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Papa Zelko

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Papa Zelko

  1. I honestly don't like any of the live albums. They're either to overproduced and lacking any live feel (Confessions could've been brilliants but the fake, selective audience cheering messes the whole thing up for me) or even worse, you hear the backing tracks and there was no effort put in to make it sound in any way decent like RHT and MDNA.


    My favorite LIVE sound experience is still The Girlie Show - Live Down Under VHS Stereo rip. You can feel the energy. her's, the band's the audience. Drowned World I think is well done as well, only slightly cleaned up and feels live and raw.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Debord said:

    If Biden told people getting the vaccine would ensure no covid, he was wrong. But in his Presidential address speaking about vaccines, he said "the vaccines provide strong protections for the vaccinated" and "the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19".

    My point remains that it was incredibly easy to find out for ourselves. No vaccine claimed it would prevent you from ever catching covid. Where did Pfizer claim that?

    US President Joe Biden, for example, said in July 2021 that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”.

    White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci said in May 2021 that vaccinated people become “dead ends” for the virus.

    CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in March 2021 that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

    We’ll never know if those officials got lied to by Pfizer as well but ot of it was their own motivation to mislead but they ALL later pivoted to “it mainly helps with great illness” and even that was a lie. I know many people who got severely ill despite being vaccinated. And unvaccinated ones who only got a runny nose. 


    So what is your point? That we shouldn’t trust our leading officials in this case? Don’t trust people who are at the source of all updated information? People were mislead. You were mislead. It’s ok to admit it and do better now that you know better. Claiming that “the real information was out there” is such a feeble minded excuse for the lies we were told.


    But I guess we agree that we can’t trust our officials nor companies like Pfizer who years later admitted that the vaccine does indeed fck with woman’s cycles despite, when women were complaining, them saying that it’s impossible. Same for clots that killed many. For example a 27 yo from a friends family. We were lied to. Knowingly.


    That’s the end for me on this. It feels like a waste of time with someone who’s either intellectually dishonest or just willfully ignorant. 

    Be well. 


  3. 7 minutes ago, Debord said:

    Any medication is going to have a tiny number of people who experience side effects and in an extremely small number of people those will be severe. That's how medicine works. It doesn't mean there's something dodgy going on.

    And anyone who thought being vaccinated meant definitely no covid is just an idiot, cos it was extremely easy to know the truth and indeed the literature I was given with my vaccine made it clear.

    Also it wasn't a windfall for all the vaccine creators- the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, for example, was given at cost and millions of doses were donated for free to low-income countries.

    Biden: "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Biden said in the full interview. "The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else."


    Thats just one example of people public figures saying that it stops with the vaccine  


    Again, it’s ok to admit that a lot of shit went sideways and that we got lied to by our elected officials and companies like Pfizer. Sticking one’s head in the sand about this reality just to feel a little better about how compliant and non questioning we were is suicidal to a degree. 


  4. Fck the vaccines. I almost died after the second shot which I was forced to take in order to fly to Europe to my dad’s funeral. My fever shot up to 103.5 while driving home and getting weird chills that turned into seizures. Through Siri I called my partner who figured out where I was and thankfully an ambulance came within 10 min. They pulled my twitching body out of the car and cooled it down with ice and cooling saline IV. At the hospital they did all sorts of tests to make sure there was no underlying infection of any sort. They couldn’t find anything and consensus was that my body produced too many Covid antibodies and that one shot would’ve been enough. Doctor said if the fever had gone over 104 or 105 I could’ve gotten a stroke and what not. 

    I had Covid months prior and it was awful but I was never close to death. 

    And many on “the left” did indeed say that the vaccine would stop transmission, like Rachel Maddow.


    It’s ok to admit that we got a lot about Covid wrong and that the reaction to it was completely overblown and a windfall for the vaccine makers who verifiably lied about pretty much everything AND got shielded by our government from any resulting injuries. 


  5. 11 hours ago, Boombox90 said:

    I can’t with self-loathing gays.

    I’m done with this topic and can’t wait for Madam President Kamala Harris. 🙏🏼🇺🇸

    Self loathing? 🤦🏻‍♂️


    Just because some homosexuals don’t wrap their whole identity into gayness doesn’t make them self loathing.

