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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. Definitely, you're right, the eyebrows It looked generally strange actually.
  2. Is this real iyo? Apparently from 1987
  3. Ok guys, let's leak Regresando today uh? I'll be waiting here ok? Thank you, thank you.
  4. I hate those people ... tell me the names, I'm gonna go after them!
  5. 1. In terms of social and pop culture impact. If for social and cultural impact you mean sales, maybe. Frankly who cares who's the first one, the importance is being among them. The main thing is that M has always been a controversial character, she is devisive cause she takes strong positions on sensitive matters, provoking discussions, often offending some people. Now, nobody had that kind of impact for 25 years with the same ammount of success and attention. And a very few went on for 25 years releasing hits and classics that young people have at least heard around without knowing who was singing (if you watch some random reaction videos by youngest, they all basically say the same thing "I might have heard it somewhere cause it's familiar and wow so catchy, even if dated"). Madonna changed the rules of the game in terms of performing and visualizing the music she released. Now, this is for me social and cultural impact. Of course, in terms of sales, Swift or someone else will or have already surpassed her. But what is the cultural impact of Swift when many of us know that fuching Espresso thing by Carpenter and not one Swift song, except Shake it off? 2. In terms of peak longevity... Her peak is 15 years long, M didn't have such a long peak in terms of sales and general public appreciation, but that was not her only goal: M created always new stuff, she changed almost everything (image, music genre, discussion themes) every single time and often pushing people. So she didn't have that kind of peak but she was able to reconquer each time their attention and the appreciation of people who didn't like what she did three years before (the most famous episodes are ROL and COADF). And in terms of longevity it's interesting how, passed the scandal moment, the Erotica era especially, but for many also the American Life one, got to be considered among her best and underrated works, still appreciated by critics and who choses to explore her catalogue. So yes, Swift has a 15 years long continous peak, M had a stronger and overall longer impact and definitely a more innovative, wich means risky, approach to her work. Who knows what will be remembered of Swift's long commercial peak in time? 3. In terms of artistry, mainly songwriting. I just know people who don't know her or kids (my nephews and the children of a couple of friends) who don't appreciate her cause they say her music is shallow, flat so ... Still waiting for a generation hymn composed by her, like LAP, LIB, Frozen, Vogue or Music. And I don't think Elton John is a metre when it comes to judge M's work. 4. In terms of youth appeal. M at 46 was in the ears, hearts and especially feet of millions of kids around the world who went back to school listening "Time goes by so slowly". The Erotica backlash was a phase, M always regained her numbers. At the age of 42 she went cowgirl and aaaall the kids and the young people clothes shops windows in the city centers were full of flared jeans and cowboy hats. The same five years later with the Hung Up bombers and leotards. And, once again about social and cultural impact, did it ever happen something like this with Swift? For M it was the norm ... _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: I sometimes read that the era of big legendary megastars is over, but this doesn't seem to be the case of Taylor Swift. THIS IS THE POINT for me, I definitelly agree about it. I never saw such a stardom phenomenon as this one since the 80s. It was not Britney and far far far from that it was Gaga. They had their huge moments but Swift is a phenomenon, so she'll probably end up being one of them if she goes on, but surpassing M or Jacko is impossible cause they released songs that defined two or even three generations and created a way to make their job that was not as we know it today. That's what the Beatles did, that's what Elvis did. Swift sells, good for her.
  6. Ok this is just for super crazy fans of the LAP cover shoot as I am, cause the pic is almost impossible to enjoy but super rare. She wears the most beautiful dress of the session imo and she is close to the bramble where they also took the gorgeous released one
  7. This world is going very random in everything apparently. I liked the Perry medley though, just watched it on YT. Too cahotic of course but, I mean, considering the standards ...
  8. Do we understand that, at more than five years since her last album, the most exciting thing for us is to wait for the first of october and see the tracklist of an anniversary limited edition of a 30 years old album so we could check if maybe we will really get one or - but only if we are very very lucky - two old unreleased songs ...
  9. I just saw a small video from her back and I found it funny. I love her ... even when she falls. Otherwise I really wouldn't be be here after the release of Hard Candy and MDNA.
  10. yeah definitely ridiculous, such a pity cause all the rest was so on point this time: hair, make up, coat, bag, the falling on the street. But you know, it's our girl: she creates the Celebration tour and then she closes it with the Bitch I'm Madonna drunk granny nonsense
  11. Does anybody heard anything about M being there tonight?
  12. Wow also the bag is amazing, it's a sculpture not a bag Adoring (almost) everything this time ... and thanks for sharing funny and sensitive man Agree, this look should have been used for her forthcoming new single and video!!! ... cause it's coming right? she's not letting these last years pass just by doing Instagram posts and playing the screen writer/director wannabe game, right?
