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  1. Haha
    maddy1111 reacted to emanon in Madonna on Fortnite   
    Jesus, kill somebody (on the game) and Vogue on their dead body... save my soul! m m m the devil is here to fool'ya... 
    I'm just kidding...we all would love something from her in something we like...
  2. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Whatever happened to Queen on Rebel Heart?   
    Yeah sure we will get 4 CDs reissue of Rebel Heart.. Like ever ;) 
  3. Haha
    maddy1111 reacted to Candy Perfume Boy in Do you really think that Madonna hates her back catalogue?   
    I think the artists milking their back catalogues  have poorer current sales performance. She doesn’t need to flood the market with all that content when she’s making money from the currently available catalogue and upcoming new releases.
    when she releases a Christmas album you can be assured the unreleased stuff will quickly follow.
  4. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to VogueMusic in Do you really think that Madonna hates her back catalogue?   
    As for this 'hating of her old songs' thing, I think fans take it all way too literally. First, she's not the only artist to feel that way about old songs. And two, she moved beyond that period where she really wasn't interested (around ROL). If she truly hated it all, she wouldn't do old songs in her tours, and they would probably be very different shows. She would have never done anything like Tears of a Clown. Or even Re-Invention. Clearly, she likes some songs better than others. And she's said multiple times that certain songs are just of a certain time that she feels silly just pulling them out without doing something to make them reflective and who/where she is today. I respect that, and it's given us some of her best live tour moments (that very few of her peers/followers even bother to attempt...or could).
    As for remasters, box sets, anniversary re-issues, etc...yeah, we'd all love it. But clearly she's not interested in milking that part of her career...yet. She probably feels that stuff can be done later, and I don't blame her (though I'd love it now just as much as any fan). Personally, I think it would make sense to start doing those things into her mid-to-later 70s, probably once large-scale touring finally stops, and she moves on to other creative endeavors/life/etc. As for now, she's a contemporary artist working 'in the now' (as she always has), and she sees herself that way. I don't see that changing for at least a good ten more years or so.
    That being said, around the time of the biopic release, it may be a good time to do a 'legacy' era of some sort.
  5. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from Rodrigo Olivero in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    And how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Or you just wanted to be troll and spread same hate towards Madame X even in this thread?! 
  6. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from Roland Barthes in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    And how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Or you just wanted to be troll and spread same hate towards Madame X even in this thread?! 
  7. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from madaboutM in Whatever happened to Queen on Rebel Heart?   
    Even if I think, the production-wise, Queen is not that interesting song, I absolutely agree it should have been included in the final track list.. At least as a bonus track. I can never understand that she recorded so many good tracks for Rebel Heart (Nothing Lasts Forever, Tragic girl, Trust no Bitch, Back That Up, Queen...) but decided to go with Autotube Baby, one of the worst tracks she has ever recorded. 
  8. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from PlayPause in Whatever happened to Queen on Rebel Heart?   
    Even if I think, the production-wise, Queen is not that interesting song, I absolutely agree it should have been included in the final track list.. At least as a bonus track. I can never understand that she recorded so many good tracks for Rebel Heart (Nothing Lasts Forever, Tragic girl, Trust no Bitch, Back That Up, Queen...) but decided to go with Autotube Baby, one of the worst tracks she has ever recorded. 
  9. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from kesiak in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    So? She left Warner 12 year before Madame X was released, not anyhow connected, your post here are totally irrelevant, you are just stupidly trolling about how much you hate Madame X, take that to another thread 
  10. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from CYSMM in Whatever happened to Queen on Rebel Heart?   
    Even if I think, the production-wise, Queen is not that interesting song, I absolutely agree it should have been included in the final track list.. At least as a bonus track. I can never understand that she recorded so many good tracks for Rebel Heart (Nothing Lasts Forever, Tragic girl, Trust no Bitch, Back That Up, Queen...) but decided to go with Autotube Baby, one of the worst tracks she has ever recorded. 
  11. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from Shoful in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    How is that answering my question? 
    I was asking how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Again, you are just trolling... 
