


      If I recall, Madonna posted a clip from this on her Instagram when she was making the album. 

  4. If anyone wins the Icon contest, please let us know!! Especially what time did you receive a confirmation mail?

    One more question: if anyone has Medellin tickets, please let us know how the backstage tour went!!


  5. Can't wait for Sept. 17 to know the exact setlist and see the new merchandise!!

    (although I fear both things, too... :lol:)

    1. Voguerista


      DITTO! Fun times coming!!

    2. RUADJAI


      When is tour march usually revealed? Opening night? I really hope theres different looks/ aesthetics for the tour merch. I'm not really interested in Carmen Sandiego cha cha cha march. I'm also not a big fan of this MX symbol used on everything. 

    3. Andymad


      On 8/31/2019 at 8:14 PM, RUADJAI said:

      When is tour march usually revealed? Opening night? I really hope theres different looks/ aesthetics for the tour merch. I'm not really interested in Carmen Sandiego cha cha cha march. I'm also not a big fan of this MX symbol used on everything. 

      Something tells me it’ll be just that cha cha cha...

  6. Terrible day, waiting for the Ticketmaster confirmation mail... :Madonna021:

    1. stfan97


      I think you just get a text

  7. PLEASE HELP! Does anyone have a clue which is the correct answer for the Icon competition to win tickets for April 24. Here is the question: "Now that you got to discover her journey to Medellín, please answer the following question:  Where is Madame X going next? "

    Any idea @Dazedmadonna? @Fighter? @Frank?

    He who helps can come with me if I win!

    Also, I don't understand if you just have to answer or send something creative: Share your vision and interpretation in visuals, music or text by e-mailing it, alongwith your RSVP to madamex@madonna.com before 11:59pm BST on April 20th. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadonnaLove
    3. Enrico


      I was thinking Detroit because that's what Maluma is saying in the song...

    4. RUADJAI


      To to to to the moon

  8. IMPORTANT: as @Fighter already said, to see a link please REACT/LIKE, do not REPLY!

  9. The new BAT Yokohama remaster by @hawkstarskyis so bright and beautiful I can't stop re-watching it! I know it's obvious, but this tour is soooo good :hearteyes:. Simple but effective choreographies, great interaction with the dancers and the girls, and also a great non-epileptic editing of the video.
    But I have a question: at 1:29:30 it looks like Holiday is not live: is it possible??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ITG


      Why does it look like it's not live?

    3. MattyMads


      it's the way it's been edited at one point when she is doing the bumps with the guys for some reason they used a different bit of footage and the microphone isn't near her mouth when she's singing so looks like she's miming, it's always bugged me. The same with the Girlie Show Japan on Erotica and Vogue they have used different bits of footage from the songs that doesn't correspond to the audio

    4. ITG


      Well that's just poor editing. Holiday is still live.

  10. Today I showed my pop music singing students Everbody live from the Girlie Show. "Is that Madonna? How can she sing and dance so well?" Oh what a circus, oh what a show! They were so impressed by the quality. So strange because it's so obvious for us, we take it for granted. Perhaps I should show more... Holiday 1987? Keep it together 1990? Any advice? (Must be real live vocals)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fontainebleau


      Perhaps Open Your Heart/Sagarra Jo from the MDNA Tour? The Paris Olympia version?

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Show them some Grace Jones !

    4. wtg1987


      into the groove from wtg tour is a good video to show them :))

  11. Do we already have this?


    1. null


      Yes. Leaked in 2015 along with two closeup clips of B-roll from that video of Madonna and a rough cut version of the video before special effects were added.

  12. The Tag Police is back! BAT Dallas :hearteyes:


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BringUrLUV


      Express Yourself esp from Blond Ambition is my favorite all time Madonna song/ SONG PERIOD ever and that performance is the most ICONIC thing that had ever been bestowed on this Earth.  I'm looking at & judging you, Jesus.

    3. Andymad


      2 hours ago, BringUrLUV said:

      Express Yourself esp from Blond Ambition is my favorite all time Madonna song/ SONG PERIOD ever and that performance is the most ICONIC thing that had ever been bestowed on this Earth.  I'm looking at & judging you, Jesus.