    Being gay is by complete chance and is only a fraction of what makes someone’s identity. At least in healthy people who are aware that they are infinitely more than just their sexual orientation.🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. On 7/29/2024 at 8:01 PM, WokeUpInMedellin said:

    If a party's platform is to strip rights from women and minorities, there should be no room for tolerance of them. It is so asinine to say "you shouldn't cancel someone for a difference of political opinion." When that opinion can help lead to abortion rights being stripped, gay marriage being stripped, healthcare rights for minorities being stripped..... it is not a tolerable opinion whatsoever. It is evil.

    Obama could've codified abortion rights into law when dems had control of both houses and the presidency. They didn't. They didn't many times over. A national ban after a certain amount of time (e.g. 13 weeks like in Germany) is perfectly acceptable. With exceptions for the health of the mother and criminal acts like rape etc. This all or nothing approach in this fkn country is revolting. One side wants abortions up until the last month basically and the other wants to outlaw them all together. It's utter idiocy and we are all getting played. Both sides are working the same fkn playbook every four years and most Americans just keep repeating shit like sheep, void of even the slightest hint of original thought. Bred like cattle to identify with one of the two sides.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on to her seat with her dying grubby hands should've retired when asked by Obama but no, corrupted by power and greed she undid everything she worked for and is to blame for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, so blame her and the dems ffs. A compromise on some sort of a nation wide abortion bad is what is going to happen.

    The country is 35 TRILLION dollar in debt. In comparison the total GDP of the US in 2023 was 28.78 trillion. We cannot afford the healthcare system the dems created under the ACA. It's not working. There were no cost control measures. No limits on what these Pharma companies can charge. No imports allowed from other western countries whose quality control is often superior to the FDA's. Sure, for the very poor and those who get heavily subsidized it's a great deal, and for Big Pharma but that's coming from all our hard earned money. We can't afford immigrants straining the healthcare system. Estimates are that over 20 million have entered the country illegally over the last decade. 10 million in the last 3,5 years alone. Maybe it's too large of a number for some people to comprehend but the population of Croatia for example is 3.8 million. That's almost the amount of people that crossed the boarder in 2023 alone. It's a shit ton of fkn people. It's draining the country and people feel it. Venezuelan street gangs terrorizing NYers. Crime is up despite what the Mayor keeps saying. We all see it, experience it and feel it.

    My health insurance went from 550$ for a platinum plan when the ACA got implemented to now 930$ for a gold plan. Next years it's going up to 1230$, same amount it was pre the ACA only now everything else is more expensive and in my field budges are down so I'm making less money overall. It's not working. None of it. No, republicans can't fix it either but I get why people are frustrated.

    Gay marriage wouldn't be an issue and we would've had it much sooner if rabid activists hadn't insisted on calling it marriage. Civil union or legal partnership with the same rights would've been fine and the rabid right wing clowns wouldn't have a foot to stand on but that's all this fkn county has, endless battles over cultural issues that if only tweaked slightly would not be a problem. 

    All this rambling to just say people have every reason to vote for republicans if that's what they want to do. I'd never vote for Trump but I fully understand why people support the idiot and that's solely the fault of democrats not delivering on key issues. Both sides fkn suck and ideally the whole system needs a fkn reboot.

    Trump would've NEVER been president the first time if Hillary and her arrogantly misguided GAY campaign manager Robby Mook hadn't taken the voters in the rust belt for granted. She didn't stop there ONCE to connect with people and get them on her side. Instead, as some of you people do, they called these people names, foolish etc etc. Not engaging with then, not taking their concerns seriously and thinking YOUR concerns about gay marriage etc are more valid than theirs, is what got us in this Trump mess to begin with. So do fkn better.


    Over and out.

  7. can we stop attempting to cancel people who simply don't align with our own political beliefs? I see this shit everywhere on the liberal end. The left is supposed to be the more tolerant side but somehow lately it feels like liberals are becoming the Neo fascists. "Either you believe 100% what we do or you're a nazi, -phobe, bigot" and so on. It's gotten completely out of hands. People have valid reasons for being dissatisfied how the country has been run, same in Europe, It's their right to vote how they see fit. It's part of democracy.


    This group think nonsense is not helping. 


  8. Why is this news to anyone? Did some really think she wouldn’t make this movies? What’s the no sense about “she told her story on tour perfectly”? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I just think it should be a miniseries. There are too many stories to tell within her life story. 

    Maybe they can do both. A feature movie length situation and then a 5 hrs director’s cut.🤣

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