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    nodoman reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Have you ever attended an ICONIC Madonna show/performance?   
    my only gripe with confessions tour was that they should have used the happy birthday speech from the 16th on the DVD
  2. Like
    nodoman reacted to PlayPause in Madonna partners with YSL SAINT LAURENT for 'SEX BY MADONNA'   
    Let's not throw the first stone to a 22 yo guy going through a fashion phase/obsession. Been there, done that, like everybody else.
  3. Like
    nodoman reacted to Starchild in Madonna partners with YSL SAINT LAURENT for 'SEX BY MADONNA'   
    I blocked you a long time ago too but cool flex, bro.
    I'll never stop respectfully voicing my opinion whenever I feel like it.
    And please don't act butthurt when you're the one who personally attacked me.
  4. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from ma(x) in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    it wasn’t, but it’s what you wanted to take from it. 
  5. Like
    nodoman reacted to ma(x) in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    But on which book of fairy tales did you read it? since when did Madonna or her team act on the enthusiasm of the fans?NEVER. If enthusiasm is zero then perhaps her amazing team should ask themselves some questions or more then one.Usually an artist should prefer a fan base that thinks with its own head and not a fan base that howls at the moon at every single thing that is proposed whether it is beautiful or not.
  6. Haha
    nodoman reacted to Enrico in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    So, the opinions of the fans can influence Madonna and her staff's choices?

    Otherwise, we'd have a box set with 10 versions of Warning Signs  
  7. Like
    nodoman reacted to Adonna in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    I personally prefer an arena.  If you're there to party with the crowd, more power to you, but Madonna's tours are meant to be SEEN.  You can't see anything when you are sitting back in the boonies.  The likeliness of getting a good view is slim for most of us who actually want to experience more than the "atmosphere".   I get what you're saying, but like mentioned, she puts on a VISUAL show.  She ain't Willie Nelson or Mariah Carey who stands or sits upon a stage, singing to their songs.
  8. Like
    nodoman reacted to Papa Zelko in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    Fuck. I don’t even want her to dance at all. Focus on live vocals and real instruments. 
  9. Like
    nodoman reacted to 50ft Queenie in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    Its unfair to expect Madonna to move the way she used to onstage, personally I would not mind if she cut out a lot of dancing altogether and reinvented her method of performance. All that dancing has a negative impact on her vocals.
  10. Like
    nodoman reacted to Starchild in Madonna partners with YSL SAINT LAURENT for 'SEX BY MADONNA'   
    Followed what society expected of her... by getting married to a man?
    Most of what she did during the Ritchie years was directly opposed to anything that could be considered 'classy' (your word).
    Or do you have a problem with the floral dresses and cardigans she sported to promote her children's books?
    I reject the notion that she 'wasn't herself' which seeks to minimise this peak period in her career.
  11. Like
    nodoman reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Lord all this haters and "true fans" stuff cycling every few days is annoying.
  12. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    so madonna herself calls her core fanbase "fags" now?
    that’s not being a fan. that’s being a slave. quite the opposite of what madonna thaught you to be.
  13. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from Levon in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    so madonna herself calls her core fanbase "fags" now?
    that’s not being a fan. that’s being a slave. quite the opposite of what madonna thaught you to be.
  14. Thanks
    nodoman got a reaction from Alfalfa_HampusFL in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    so madonna herself calls her core fanbase "fags" now?
    that’s not being a fan. that’s being a slave. quite the opposite of what madonna thaught you to be.
  15. Haha
    nodoman reacted to chaosmen1984mk in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It was ricardo gomez or Madonna herself who wrote this message because I feel that it is not him but she who, fed up with her own fans criticizing and making fun of her new body, decided to let them know what she feels about it and used Ricardo Gomes to this and I doubt that Ricardo Gomez has written this on his own initiative without first consulting Madonna because this message is directly addressed to the fans of Madonna and any misunderstanding or offense could have cost him his job.
    Personally, I don't feel alluded to at all with his comment because as a fan of Madonna I would be unable to criticize her decisions. Although at first I was shocked by this radical change in her physique, I ended up accepting it because it is her body and she can do what she wants. If in the future she wants to increase the size of these prostheses even more, she will have my support and full backing.
    To be honest I prefer this voluptuous Madonna with a body full of sensual curves to the muscular and buttless Madonna of the Confessions era since so much muscle made her look less feminine while this new Madonna has the most attractive body, with curves quite pronounced both in front and in the back. It IS a type of body coveted by Latin American women and lustfully desired by Latin American men. Maybe that's why in this part of the world we don't dislike Madonna's new body at all.

  16. Like
    nodoman reacted to Vogue Italia in New STADIUM Tour in 2023   
    Sometimes I wonder if we're all seeing the same person on her social media. Does she look like someone who can undergo a grueling stadium tour? Not only physically but she doesn't seem mentally disciplined as she was even just 3 years ago. She set the standard for putting on intricate artistic shows and sadly all her performances over the past 2 years have been mediocre.
  17. Haha
  18. Like
    nodoman reacted to steady75 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Man who perpetuates unrealistic standards of beauty for women by morphing the most famous woman in the world into an alien on a daily basis cites misogyny from other people. 
    Make it make sense. 
    a post truth world is wild 
  19. Like
    nodoman reacted to ChrisK in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    That post is him projecting his own issues and nothing more. I don't follow him, so no idea what comments - but I don't think and I certainly have no issue with Madonna's body, age - but what I do find interesting and sometimes a little absurd is the over editing done by him to the point that in some posts she's unrecognizable - including shitty 'slimming' edits.
  20. Like
    nodoman reacted to Andreo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    He's not wrong. But he's using this as an excuse to his awful work more than actually defend her, let's be real. If only he had actual skills in his job fans wouldn't tell him to stop lowkey giving M body dysmorphia. Also, the "disgusting" being corrected in "discussing" doesn't make me take this seriously at all  LOL
  21. Haha
  22. Haha
    nodoman reacted to Blue Jean in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I’ve not seen anyone say they missed simonsays apart from you. Who else said that?
  23. Haha
    nodoman reacted to chaosmen1984mk in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    What did you say?
    I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong, COMPLETELY wrong. I am not the user @simonsays but I am surprised to see that several, like me, missed his presence and had also noticed his unexpected absence.
    But don't worry because sooner or later he or someone with the same characteristics, in terms of the passionate defense of Madonna I mean, will appear to put order when things get out of control again.
  24. Haha
  25. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to ChrisK in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I disagree- people can have an opinion good or bad on Madonna - the issue is when people start attacking others for having a dissenting view that doesn't agree with their perspective.
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