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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. Well I honestly don't think capitalism have much to do with it. I studied capilaistic culture for years and I don't see the link between someone saying basically two things, that following the youngest audience is not happening to be a succesful strategy and that a part of her fandom is waiting since a very long time something new that they can really enjoy, with capitalism or capitalistic culture. I'm not demanding anything, I don't feel entitled to demand anything. I can leave her whenever I want exactly as I can comment her choices and express my thoughts. Cause that's the only thing that happened.
  2. She said she was thinking to make and release music in a different way, if I remember correctly she said that making an album required a vision and a lot of work and time, that at the same time albums sales are not the same as before, also because music fruition has generally changed. Her point was she would have tried new ways and strategies to release her stuff in the near future. That didn't mean she would have never made an album anymore, let me clear that If I'm not mistaken once again, this happened on one of her social media account, maybe one of her live Q&A or something. What I remember 100% is that I thought it was reasonable and not a bad idea, it could have been an interesting new experience for us. Unfortunately I don't remember where it happened so I don't have links, but I'm sure someone could help us so I can also read myself better her precise words
  3. I'll take that, even if the whole tone was mostly meant to be playful ... that's about the grounchy. About the "old man", well, yes I admit it. I feel less considered by her recent choices, it's true. This doesn't mean I don't want youngest to have fun of course, I'm just missing some new stuff wich I can enjoy
  4. So we're gonna have a brat twerking 66 M next ... and the gen Z could say "Oh Madonna, you know, my grandma said she loved her when she was a teenager, she was huge at that time." It's a good thing, wich will make us so proud of her, especially if some brat inflencer (if the miracle will ever happen) will post some appreciation for her, feeling cool cause she understands the "vintage charm" of her songs, maybe not even knowing how brater than Charlie M has really been all her career through. I mean, what's the point in following kids or contemporary charts logic (you tube and spotify random listenings could never be compared with the actual money spending in getting a record for your own imo, sorry). The only real youngest audience intersting phenomena were the Back that up and the Frozen remix virality, wich were mostly casual and it's ok it went like this imo. But thinking that a mostly 35 to 50 yo gay men fandom, who had to check on google what even "brat" meant and are starting to understand that no proper music project is in store for them, could exult for a Charlie CXC collab is a sign of exceeding optimism. She said, in 2022 I think, that she would have used different methods to release music, no real albums anymore, and I thought "this could be right actually and even cool", but I would have never imagined she meant "Vulgar", "Material gwooorl" and "Hung up on Tokisaha", whose only real effect was to enlarge the limit of many here to spread unconditional acceptance to the world What I mean is that, when it comes to music (now seriously), it's like she's not thinking about her fanbase anymore. Yeah we had Popular (the only one I didn't trash after the first listening, wich I actually still enjoy), but - you know - just one feauturing in 6 years ...
  5. Yeah well, I agree about this. I actually know what a brat summer means, connected to Kamala and the the brat/demure thing, and now I also maybe remember it was this Charli CXC to have started the trend or someone using her brat green connected to Harris (wasn'it?), but I really don't go out that much either.
  6. Just heard the original track and I pray with all my soul THIS IS NOT HAPPENING I prefer remember her with the drunk granny veil and the brazilian flag in the Celebration tour finale than having to listen to this thing again: Bitch I'm Madonna is a masterpiece in comparison like the Iliad or the Divine Comedy of trash clubby twerking music ... oh gosh, I'm so preoccupied now, how could she ever???
  7. I can feel you, the disappointment for the final release was huge for me too. When I think and talk about that album I actually consider also the demos. It's the excepionality of that era, the excitement, the sense of absurd and it was definitely the way we experienced those songs. I remember it as a unique experience and when I listen to the demos, wich is quite frequent, I feel like I'm listening to "Rebel Heart". There are songs like WAOM or JOA that I NEVER listen in the album version. I must have heard that solemn bore of WAOM three times at most in ten years while the Avicii's demo with the title track one are my favourites from the whole session.
  8. Ok we need to ban this member guys EDITED: anyway I ADORE MADAME X, even if I acknoweledge it's got its flaws, when she went too experimental (God control, Dark Ballet) she finished to make unbearable messes imo, also ruining a pretty solid writing like DB, but the rest is among the best I got by her in a decade or more (IDSIF, Killers, Batuksa, CRAVE, Extreme Occident, Ciao Bella ... at least). Rebel Heart is cahotic and very badly produced, yet full of pretty solid songs. The Avicii session was simply fire, she should have stayed with that and simply add a few more, like LFL, Joan of Arc, Hold Tight, Inside out, Unapologetic bitch. These two records got the real Madonna touch back after a long time, she really put work and dedication in these projects, differently than what done with HC and MDNA. That's maybe why I still love them, they made me listen to her again The album I basically never got back to (and I mean in years) are MDNA, Hard Candy, Confessions (excellent work but I never enjoyed disco music, sorry), Like a virgin (iconic singles, but overall I think it lacks the freshness and spontainity of the first one). The album I hate and can't even consider really her own's is Hard Candy (... except Candy shop of course, with its infectious beat, bitchy attitude and nonsense lyrics).