  13. I can't believe @Fighter was forced to close the Stonewall thread. What's the point of being a Madonna fan if we don't listen to her? "Share what you know with someone you don’t agree with! Try it! Get outside of your comfort zone!  Let’s close up the distance between one human being and another. Are you ready to do that?"

    1. RUADJAI


      I don't get it. What happened.

    2. Andymad


      I think it’s initial shock, really. And fear. Listen I’m ALL for people doing what they want to their body. Your body YOUR choice, 100%. But I think something so aggressive though, my fear is that people will be talking about the wrong thing, and that’s what’s starting to happen. If she did in fact get fat fillers/implants, her choice. I just don’t want that to overshadow the #magic she’s spent so long creating. But whatever, she’s shocked us with her new ass, great. Next. New music, now it’s time to dance!!

  14. The 2019 official Calendar has just arrived. I don't even have the strenght to open it... at least the Bedtime stories cover is upside down as I like it. They could have published at least the pictures without the album titles. It's so cheap they don't even have the balls to sell it through the Icon store.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      I've never bought a madonna calendar.
      The strange looks U get buying the hunky half-naked guys ones in January for 99p is much more fun ! :lol:

  15. VOTE (not just midterm)! Last chance to vote for @Curtainsranking Game!

    Ends Nov. 10:


  16. Please guys do not post audio files of Champagne Rosé, it is not allowed! Support Madonna on the chart instead by buying or streaming the song!

    1. theglamorous


      People are actually downloading this?!

    2. Angelo


      people...try itunes rip on google and you will find the """"""song"""""" LOL <3

    3. Rupert76


      What? Buying this "song"? What "song"? I don't even want it as gift

  17. Can I ask English speakers for help to explain a few lines in the Quavo rap in Liam Payne's Strip that down? I don't get the meaning of:
    If you brought the CL, better drive slow and

    Anything goes down with the Huncho

    Thank you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RUADJAI
    3. RUADJAI


      So i guess Huncho is like Honcho but for the streets. The only thing i could find for CL would be chromed lined gun barrel. Which would make sense in context. but i don't know. 

    4. Enrico


      @RUADJAII read that CL may mean "cadillac", otherwise informer/secret agent...

  18. Enrico

    Have you seen my reply to your status update?

    I think I found what you were looking for:


    1. Roy


      Yee! Thanks. :D

  19. Could someone be so kind to reupload BET 106&Park interview from 2008? How come I've never seen it before?! Thanks in advance!


  20. Do you know this documentary? Working with Madonna


    1. The Ghost

      The Ghost

      Never heard of it but it looks ace!

    2. RUADJAI
  21. Let's put it this way: we are all nervous in anticipation of the new album!

    If she had released a song on her birthday at least we would be fighting about something relevant! Do we really want do fight for the Met Gala editing?

    Please @Liamdon't take it personal, you are very opinionated and as you know this can lead to much discussion. But I think we can accept everyone's position..

    1. Fighter


      That's a nice sentiment, and originally how I'd have liked things to be. For Liam not to throw a hissy fit over something so silly. I've tried for years to get him to cooperate but if at this point he is deleting my replies to his status update and editing his message to make it more dramatic and slanderous. We're done now. 

  22. Check out the new Madonna and the Breakfast Club official trailer just posted by @LivingForLove94:



  23. When did Madonna exactly arrive in New York? If it's July 1978, as I read somewhere, we should celebrate not only her 60th birthday, but also the 40th anniversary of her artistic career!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enrico


      I understand, but I find the Breakfast Club / Emmy period very interesting, can't wait to see the documentary and love all the songs and the creation of a musical style. As for the ROL, I am very fascinated by the creative process as much as the final result.

    3. poserdemadonna


      Which reminds me, tomorrow is International Madonna Day, celebrated on her 1st album anniversary!

    4. cosmicarlo818


      Yes! This is what I said to Guy Guido regarding the release of his movie "Madonna & The Breakfast Club" and he agreed. So yeah, to celebrate M's 40th anniversary since that mythical arrival in NYC, the movie shall be released pretty soon I guess! 

  24. While waiting for M14, why don't tou play the Madonna lyrics game started by @AspergerArtist? Come on don't be shy, it will improve your memory and distract you from the useless "fat Madonna" discussion!


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