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    travelinstillness reacted to Starchild in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Yeh, I don't get the fuss, particularly since we can barely see him.
    Besides, I am kinda distracted by her laterally expanding cheeks.
    Also, it's weird that they're being photographed by a third person.
    Hardly as 'sexy' a moment as she's trying to project here...
  2. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to Alpha in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Stupid. First of all, Trump and his cult are pretty close to nazis. Not only do they wanna take gay rights, they were successful in taking away women's rights and right now there is project 2025 so its stupid to shrug it off as just some "dIfFeReNcE oF OpInIoN". As for Harvey, she was a victim of him too. There was that story of how supposedly her grabbed her and tried to kiss her. Its stupid to say "dOnT puT hEr On A pEdEsTaL" then shrug off things SHE might have suffered behind the scenes. So you dont want her to be treated as a deity yet don't give her the benefit of the doubt especially knowing she's been a rape victim and who knows what sort of trauma she's had hidden from the public. As for Gaga, she did it on purpose working with R Kelly who there was literally video evidence of and then make a video that came out so graphic and pountless that she even knew not to release it. Anyone who works with trump should be banished to whatever christian island they'd be happy worshipping that pig.
  3. Haha
    travelinstillness reacted to Honey Little in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I loved her look during the Hard Candy era!
  4. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to Roland Barthes in Burning Up - music video filming dates   
    You should definitely make a book.
  5. Haha
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    travelinstillness reacted to Would You Like To Try in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   

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    travelinstillness reacted to N3onNostalgic in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I've had the best night ever, easily the best concert I've been to. I am sad that some songs didn't make the cut but it was still an amazing night I'll never forget.
  8. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to DJ N A in Rehearsals (spoilers alert)   
    Here is an interview with Fauci from the NIH as they were getting ready to roll out the vaccine:
    Collins: Okay, so suppose this all looks really good and you have a vaccine that’s safe and effective, and we start immunizing people. How long will that protection last when you’ve got a vaccine? Are you going need to take it again?
    Fauci: We do not know the answer to that. I mean, you can assume that you’re going to get protection at least to take us through this cycle. When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere between six months to a year.… We’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it's going to be finite. It’s not going to be like a measles vaccine. So there’s going to be follow-up in those cases to see if we need a boost. We may need a boost to continue the protection. But right now we do not know how long it lasts.
    Source: https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/08/dr-anthony-fauci-covid-19-vaccines
  9. Like
    Yes but what I mean is there was no significance to when TIC came out. It wasn’t tied to its anniversary.
    We were expecting a reissue tied to the 40th anniv of the first album, but maybe that (and others) will come at another time, no relation to the actual album anniversary. Just like the 2001 remasters that came shortly before the DWT.
  10. Haha
    travelinstillness reacted to steady75 in POPULAR   

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    I cannot
  11. Thanks
    travelinstillness reacted to Would You Like To Try in DL:She's Breathless - Edits (15 Tracks Newly Remastered)   
    This is pretty much a big project to give promo to my biggest work "Finally Enough Edits" coming soon.They are remastered on mobile
    15 tracks

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    Name:She's Breathless - Bootleg Edit
  12. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to steady75 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I hope you know who is excited about announcing this weeks "release" info on socials 
    click for sneak preview

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  13. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to MattyMads in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    It’s this type of attitude from some fans that have allowed this behaviour to happen, if you have a negative opinion against Madonna then you’re not a really fan. Grow the F up!
  14. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to RinoTheBouncer in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    I’m so very happy that people are voicing their displeasure in this manner. Writing comments online ends up getting you blocked and things continue the same way as they are, but when you vote with your wallet and walk out and get a refund or shout for them even, that’s how you get heard.
    ”She’s Madonna, she can do whatever she wants” yeah and I can open my Yondr and take photos as I want but they’ll escort me out, “don’t like our phones don’t make a tour” how does that sound? Some sycophants need to stop enabling her to double down with such attitude. There’s a chasm or difference between breaking the rules to establish gay fights and give oppressed minorities visibility and recognition and challenge taboos vs. flat out disrespecting your paying audience because of whom you still have a career. Her being a queen of pop is a recognition of her achievements and legacy in music, it doesn’t mean she’s above other human beings. She’s not royalty and even royalty respect time frames.
    If you’re a bootlicker and have no self respect or dignity and you’re ok being stepped on, feel free to swallow whatever she throws at you, no one’s stopping you, but remember we’re not all like you and some of us actually speak out when mistreated. Deal with it. 
    If the pizza arrives 3 hours late and cold, you all would complain and same applies for web orders, a faulty fridge that you bought, a doctor’s appointment if you arrive 3 hours late or the doctor welcomes you 3 hours late, or basically anything that doesn’t happen on the promises time in the agreed upon quality. Madonna is no different and she doesn’t deserve any special treatment. Have some self respect and stop letting pop singers making billions off of your money to shit on you afterwards and thank them for it.
  15. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to scion in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    I need somebody to teach me... mannnerrrrs,
    somebody to help me be on timmme...
  16. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to RinoTheBouncer in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    They are calling people names themselves. I’m not saying don’t go to the concert and don’t enjoy the show, I’m saying if someone’s gonna tell me to “STFU” or that I’m “late for my bedtime because I’m 70” or that I should “suck it up like an adult, because she’s the queen” just for having an opinion about her incompetent management and holier-than-thou attitude, I’m gonna response.
    When someone is a bitch to me, I can be a bitch too.
  17. Thanks
    travelinstillness reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    Thank you! 

