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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by club78boy

    1. club78boy


      he never really said. I once asked him if he liked M right before Rebel Heart was released and he told me "no, I can't stand her." lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  1. If you're the guy who runs Madonna Tour Archives, I just want to say thanks for all your incredible work!

    1. club78boy


      you are very welcome! Just wait for June 9th - two recordings of the actual concerts and possibly 100 reports!

  2. Drowned World Projections going up at MadonnaTourArchives :)



    1. club78boy


      I'd have to grab the file again as I already deleted it off my drive :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Madonna Tour Archives is back!!

    Music Promo Tour: Roseland Rehearsals and Projections


  4. Our journey through The Girlie Show has come to an end :)

  5. Our journey through The Girlie Show has come to an end :)

  6. I think Blonde (fictional biopic about MM) is the best example why Madonna should never let any d**k from Hollywood direct her biopic. 

    1. club78boy


      I agree... I get they were trying to all "arthouse" but it was just AWFUL and frankly BORING

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. club78boy


      hopefully they will include a nice digital rip of Holiday on Hip Hop!!

  8. Can we petition for Open Your Heart (Remix Edit) on Finally Enough Love instead of the Video Version???? It'd be nice to finally complete the True Blue era with the last mix we need digitally!!

    1. club78boy


      AGREED! This was a pretty lazy effort. Hopefully, they get it together with the proper reissues. I'm talking all the Rusty Egan remixes of Everybody and Jellybean's Burning Up :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I'm loving this channel so far. They always uploading great quality videos of Blond Ambition Tour. Big kudos to you @club78boy



  10. Blond Ambition Tour Audio help please, are these the audience shows that haven't been shared?

    Tokyo 15th April

    Osaka 20th April

    Yokohama 25th April

    LA - 11th, 13th, 15th, May

    Toronto - 27th May

    Detroit May 31st & June 1st

    Landover 8th & 9th June

    NY 12th June

    Philadelphia 17th June

    New Jersey 20th & 21st June

    Madrid 27th July

    Vigo 29th July

  11. When exactly was the Blond Date on MTV in 1990 and which specials did they show?

    1. club78boy


      Sneak Peek was March 27th 1990 and the Blond Date was May 5, 1990 from Houston

  12. So in the MTV VMA performance of Express... what exactly do you think she says as the beat starts? “......make some noise?” It’s quite muffled.

    1. club78boy


      I always thought it was "Young MC, Bust a Move"

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Does anybody know if we'll ever have the chance to watch a full Girlie Show proshot unreleased concert as it happend with the New Jersey Blond Ambition show and could still happen with the Florence show from the Who's That Girl Tour? Is there any full recording left to discover?

    1. club78boy


      this user has uploaded it in three parts: 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Does anybody know if we'll ever have the chance to watch a full Girlie Show proshot unreleased concert as it happend with the New Jersey Blond Ambition show and could still happen with the Florence show from the Who's That Girl Tour? Is there any full recording left to discover?

    1. club78boy


      It was a TV special that broadcast Express Yourself and Fever in full and then b-roll of Deeper And Deeper, Vogue and Rain.  

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Ok so what’s the deal with Tag Police on IG? Where is all of this BAT footage coming from? News reports? 

    1. club78boy


      this footage has been around for 30 years :) It was broadcast in full ALL OVER Europe since the US got Houston exclusively. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm taking it that Don't Tell Me's B-roll must be making the rounds somewhere.

  17. I wanna KNOW what it really was like back in 1998 when RoL was released? How was the actual era for those who lived it (I'm jealous!) I heard "Frozen" was REALLY huge and "Ray Of Light" was played nonstop. Is this true!? I was only 5 then :suffer:

    1. club78boy


      It was MAGICAL! She was really paving the way and setting trends.  I do remember WB was VERY SLOW to release ROL as a single as radio started playing it a few weeks after Frozen peaked in March.  By the time ROL was released was May (if memory serves) and it charted mostly based on sales.  It could have done MUCH BETTER than #5!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. When did M start calling her audiences 'motherfuckers'? Just curious lol

  19. Can anybody tell me the exact filming dates of the BAT Yokohama and TGS Fukuoka?

  20. Can anybody tell me the exact filming dates of the BAT Yokohama and TGS Fukuoka?

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