  13. Ooooh, interesting outfit, I really enjoy this for once Good cause I was watching the debate and I came here after having heard Trump saying that migrants eat their pets
  14. SHE WAS NEVER EXCOMUNICATED! Let's clarify this stupid rumour she likes to repeat herself It's not to you Madnness of course, it's to discuss it in general. And by the way you chose one my favourite looks ever for your profile pic: the dark long coat, the orange sunglasses and blond smooth hair, so glamourous. Do we really think that one of the most succesful organizations in terms of communication and storytelling in the human history would have made such a thing? And to fight back to what dangerous threat? A popstar videoclip or a dance routine performance??? The Church thinks herself as the representation of God on erarth and many people around the world believe it: it's real, actual political power. The Pope neither mentioned her, in any of his speeches, not ONCE! There were some catholioc private organizations that made a lot of noise and collected signatures against her shows in Italy, they went to talk shows with some random priest, some cardinal maybe, but expressing PERSONAL POINT OF VIEWS, not the Church one. They're too wise to do that when she was at her peak and, after that moment, it really wouldn't have been worth it. And, once again, what's the point in excomunicate someone more than once? Just under a logical point of view ... So fake news, believe me. I wanna clarify that I'm not catholic and I don't believe in God, so I'm not defending something I care for, it just never happened. I think it's something like Martha Graham giving her the "Madame X" name, she maybe said it once for fun and it became her thoughtfully saying "I never know what to expect from you, you're always a different person ...", making it part of the character mythology: she was criticized by catholics, papers made a lot of "religious noise" and now she was excomunicated more than once Let's see it under the good light though: she can still go to Heaven if she likes to ...
  15. She said it herself it was just a kind of parody, a joke. It was on an italian primetime live tv interview with our most popular host (retired now) exactly 5 or 6 days after the SNL performance. He asked her about the man in the pic and why she did it and she answered it was not about him at all, he was chosen just as the most talked about man at that moment in the US, the thing was simply meant to be a joke about Sinead infamous gesture. Here's the full interview (it's one of her best imo and the show had such a pic in terms of TV audience: I still remember that night, I was 14 and the day after at school they were all talking about her, teachers included ). You'll find them talking about it at minute 13:40.
  16. Oooook this got me so damn excited!! Thank you
  17. Oh NO! I did not know anything about this, so bad ... is this the reason why they're not releaseing any new music after having been in studio for months in 2020? Please let me know if you have any clue. Sade is the only artist I love more than M, I need their new album to surface sooner or later (... I heard in november we will get a new song at least)
  18. The most interesting part for me is at minute 38:03 when he says that for Like a Prayer he insisted to have real instruments playing and not the drum machines and sequancers so trandy at that time ... cause you really can feel and hear the warmth and the autenthicity of those songs. Thanks for the link
  19. I would certainly compliment him for having advised and codirected some of her best shows, BA and GS, and for having given the most interesting creative idea from the DWT (the tree of life and the "ghosts fighting") . I would tell him that I feel like without him and Vince M lost some of the cohesiveness and depth in staging her music (I agree with Paterson when he says that she has great ideas but she doesn't let evolve the themes, doesn't give 'em enough space to express their full meaning and potential, letting many good things remaining kinda random). So, yes, I would actually ackowledge his contribution at first, I think his absence was creatively and artistically tangible, as Donna's and Niki's in terms of voice and energy. Said that I would simply ask him why today he thinks he did such a thing like writing that book, cause I don't buy the simple economic reason, there was something deeper in the tone of those pages. And mostly I would like him to share his feelings and thoughts about how worth it's actually been, how he feels today, cause I'm sure that when a relationship arrives at that point responsabilities come from both sides, but the act of going public that way with her was definitely strong and meaningful.
  20. Thanks for the links, really. They were intersting to read/watch and left me astonished ... I always knew I'm such a weird kind of human being after all
  21. Oh father The WTGT black bustier or the BA ivory one?
  22. You see? I always try to make a good, critical boy, so you wrote about this Style track and I went and listened to it. And I really can't get it sorry. It sounds predictable, flat, inexpressive. And it's not just one thing, it's ll of it: the melody, the lyrics, the video, the arrangement. The problem with her is that all of her tracks sound like this, even when she tries to explore different genres, they all tend to have the same kinda hook, the usual emotional crescendos with very easy chords and she always manages to be kinda sweet and proper ... Never provocative, she talks about herself, there is almost nothing more than her own things in her music, it's quite a strange world with no wars, no oppressions, no injustice. I don't know, maybe it's just because in real life I always try to avoid such bad companies ... No hating intended though, I'm posting this because I really tried again and went to listen to the Martin's track and I wanted to share what I got from it
  23. What kind of doubt could this ever be anyway??? Niki or Donna??? NIKI ... of course Niki! What's next then, let's see ... mom or dad? Or, I don't know, Patrick Leonard or William Orbit?
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