  12. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from Shoful in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    So? She left Warner 12 year before Madame X was released, not anyhow connected, your post here are totally irrelevant, you are just stupidly trolling about how much you hate Madame X, take that to another thread 
  13. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from kesiak in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    How is that answering my question? 
    I was asking how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Again, you are just trolling... 
  14. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from scallywally in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    How is that answering my question? 
    I was asking how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Again, you are just trolling... 
  15. Like
    maddy1111 got a reaction from scallywally in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    And how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Or you just wanted to be troll and spread same hate towards Madame X even in this thread?! 
  16. Like
    maddy1111 reacted to RinoTheBouncer in If Madonna quit today!   
    I adore everything Madonna released so far, old and new, by different degrees of course, but still can’t consider anything she made a let down. Even my least favorite stuff have some redeeming qualities about them.
    That said, she’s at a point in her career where she could literally bring the second coming and people would still brush it off as “old woman doing youngsters things” or “not as good as the oldies” or “more of the same thing and not unique enough” and I think this is the price of the incredible career she’s had so far. She did everything, tried every style, went to every extreme corner and reinvented herself in various cultural, generational and musical styles. So once you’ve done everything and you’ve pretty much established your appeal on reinvention, shock value and being the leading early adopter and trend setter, at some point there won’t be much new to try, and if there is, the sexism and ageism is gonna stand in its way, not to mention Madonna’s own apparent lack of interest in trying as hard as she used to and being the perfectionist she once was.
    So if Madonna quite, and even if she quit after MDNA, I’d be very sad because I won’t have more Madonna as she’s the only artist that I truly anticipate her albums and never disappointed me, but at the same time I’d be happy with what she’s given us and I’ll be very excited (and hopefully) for all the legacy/anniversary stuff they’d be reissuing and all the stuff I can collect from her career.
    The real question is does Madonna have an end date in mind? With the biopic coming and the contract expiring, is she done with music? We did hear that she’s building her own studio at her new home, which is quite a promising indicator that new music is coming in some shape or form, but what would her final era be like? Is she planning some grand exit, a farewell album and tour or is she gonna sing till the end? I wish her a long, happy and healthy life above all else, and I can’t decide if I wanna see Madonna retire with a grand exit and farewell tour or if I want her to continue making music as long as she can and to further change her image and style with age.
    What I know for sure that I don’t want to see, is for her quality and presence to decline until she’s practically no longer popular or cared about by anyone. That’s something I’ll never accept to happen to her. She always made people outraged because of how she broke all restrictive boundaries and dogma and that’s amazing, but what I don’t want to see is for her to make people laugh at her or belittle her, because she’s far far far greater than any other artist and she deserves way better.
  17. Thanks
    maddy1111 got a reaction from kesiak in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    And how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Or you just wanted to be troll and spread same hate towards Madame X even in this thread?! 
  18. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to wenxiusi in What do you think the meaning behind the Bedtime Stories album theme was? What was the secret? Can any secret be a good one?   
    I think y'all are overanalyzing things. I think the album is pretty clear in its purpose. Madonna basically wanted a softer and cleaner image after the Erotica era scandal, so people would buy her music again. I mean, she was really being bashed at those times, so she basically had the idea of writing songs about love, incorporating R&B sounds in it (since it was the genre that was charting in the 90's) and that's it lol. Except for huma nature, she was not trying to make a statement like in Erotica, American life or Madame X.
  19. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to RUADJAI in What do you think the meaning behind the Bedtime Stories album theme was? What was the secret? Can any secret be a good one?   
    So, it's generally understood that Madonna wanted a softer image after the backlash she received from releasing Erotica and the SEX book. Physical image, sound image, and even subject matter in the songs are softer and more palatable. 
    I see alot of Madonna reaction videos that see Madonna's work as "always having a meaning or a deeper meaning" and then something like "Don't Stop" comes around and they try and psychoanalyze it as something profound when it's basically just fluff. 
    Survival:  It's exactly what the title says it's about. Life is about surviving. She's had ups and downs, but she persists. She also declares that her motto is "No risk, no glory". Which could be taken as an explanation of why she chose to do the SEX book. She took an artistic risk. 