  9. And about all these Swifts, Switfies, Gagas, Monsters, Trumps, Trumpists, just ... We're Madonna's bitches, if you know what I mean
  10. I honestly don't know much about all this, I'm learning all these facts now. I never liked her anyway, just some reasons more
  11. Well I'm not a huge fan of some of the recent feminism evolutions either, exacerbating some of the woke and the polically correct perspectives, but I think that it can become problematic to mix these kind of events with a supposed victimism. You know what I mean? In my opinion, the problem there is the lack of complexity in some of their analysis wich lead them to a kind of ideological position about many themes, that's why I'm giving this answear here: I think we can be different and not mix things as some often like to do About Swifties reactions to that thing and the huge publicity she had at that moment, I definitely agree and I can tell you that I think I got to know about her existence right because of that
  12. I don't know about the hanging out but it could be a good sign if so. I'm sure she acknowledges her talent.
  13. Best period in look terms EVER!!! I repeat myself as I already wrote this but, really, when I listen to BS I always dream of her with that hair, or the whole dark ones, in black leather jacket with the bandana and the big dark glasses recording songs like Secret, Inside of me or Love tried to welcome me. We almost had a visual glimpse of it in the Human Nature video ... that we actually all lovelovelove!
  14. Yeah we need it ... I'm spending days on this thing praying to get new music like a fucking digital kind of rain dance ritual: WE DESERVE NEW M U S I I I I I C !!!!!
  15. QUICK OFF TOPIC The pleasure to share her amazing new video, in wich she also works with Daniele, M's dancer, gives me the opportunity to say that someone I would really like M to collaborate with - if she just has to go on making collabs - is FKA twigs I love this piece, very artsy, the dance is amazing, the track interesting, even if nothing we never heard before ... give it a watch
  16. Oh thank you. I never heard her joking at the end of the recording, that' why I hoped it was something new ... but of course it's not, of course
  17. Really it also seems legit because of them right? Maybe done with the stems as I think it's hard to believe that the instrumental was that poor but still nice to have some legit new vocals at least, thanks a lot @LongIslandTea!!
  18. If you were part of the M game in the 90s and 00s (and also the 80s under a certain point of view) ... oh well mate, then you do know what hating an artist is really like everybody, from critics to omophobic bullies at school to your acid aunt who provoked every time she met you, felt intitled to offend her, her work, her fanbase, your specific taste in music or cultural references. And we took it all in knowing that the main message we listened to by her was: if you sincerely like or believe in something, well fuck them all and go your way, enjoy who you are and grow when you're wrong But of course this is about M fans, Swift is about being nice and likable so I guess some opinions and jokes on a Madonna forum can really feel harsh. (let me precise AGAIN that, even believing in what I'm writing, the tone I'm using is that direct and maybe unpleasent just because we are talking about a very frivolous thing, I don't mean to bully anybody, Swift included; it is kinda part of a game where you loathe some tones to provoke or have fun just because it's not - I really hope - something that could really hurt anybody: I hope this difference between real bullying and animatedly and ironically debating about a light subject is clear and well percieved).
  19. I'll be very happy if this happens in her art. As long as she'll make real political acts, exposing herself for a cause wich needs her voice cause it's unpopular or at least unconsidered. You know what I mean? Being brave, making people think, not just poltical correctness ... Cause of course she'll start to talk about social issues sooner or later: it's pretty much expected by a star of her stature.
  20. I can agree with that. I'm serious, not joking, I'm not sure at all she could have the age/radio kind of problem. Not cause M paved the way for others of course, but because Taylor is excatly what they want her to be. The pretty girl next door, kind and nice all the time, talking about emotions, especially love and private stuff, no politics, no polemics, no troubles, singing easy listening melodies, where experimentation is a plausible word only if we start from Disney's soundtracks, wearing soporific princess dresses with empty sparkling smiles stamped on her face, being also indipendent and empowered of course, but only as a proper girl next door can be, not more not less. And I think she'll go on like this all the way through: not more not less than what expected and acceptable. I think she could find a way to adapt herself to what acceptable over 35. So maybe she'll manage to go on ... untill a new generation will wake up and simply get the bore of her thing.
  21. I took the flies thing as an ironic and playful diversion, a funny sally. It's about three days and eight pages we're going on writing that this kind of comparisons are very hard to do and not that useful and the same people who were joking about flies and poo wrote very argumentative posts about this serioius matter ... I mean, sorry but I honestly can't see any real low here. Just some funny and light hearted jokes when the discussion was getting exhausted
  22. Oh this is getting interesting now ... this flies and poo thing is finally elevating the exhausted conversation
  23. In my opinion the only palusible unrelesed tracks choices are the ones that could have a direct relationship with the released album and not the studio session itself. The style of the songs from the session with Shep was more Erotica oriented apparently, so it's strange and incoherent to include tracks like Bring it, Goodtime or Tongue tied (wich I highly would like to hear by the way, especially the second one said to be quite good). I think the tracks that could be considered are just the early versions of songs eventually included in the final tracklist like "Something's coming over" (Secret) or "I will always have you" (Inside of me) or an unreleased Dallas Austin track, if I'm not wrong there still should be one called "Right on time" written by him.
  24. Definitely, you're right, the eyebrows It looked generally strange actually.
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