    The fact they moved the start time and she still cannot make it and makes them wait hours without a phone and no heads up when she'll be on. It's literally disrespect for your own audience. Super fans may like that because they'll see their idol no matter what but super fans alone cannot sustain tours or profits when it comes to booking stadiums, arenas or future shows, you need the general public to some degree on your side. But these people think the world revolves them and only their ticket and their "Well, you can leave, no one cares, go to bed, cry baby" mentality somehow makes them feel superior when they are only playing themselves.

    People have jobs to go to, children that are probably with sitters, and other things besides waiting additional hours for a show but it's Madonna, of course. Apparently she gets a past for her behavior. The whole theater is not made of super fans or die hards, a good chunk are casuals or people wanting to see the Madonna they last remember. People will let it known that they are upset or tired of waiting. They aren't going to bow and accept any one liner or insult from Madonna because she's "ironic" either. She's shown contempt to her own bread and butter by insulting them on numerous shows and making fun of those who have left. Can you blame them? Waiting hours for a late show isn't something a lot of people are going to do. At MDNA, people were pissed and annoyed she never came on. The poor theater people who have to deal with this and stay later than usual because of the late start times is also a big issue.

    Exactly, voicing your displeasure or disagreement shouldn't question whether you're a fan or not. It's becoming a trend on forums that you must either love everything and never be critical of anything because you're "a troll, not a true fan, a Gaga stan, Kylie fan." It's really annoying at this point. I can imagine how the poor mods and other members feel when they can't voice anything. 
  18. Haha
    travelinstillness reacted to Christopher Dean in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    THEN DONT GO!! More room for the rest of us.
  19. Haha
    travelinstillness reacted to Christopher Dean in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    Really,Prince did numerous late intimate gigs and no one cried about it.It was cute when she mocked Kevin Costner and told her MTV storytime audience about ms.spider saying if you dont shut up i will go home.We LOVED it.we are lucky shes still here and touring.This is our Queen we let her get away with every little thing because there is no. Waother.If you cant handle staying up and waiting one night every 4 years then dont go.No wonder they hate us.Long live the Queen.Shame on you,you are no fan.She has plenty of money she can do what she wants.
  20. Haha
    travelinstillness reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    Let's see the positive thing: the staff at the Colosseum was already sleeping at 2 am and we got the full Like a prayer performance filmed!! 

  21. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to musicinferno in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    Madonna being late is not new news, but c'mon - they already changed the time from 7:30 to 10:30 to give people a realistic showtime so you can plan accordingly (this is the first tour Ticketmaster/Live Nation did this) but to STILL come out over 90 minutes after that?! So unprofessional. And to those who are defending her basically saying "deal with it," you should keep in mind that most people may not have the same energy level as you. Some people flew in from different time zones and are already tired as it is. So my question to you is: where do you draw the line? If she didn't come on until 2am, would you still be saying that's ok and bashing others who feel it's too late? I agree that the audience may have been too harsh last night but honestly, they have every right to be. It would be different if they made an announcement around 11pm saying that they were having technical difficulties or Madonna was ill or whatever. But nope. No explanation. Just making people sit there and wait wondering when or if she's coming on is not right.
    I usually defend Madonna till no end but she brought this all upon herself.
  22. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    But let me get this straight before other members start to complain. All these comments come from people who LOVE Madonna and who are sincerely worried about her, her career, her commercial success. Worried about her being detached from reality - after all her limo will be there at any time and she won't sleep until 4am anyway. Worried about the theatre personnel, about the crew, about the dancers and band who rehearsed until 5 am for a month and posted Instagram Stories at twilight almost every day. This is not normal...
  23. Like
    travelinstillness reacted to scion in Madame X Tour| Las Vegas   
    It's quite inexcusable I agree.
    Those who defend are defending for defending a same
    As a paying audience member you expect respect. 
    But then again, this is the same woman  who had banned phones from her allegedly-theatre-but-actually-a-concert show but was famously banned from attending a play because she's was the only one sat in the audience pissing about on her phone LOL.
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