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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    TOpher reacted to anton5000 in đź’¤ Susan Thomas’ Nap Time đź’¤   
    I'm pretty sure it will be like this, but I'm almost certain they will include I'd Rather Be Your Lover with 2Pac, that one is almost a given...
  2. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Gonzus in đź’¤ Susan Thomas’ Nap Time đź’¤   
    My fave album. It's IMO so perfect and cohesive that adding other tracks, no matter how good they are or how much I want them, could easily ruin the whole concept of the album. I don't think any Pettibone tracks would fit into the R&B and trip-hop style of BS. Yet, I think Love won't wait is an amazing track, criminally omitted, and It could have replaced Don't stop. Anyway, I think if these demos and unreleased track should be added, they must go into a separate disc (CD or vinyl). 
  3. Haha
    TOpher reacted to deathproof in đź’¤ Susan Thomas’ Nap Time đź’¤   
    people suck
  4. Haha
    It's a code name as said By Deathproof who I think is a new insider! We love your comments and your comments on the new digital singles!
  5. Haha
    This teasing suspense is killing me. I need to know something, like now.
    Where's John Draper?!
  6. Haha
  7. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Redha DBL in Mirwais Q&A on Instagram   
    Mirwais is high as fuck when he's doin these Q&A i tell you... All it will bring is even more confusion about unreleased stuff. Just my opinion of course but to me some of his answers are total "high" confusion... 
  8. Haha
    TOpher reacted to lennyleonard in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    The dolphins in Cherish:
  9. Haha
    TOpher reacted to DoneGone in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    The big $$$$$$ Marvel fee, which let's be honest, it's the most important thing here. No amount of streams will equal that, whatever the figure was (rumor says $31M which is crazy, not sure about that).
    But in addition to that, it was the perfect opportunity to give the song a boost, her public profile a boost, etc.
    It's depressing that a fucking defunct band like 'NSYNC, with a cancelled and hated Justin Timberlake, is getting all the flowers and attention, and also the chart re-entries, partly because their record company (and any team behind?) cares, while an active act like her, who could really benefit a lot from this to raise once again her profile for future endeavours (new music, her own movie, reissues) seems like she's completely detached from it.
    It's not her own fault, but she should have a team and a label behind worrying about all these little but not so little things. It's literally part of their jobs.
    Maybe it's time for Guy O to step aside. Not that he's helped much or at all in the last... 15 years? That's a whole lot.
    Also Warner... guess they were too busy announcing yet another Cher project, a new greatest hits (at least she gets stuff done).
  10. Haha
    TOpher reacted to JustinTimes in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    No offence, and it's not aimed at you, but I don't care anymore. I'm done supporting Madonna and her useless team. I'm done, I'm out.
  11. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Robertthenurse in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I don’t think AM is good looking at all. But that’s her choice. As for his age? Ya it’s weird, but not like she’s breaking any laws — all the power to her. I happen to like older men. Who tf cares. 
  12. Thanks
    TOpher reacted to JustinTimes in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    Take your own advice and just ignore, it's even more annoying and whiny 🙄
  13. Thanks
    TOpher reacted to JustinTimes in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    I wish we could just stick to the topic, it's frustrating having to trawl through pages of irrelevant discourse.
  14. Like
    TOpher got a reaction from sam harp in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    So what? He’s allowed to support whoever he wants politically. The lefty nazi nut jobs are just as bad. 
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    TOpher got a reaction from momosfantasy in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    So what? He’s allowed to support whoever he wants politically. The lefty nazi nut jobs are just as bad. 
  17. Like
    TOpher got a reaction from Winn in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    So what? He’s allowed to support whoever he wants politically. The lefty nazi nut jobs are just as bad. 
  18. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You are correct.
    Trump is an extremist, Biden is not.
    Trump is an extremist, Kamala is not.
    The AOC’s out there are, and I don’t agree with any extremism.
  19. Thanks
    TOpher reacted to PaperFaces in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    If Trump is the Right’s Response to what is going on on the Left; then we must examine what is going on that side.
    Being Right-wing isnt bad. Just like being Left-wing isnt bad.
    Its the extremes that are  to be monitered.
    And we are quick to identify and label what behavior is far-right; people dont seem to be so eager to point out what is far-left.
    But thats what happens when we shame, ostracize and cancel: we are no longer being provided with debate and a perspective on our behavior. Thats how cults happen.
    So for the people claiming to want to save democracy, lets allow other points of view; lets allow the exchange of ideas (even bad ones); lets allow the voices we disagree with to be heard.
    That is how we progess together.
    Thats how we keep movements in sight instead of having them creep underground, waiting to strike.
  20. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Shoful in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Madonna can search his voting history. If she knew him in 2019 she can look up his 2016 & 2018 history. Idk why him being unknown in 2016 is relevant 
  21. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    The man wants to get rid of democracy and stay longer than 4 years. The man wants to get rid of LGBTQ rights, the man does not women to have the right to do what they wish with their bodies.
    I am shocked at all of the people here thinking Trump is like Reagan or Bush. He is not a normal Republican. This is a bit different that Republican vs. Democrat.
    Let’s not pretend it isn’t.
  22. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    If Trump was a normal Republican and not trying to be a dictator, then I would agree with you.
    MAGA and Republicans are two different things entirely.
  23. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    But again, what people believe doesn't mean anything. If your friends are voting for Trump and denying he's anti-LGBTQ, they're just wrong.
  24. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Anyone who justifies voting for bigoted parties because "their sexuality isn't a big part of their lives" is either extremely privileged or extremely dumb (or both).
    With regards to Swae Lee, would Madonna even have been able to know? Was he outspoken in supporting Trump previously?
  25. Haha
    TOpher reacted to androiduser in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    the issue is that for the conservative party, their focus is on somebody being gay because to them it's not a normal part of life. They will sacrifice the "good gays" along with everyone else.
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