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Rays Of Light
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    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Confessions Lightside in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think, as a lot of other people who have posted have said, that Madonna has just changed. She's always changing. I think that's what makes her so fascinating.
    After she married Sean, a lot of people began to come out and call her obnoxious and many other celebrities said in interviews that she did come off as mean. That would go on for years. But, she slowly evolved into ROL Madonna, who was very wise, spiritual and self-aware, and part of that was because of Lola's birth. Then, after Guy, she became English Madonna, and part of that was, I think, to make him happy. Once the marriage ended, it obviously became clear to her that she didn't have to try to please him anymore because things were over and she was probably also angry, so she rebelled against that image, which in turn, gave us MDNA Madonna and current Madonna.
    I think she's still rebelling against that image of the perfect wife, of the prim, proper woman. A lot of people want women of her age to settle down, be married and be quiet. She doesn't want to do any of that and she wants to be loud about it. She wants to keep up with the trends, make new music and just have a good time like a young person would. I think she's compensating for all those years of being married to Guy, where she was obviously very different. Divorces are hard, break ups are hard. We all have events that shape us and change us.
    Obviously, I could be wrong about everything I just wrote because I don't actually know her, but that's what I think. She always changes.
  2. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in What are your top five favorite Madonna Singles of the 80's?   
    In no particular order...
    -Like A Prayer
    -La Isla Bonita
    -Papa Don't Preach
    -Express Yourself
    -Live to Tell
  3. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from valinecode in What are your top five favorite Madonna Singles of the 80's?   
    In no particular order...
    -Like A Prayer
    -La Isla Bonita
    -Papa Don't Preach
    -Express Yourself
    -Live to Tell
  4. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Jitterbug in Last Madonna song you heard on the radio?   
    Open Your Heart while shopping. Previously when I was in that same store I heard Take A Bow.
  5. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in Last Madonna song you heard on the radio?   
    Open Your Heart while shopping. Previously when I was in that same store I heard Take A Bow.
  6. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Holy Trinity: LAP, ROL, COADF   
    Ray of Light is my personal favorite. It’s so influential, unique, cohesive and deep. It was the album/era that really pulled me into wanting to listen the rest of her discography. Such a beautiful album. 
    COADF is great and it had songs that were very popular when I was growing up. LAP is one of those albums that I respect because I know it has a lot of meaning to other fans, but it’s just one that I never really got into myself. 
  7. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from MarXus in The Holy Trinity: LAP, ROL, COADF   
    Ray of Light is my personal favorite. It’s so influential, unique, cohesive and deep. It was the album/era that really pulled me into wanting to listen the rest of her discography. Such a beautiful album. 
    COADF is great and it had songs that were very popular when I was growing up. LAP is one of those albums that I respect because I know it has a lot of meaning to other fans, but it’s just one that I never really got into myself. 
  8. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Blue Prince in The Holy Trinity: LAP, ROL, COADF   
    Ray of Light is my personal favorite. It’s so influential, unique, cohesive and deep. It was the album/era that really pulled me into wanting to listen the rest of her discography. Such a beautiful album. 
    COADF is great and it had songs that were very popular when I was growing up. LAP is one of those albums that I respect because I know it has a lot of meaning to other fans, but it’s just one that I never really got into myself. 
  9. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to IamZod in Madonna as an Actress   
    Body Of Evidence may have been better if they’d cast a male lead opposite her who she had some chemistry with. She had zero chemistry with Dafoe sadly. He was a bad casting choice. 
    just watching A League Of Their Own. It’s a really solid film. She’s very natural in it and quite likeable. 
  10. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna as an Actress   
    I have heard great things about Desperately Seeking Susan, so I am excited. Body of Evidence is intriguing to me because of the controversy and it being around the time of the Erotica era.
  11. Thanks
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna as an Actress   
    I actually do like her acting. I think that there are worse actors out there and she has had some roles that suited her.
    She really wanted to be Evita and she really put her whole self into that project and it definitely shows. Although I would've liked to have had a bit more dialogue in the film, I really enjoyed it. I think she did a great job.
    League Of Their Own was another role that was perfect for her. She was funny, convincing and the movie was very likeable.
    Who's That Girl was fun. It's obviously not a cinematic masterpiece. She did a good job being very campy, exaggerated.
    There are a couple films of hers that I have yet to see that I really want to, which are Desperately Seeking Susan and Body of Evidence. I just haven't had the opportunity to see them. Maybe I'll come back to post once I watch them.
    I really admire the fact that when Madonna wants to do something, she does it. She wanted to act, so she acted. When you want to try everything, you're bound to find some things that you're not the best at, but you make the most of it and I think that's what she's always done.
  12. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to patrice1711 in To Madonna Fans!   
    WOWWWWW, YOU'RE LIKE  ,...     JUST,  ME!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to Voguerista in To Madonna Fans!   
    Thank you everyone!! Xxx
    Same here. Madonna fans and this forum has made the Madonna journey that more special.  Love you All!! 
  14. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to Andymad in To Madonna Fans!   
    I’ve loved Madonna since a very early age. I think most of us can say that. But to be honest, I think I’ve actually enjoyed Madonna more since I became a part of a Madonna community. I could never really discuss M in my normal life because people didn’t know/care to hear it. But knowing I can talk about her, bitch and moan about her, criticize her, but most of all love her with other people is comforting. I don’t really know what I would do without this place. Sure life would go on, but this makes it so much better. I think this quote sums it all up.
    ”To a room full of people, that I admire, that I appreciate, that I adore, that I love...and... that I would all separately at one time or another like to smack the shit out of, cheers”
  15. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Synchrone in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    "A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."
    "I hate people who hate women. Actually, I hate people who hate!"
    "I know I'm not the best singer and I know I'm not the best dancer, but I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in pushing people's buttons, in being provocative and in being political."