    Secret: I know everyone is constantly wondering what the secret is... but my personal opinion is that the secret is in the song right in front of our eyes. "Happiness lies in your own hands". She's saying it's something so simple, yet it took her much too long to understand this. She also feels so strongly about this that it's included in another song on this album. 
    I'd Rather Be Your Lover: This comes off to me as just rehashed JML lyrics with a woman rapper thrown on top to give it subtle lesbian vibes. A discrete provocation. 
    Don't Stop: It's the Jimmy Jimmy of Bedtime Stories. But the production is superb!
    Inside of Me: Is obviously Madonna doing what she does in writing a love song to her mother, but letting it be ambiguous as it could be taken sexually. However in this soft, romantic production it's not as harsh as songs off the Erotica album. 
    Human Nature: Response to her critics for the SEX book and Erotica era. 
    Forbidden Love: Doesnt have a deeper meaning, unless you want to know if it's about someone specific. 
    Love Tried to Welcome Me: Same 
    Sanctuary: Same
    Bedtime Story: These words were written by Bjork, because she wanted to hear Madonna sing these words. I think Bjork saw Madonna as calculated and strategic and Bjork wanted to kind of suggest that Madonna relax, let go, and let her intuition take over. 
    Take a Bow: Very straight forward. It's about feeling you have been deceived by a lover. They pretended to love you but it was all an act. 
    I don't think there is an over arching lyrical theme, and I don't think racism is anywhere on the album. 
    Oh, also... I would say this album is more a sister with Erotica than Ray of Light IMHO. A flip side of the coin. Maybe a prelude to Ray of Light in that she's staring to impart wisdom. 
  20. Haha
  21. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to VogueMusic in Radios, media and society OWE to Madonna and they better pay up   
    I don't know if I would use the term "out of touch" when describing Madonna's music of the last decade or so. She's clearly 'in the know' regarding what is going on in contemporary music, and you can clearly hear it throughout much of the last few albums (and no, I don't think that is a bad thing whatsoever). In fact, some of those albums best songs are perfectly in line with where music/culture is now (or at the time being)...it's just that the work doesn't get its just due when it comes to promotion (and we already know the reasons why). Let alone it's almost as if a pop artist, particularly female, isn't even supposed to be doing such at this point in a career, and yet she continues to create and express as a contemporary artist ... unapologetically.
    Considering where most popular music is right now, I'm glad she continues to interpret what is current but still through her own very specific lens. It's what continues to set her apart. As said above, she could easily pander to the folks who just want disco dolly 'bops' or spit out a junky album in a week like these lesser "stars" and ride it out the easy way...but she doesn't. And thank god for that.
  22. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to thegoldencalf in Radios, media and society OWE to Madonna and they better pay up   
    Ummm first of all the media doesn’t owe her anything. They both profited a lot from each other. 
    She’s not commercially successful because she’s completely out of touch with what the GP is interested in musically and also because she doesn’t compromise. It would take her a week to put out a mediocre album like Gaga’s Chromatica and make a duet with Ariana Grande that sounds like a rough demo. But she wants to do what she feels inspired to do and it’s not mainstream.
    The only way for a woman her age to find success these days is to make a “classy” comeback after a long hiatus or bank oh her old catalogue. Madonna isn’t interested in either
  23. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to Bobo in What do you think the meaning behind the Bedtime Stories album theme was? What was the secret? Can any secret be a good one?   
    I think fans of certain artists take songs way too literally and romanticise it beyond understanding. It's a collection of songs that came together during the sessions with some input by the label. 
  24. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to nito84bcn in Moderna   
    But u didn't answer. Is that important at all? Lol 
    We are reaching points of discrimination, or 'who did the correct thing or who didn't' because of the vaccination. Who is a pro citizen and who is not. 

    That kind of questions are not necesarry at all. She's human, she owns her body, she does what she wants, like u, or like me. Medication or health status should be private, like the HIV serostatus. 
    We are talking about Moderna, Pfizer or Astra like if we are talking about Nike, Mc Donald's or Nintendo. Is sick. 

    Stop talking about covid vaccines like if they are a free pass for the VIP Area of the concert. 
  25. Thanks
    maddy1111 reacted to nito84bcn in Moderna   
    Is that important? 

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