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Blue Jean

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Blue Jean

  1. Whoever made it doesn’t know how to use reverb. Sounds like the version recorded in the shower.
  2. Do we think when she kissed that alien it was an homage to Madonna or Britney ?
  3. You were outvoted. Madonna’s fans said yes, we want bush. I have censored it only to keep the minority at bay.
  4. It is a shame but at the same time this just puts Facebook more in the toilet than it already was. I believe Madonna Australia will thrive on other platforms as all the Aussies know them and will join wherever they are.
  5. Finally enough muff

  6. So now Taylor isn’t really successful, it’s the Chinese government that rigged her streaming stats You couldn’t make this shit up.
  7. Yes Over and Over could have been a single. I believe it would have been if there was no ITG and Crazy for You. She just had so many singles out there’s no way they could have had another one. I do feel it’s a crime Angel had no video.
  8. It’s true. I can’t stand Taylor Swift but I’m not going to pretend she’s not popular, not influential or that she’s not pretty. Come on.
  9. Well she endorsed Biden and now Kamala. Maybe she will get more political in the coming years.
  10. I have always had iPhones since the very first model. It was actually what prompted me to convert from PC to Mac. After that I’ve never gone back.
  11. I’ve never owned an Android. But I think they have all the same features don’t they? And they’re usually more affordable and often have a more up to date camera etc? I believe there are pros and cons to both. I will always stick with Mac though because I’m a Mac snob. I do use Google chrome, Google docs etc though . I hate iCloud and all that.
  12. Flies have lived through more eras than anyone, they would be the ones to know which female artists have dropped the best smelling and most iconic turds
  13. Very true. Like I keep saying it’s hard to compare the two. Plus there is also an inclination to trash Madonna and deny her achievements so a lot of people are keen to declare Taylor bigger than her for that reason too. They also did that with Gaga but look how that has turned out. Shes not even in the top 10 biggest artists of all time.
  14. The way popularity is measured has changed since the 80’s. It’s a different time so it’s hard to compare. But Taylor is talked about everywhere all the time in the same way Madonna was. Maybe it’s different in your country…. that’s kind of a relief for me if I’m honest. Maybe I should move there.
  15. And yes from what I’ve been told by older fans they were a lunatic and a stalker. They’re probably on this forum .
  16. Yes she did. And this wasn’t the only time. She also said once, I believe in 1994 that she would never want to have sex with a fat person as it would be disgusting. She also fat shamed a crew member eating at the buffet backstage on the Blond Ambition Tour. There was a whole news story years later where he said it changed his life. (For the better.)
  17. I’m sure these things are true. But no matter what you factor into the equation it’s pretty obvious some Madonna fans here are in denial about her level of success/stardom which , no matter how it’s been achieved, is undeniable. She is absolutely this generations biggest artist.
  18. Not sure I can agree with that. In the 80’s she did. I think in the 90’s she became too controversial to maintain that same universal appeal. Taylor on the other will always be bland and so she won’t alienate her fanbase. The only risk is that people will get bored of her.
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