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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Did M ever wear anything else from Bob Mackie? As far as I know that Oscar dress was the one and only time (aside from the "Iconic" video interlude, of course). Interesting considering it was so major and she usually would work again with the designers that create such looks.
  2. A cameo in Serial Mom would have taken me to the moon. Beverly finds the Sex Book in Chip's room and all hell breaks loose. We were robbed. 80's/90's M and Freddy Krueger = Magic.
  3. I so wish she had done a proper horror/ sci fi movie. I say it all the time on here but I still think she's got it in her to pull off a legendary cameo. This movie doesn't do it for me, but I'm a sucker for anything shot in 80's NYC. And it's wild watching the behind the scenes where she's in the limo singing "Let The Sunshine". And then watching her do it during soundcheck for that huge outdoor show on the Reinvention tour where the moon went right over the stage as she arrived. Crazy.
  4. Her fans will say "Yes, of course." M fans will say "Yeah, sure, drop dead." Different strokes for different folks.
  5. The words "icon" and "legend" need to be retired or take a long vacation til we get off these drugs.
  6. I agree with Music/ American Life. Though, one of my unpopular opinions is that I wish Music had been a more Confessions style dance album. The style of Music/ Impressive Instant/ Runaway Lover. The switch from Runaway Lover to I Deserve It is the biggest buzz kill.
  7. I mean, M hasn't acted in anything in like 20 years at this point. And I wish she had done horror/sci fi. There's still time for her to do an iconic cameo in the right project. I know she has it in her. And honestly, M's version of DCFMA is beautiful to me because of how meek and nervous she sounds at the beginning. And the way she conquers it by the end. I NEVER felt emotional about this song until I heard M sing it. That big bombastic Broadway voice is just not my thing. I'm sure the Tony's would disagree with me lol so hooray for Patti. No one then or now could sell Evita like M. And she's the main reason anyone remembers it.
  8. Yeah, scrap the biopic and just set up a camera and force her to talk to the stans. Instant classic.
  9. If there isn't a HQ studio version of Stuart's Orbital Reinvention Mix of Bedtime Story, Emily, Guy and the gang can go back to bed. And don't come back until their dicks are bigger.
  10. If you zoom in, you can see a beauty mark in the same spot. Guess it is her.
  11. Does the real M Dolla have that mole/ beauty mark on her upper arm? Get on it, girls.
  12. Were Ben Shapiro and Tom MacDonald busy? M and Janet getting together anytime from 1990- 1994 would have blown up the world. Even with a terrible song ("Hey Bertney!!!!") we'd still be talking about it. According to the MInfinity experts, "Vulgar" was going to be a #1 smash and should have been included on Erotica. So I would definitely trust them, don't mind me.
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