  16. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to dylanlioncourt in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    It may not be a quote (an actual interview piece) but where she mentions her relationships with Melanie and how she's often gone to her place to escape the madness of the world and fame she deals with it and feels like a safe space. Think it was a 95/96 interview with the "You'll See" hairdo.
  17. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Blue Prince in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    "A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."
    "I hate people who hate women. Actually, I hate people who hate!"
    "I know I'm not the best singer and I know I'm not the best dancer, but I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in pushing people's buttons, in being provocative and in being political."

  18. Thanks
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    "A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."
    "I hate people who hate women. Actually, I hate people who hate!"
    "I know I'm not the best singer and I know I'm not the best dancer, but I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in pushing people's buttons, in being provocative and in being political."

  19. Thanks
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Voguerista in Tracy Young, Madonna's Favorite DJ, Is Breaking the Grammy Glass Ceiling   
    She won! Amazing! Congratulations to Tracy!
  20. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to Andymad in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    “Wonder what she looks like now.... just a bunch of dust”...
    This always stuck with me. I lost my grandmother at a very early age. We weren’t rich, my parents both worked full time. She took care of me. And I wish so much I had been older when she passed, so I could take care of her as much as she took care of me. I visited her grave all the time and that one thing always stayed with me. Wondering and feeling defeated that she was gone. I always felt that longing she felt in that moment, staged or not.
  21. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to Voguerista in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    Madonna has said so many cool things in her time. What are some of your favorite quotes from her?
    Here are some of mine....
    “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.”
    “There’s no such thing as the perfect soul mate. If you meet someone and you think they’re perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction. ‘Cos your soulmate is the person that pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis, and makes you face your s***.”
    “I’ve been popular and unpopular, successful and unsuccessful, loved and loathed, and I know how meaningless it all is. Therefore I feel free to take whatever risks I want.”
    “I’d like to think I am taking people on a journey; I am not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they leave.”
  22. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to WeYo in Post Madonna Quotes!   
    "You can always become a better version of yourself."
    "I'm tough, ambition and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, ok."
    "Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done."
    "Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep."
    "Everybody loves you when they are about to cum."

  23. Like
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from Levon in Last Madonna song you heard on the radio?   
    I heard Like A Prayer on a throwback mix on the radio. Like A Prayer seems to be one of the more popular Madonna songs in my area when it comes to the radio, but it's also one of her best songs, so I'm not surprised haha.
  24. Like
    somethingscomingover reacted to Fontainebleau in Madonna as a your personal hero!   
    Madonna's music has been the soundtrack to my life. As a kid I already liked her music, but she became a hero in 1990 when she released Vogue. I remember seeing the video for the first time like it was yesterday. I was 13 years old, growing up in a small village, being an only child and I had no clue regarding my sexuality. Seeing the dancers vogueing in the video really struck a chord with me. I felt myself drawn to it and I wanted to be like those dancers. Meanwhile I got bullied at school. People called me a faggot, but I didn't even know what being gay meant. But every evening I was striking poses in my bedroom. I started reading about vogueing and about fashion, stealing Vogue magazine from the public library. Some time later I saw Truth or Dare. The "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" slogan made a deep impression. I felt connected to it, but still I couldn't understand why. The moment it hit me was when after the summer holidays I fell in love with a new boy in our class. It freaked me out. But then Madonna released Justify My Love and the video gave me a glimpse into another world and slowly my identity started taking shape. I wasn't afraid anymore. By the time Madonna released Erotica I was fully aware of my identity. Madonna's music and videos were a liberating force, helping me to figure myself out while there was no one I could talk to about my confusion. That's why she's a hero of mine. And while I'm also a fan of other music genres and other artists, Madonna will always be that one special artist who made my life easier in those days and the one artist who opened my eyes.
  25. Thanks
    somethingscomingover got a reaction from RebelMe in The Grammys   
    I have also heard that a lot of these quotes are fake as well.
    But, it is still a shame that Madonna and Mariah weren't recognized. I think it has more to do with them not being young, new artists. They're just not even in the conversation anymore when it comes to the mainstream.
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