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G House

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by G House

  1. Can you AVOID writing possible SPOILERS here? Thanks.

  2. Take a video, watch it slow mo-mo-mo-mo

  3. I fell in love, I fell in love
    I gave my heart to el diablo, el diablo

  4. SInce the topic is closed for further discussion, I'll tell you my opinion right here: Madonna doesn't know how to use instagram. She didn't know how to do it six years ago and she hasn't learnt yet. However, people blaming and "cancelling" the girl of the original pic for actually telling what happened should get a grip ;)

  5. Could you all report this tweet/account? She's judging Madonna by the men she's slept with and also implying she's had sex with Rocco! :angryaf:


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fighter


      @me1981that narrative already exists sadly so i dont think this particular one will matter

    3. me1981


      @FighterThat she might have slept with her son? I had no idea that was a thing people were putting out there. Unbelievable, I guess it must be going along with the illuminati garbage

    4. Fighter


      well not her son that ive seen thats new but it doesnt surprise me people are vile

  6. Hi! Could you please like my last post on instagram? @oscarssoundtrack <- That's the account. It's for a contest! Thanks in advance :)

  7. Just in case this gets lost in the hatred of the Eurovision thread, what's the sampler used between Future and Like a Prayer? I mean, I know it is Dark Ballet but the melody is taken from somewhere else and I can't wrap my head around it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fighter


      Pyotr Tchaikovsky!! it's a very well known excerpt from The Nutcracker. I love :heart:

    3. Angelo


      The Nutcracker

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Tchaikovsky ?
      Who else does he remix ??  :laughing:

  8. Happy new year my bitches! :kissy:

    1. theglamorous


      Happy New Year to you too

  9. I just finished watching Pose. Hands down this is the best series made by Ryan Murphy.

  10. Doing a rewatch of Glee atm (yes, seriously). I can't believe I have such a crush on Jonathan Groff <3

    1. Andymad


      oh god i loved that show. I skipped the last two seasons though. I cherished what came before because it was awesome.

    2. G House

      G House

      @Andymadyou better watch the last season, it's awesome <3

    3. madgefan


      I prefer him on HBO's Looking

  11. I just finished watching Looking: The Movie, and I am a f*cking emotional mess right now, but in a good way :cry:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dazedmadonna


      Love the whole saga (series + movie) so much

    3. cosmicarlo818


      zomg what is about???

    4. G House

      G House

      To sum up, it's about the lives of three gay men in San Francisco.
      And yes, the ending is good, but [SPOILER ALERT] I was a huge Kevin supporter so... I'm a bit disappointed.

  12. I saw Katy Perry live a couple of nights ago and it was pretty amazing. She's very beautiful and the show was funny and pretty well conceived. I missed some oldies though. On a side note, the Hailee Steinfeld pre-show was really cool, I can't believe she isn't more successful.

    1. MadgeSlave


      You were in Portugal? Or you saw it on TV?

    2. G House

      G House

      Nope, in Barcelona.

  13. :speakno::poo:

    1. RUADJAI


      Monkey Poop?

    2. G House

      G House

      Apeshit hahahahahahahahaha

  14. Pero, ¿y el anillo pa' cuándo?

    1. cosmicarlo818


      Cuando tú me des la verga güey.

    2. Dazedmadonna
  15. This is just an idea @Fighterbut couldn't we create here in the forum a photo gallery clasifying the archives that are being shared on the pictures section? Only visible/accesible for the forum members (?). Because sometimes it's rather difficult to find a certain shot and there are no major sites with galleries anymore and I think it would be great. Just a suggestion though :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      We planned on reopening the site gallery, but it would be separate from the forum and only updated by me and trusted contributors. with full resolution pics and easy to browse. it would be easier to maintain than a forum gallery which can get real messy, but yeah maybe not as updated unless we get more contributors. 

    3. G House

      G House

      That would be awesome @Fighter:hearteyes:

    4. devilpray


       I LOVE THAT

  16. Do any of you happen to have the MDNA font with the stripes effect? All the links that I find online are dead :(

  17. Most of you won't get it, but #justiceforLoMalo

  18. Most of you won't get it, but #justiceforLoMalo

  19. My HDD just died and I lost all my pictures and also all the rare/unreleased stuff I had been collecting for ages and I'd have to pay a crazy amount of money if I ever want to get them back. Happy new year to me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Ghost

      The Ghost

      GetDataBack is also a good program for file recovery.


    3. G House

      G House

      It is kind of a physical damage rather than some software problem so... I don't think there's a cheap solution :(

    4. Beto


      I'm sure other fans have the files if you request

  20. Reputation's tracklist has leaked so... It's only a matter of time :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. G House

      G House

      Wow, congratulations for your sarcasm, it almost sounded like something intelligent.

    3. James19709


      G House has made a reply to their status

      23 hours ago

      G House's Photo

      G House has made a reply to their status

      23 hours ago

      G House's Photo

      G House has made a reply to their status

      23 hours ago

      G House's Photo

      G House has made a reply to their status

      23 hours ago


    4. James19709


      I was being serious anyway, if you think someone is trying to sound intelligent with something as simple as that then it really says more about you.


    1. devilpray



    2. wtg1987


      I find it very difficult to excited about a Katy Perry album ? Dont understand her appeal ?? Same with Britney Spears too

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