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Susan Thomas

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. I think the time needed is actually unpredictable. It changes every time, depending on so many variables (how many concomitant projects she is involved in, the inspiration and how she feels about the tracks, the amount of producers and collaborators she drags in and their agendas). But we know that the process usually takes some time with M and that at the moment she is in the studio with Stuart. We don't know if some stuff was already tried or recorded before also (I think for example to the infamous Max Martin 80s vibing track). I think reasonable expectations start by late spring (late may, early june), early autumn 2025. I would so appreciate a come back to the good old autumn releases date, such a nice moment of the year.
  2. She is NY, she probably posted the studio pics before leaving, first part of the session done. We actually don't know since how long they've already been working on this. About thre CT bluray, I'm pretty confident they are just waiting for a proper release schedule time. Or it's ment to be released with some other project, maybe right the EP she could be working on, if it's not a proper album. I mean, she was recording something and we have "sources" who confirmed it was music. It's a long time since her last album, we know she already worked on a track with Max Martin already before the tour started and I think she tried enough to get that the random feauturings with trendy artists doesn't work that good for her (thank God) so it really doesn't seem to me out of place to believe that she could have some new real musical in store. If she doesn't want to stop, as apparently the movie is not starting at the moment, releasing new music is the most plausible step and recording today means having something ready for 2025 spring/autumn if its an album, for winter if it's an EP.
  3. OH! Oh, I connected back after hours and not updated news anymore? Gosh this is so stressful
  4. The today Sun article mentions the usual "insiders" quotes, BUT imo we should consider that yesterday they published a rumour that at the moment we can consider being confirmed by M herself on Insta the same day (easily a PR move) and that the recordings are happening in London, where the paper is based. So I would give some credits to these words this time, they really sound like a proper publicist work ... "(...) He (Price) is best known for his work on her 2005 smash hit album Confessions On A Dance Floor, which featured the No1 hit Hung Up. They reconnected last year when he worked as the musical director on her critically acclaimed Celebration Tour. And insiders have confirmed to me Madge and Stu are going to be making magic once they’re back in the booth — with a new album in their sights. A source said: “Stuart was credited with helping Madonna return to form with their Confessions album, so for her to start working again with him is hugely exciting. (...) It has been five years since she released Madame X, which was a concept album and Madonna is ready to put down some new tunes. Working with Stu on her tour reignited the spark. She has fire in her belly and cannot wait to get started.” Madge confirmed she was in London to work with Stu last night and shared photos of herself at Stamford Bridge. When she worked with Stu on Confessions, Madge recorded most of the album at his home studio, which is where sources told me the Queen of Pop will be for the next few weeks." Full article here https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/12571107/madonna-new-music-bizarre/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFo7MBleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHUnCXMqNtsMclHCNCW9gXHK9uAgAtyZ5FmLVLBH2rnFlj8X16XuRvYH7Ag_aem_lypv24hY_E-Zh7KWBXCjDw
  5. Maybe ... I think that Garner is going on with her career as this movie is not accepted as she wants it to be done. So you know I think it's becoming one of those projects "We will do this, we will! - Of course, count on me." She is stubborn, we know and love that, so she's not letting anyone else direct it or change her vision. And that's the problem with the biopic choice, it's a MOVIE, it's got rules that are not just your honest point of view. That thing is more a book matter, exactly why I think a biopic is a boring way to tell someone your story, there's no way it could feel as intimate as a direct reading from your pen or keyboard
  6. I read all the new posts on here, excited as I am today Well, she announced she is in the studio with Stuart, not mentioning the CT release and using the caption "Call to London", where she was portrayed leaving a recording studio already weeks ago (at that time everybody here obviously thaught of a CT br technical integration), while the Sun writes she is working to new music since weeks or months. I think we can all agree it's quite plausible that's new music in store. I think to what happened on June 2023, followed by all the love she experienced with such an acclaimed tour: she could have written lines and have had feelings she could be willing to share and transform into music creations. We all noticed how she is back to take care of herself after that, to her image, also her privacy I'd say. She could be inspired, she's got a lot to say imo. This could also be just a transition project waiting to the movie production (wich I hardly hope won't be approved until she'll be 78 YEARS OLD OR SO ... that's the right moment for the movie, in case) will be able to go on. They're right, that's a possibility: an EP, 5, 6 new songs. I'd be the same excited and super happy if the quality is good as expected Maybe she doesn't know it either, she's working now and she'll see, even Music wasn't ment to be an album before she thought there was too good stuff to select just two or three songs for a greatest hits. About the movie @Boombox90 believe me no oppisition was taugher than mine, I feel the bore just reading the possible titles and watching her researches vids on line two years ago. A book would be AMAZING INSTEAD, that would be the kind of bedtime reading I would make the sloooower possible to appreciate every detail of her direct voice.
  7. Well it's not exactly six months imo, it's 5 years and 5 months since June 2019. I think I get what you mean though, at the same time it could perfectly fit the transition to the much awaited and requested new era: the Celebration tour for the Christmas market, in the meanwhile the usual album teasing on Insta and a last spring or early autumn 2025 release! That would make 6 years since her last record. I don't think she would have posted this to say she was working on the celebration tour film. For MX she posted pics from the set and when she posted pics from the studio where she was recording the MTV speech I don't remember the caption being so much explicit: here she says "In the Stu with Stuart" or something like that, I take this as a kind of announcement. And if we take the Sun article as a PR step, they wrote that she's already working on the project since weeks or months I just hope that this is happening cause the movie is not in store for the moment, I 'd really like to get a proper new musical project and not a kinda OST
  8. OH MY GOOOOD!!!!!! Running to the emergency room to recover from the heart attack at the moment but I'll be fine soon We're finally gonna have the new album in 2027, I did not believe it anymore!!! And I like the "All of us stranger" thing so much It's that moment again guys: #soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon#soon
  9. Kyle gets emotional talking about her Celebration tour duet with M on a BBC One show. Here's the source, I'm sure we'll gat a video soon. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/lifestyle/tv/kylie-minogue-holds-back-tears-30025913?fbclid=IwY2xjawFlgCpleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbaYqiplPnSzB70CNm0WOFyDkpFLqjcDLaZ2MZY0ZnTfrMvOsO3e37L7Rw_aem_PRDmn9Pn3OE82ol-rPehzw
  10. I agree about the Roversi pic being much more interesting and coherent with the album. It was a simple and expressive idea: no make up, no masks. Intimacy, authenticity and softness. That's what Bedtime Stories is actually. Roversi is italian and he's known for being able to confer emotional layers to his pics. So, yes, the released one is more beautiful and glamourous but M's plan was more ... M. Especially from that period, wich remains the most inspired and interesting of her career imo. Said that, I sooo agree with @steady75 about the helvetica font and the pastel chromatic range, it's the most elegant she ever used. Imagining that on the Roversi pic really makes a cover for me! I suddenly looked for the name of the font when I had my first computer in my teen years as obsessed as I was with that I still remember the lettering animated effect of the italian tv promo, where the letters originally separated moved to grow on each other getting the cover shape so softly and romantically, with the Secret beats and guitar sound on the background. Unfortunately I can't find the adv on YT. About Hard Candy, I have to say that I'm not sure the black Madonna was a good idea. It could have caused controversies, wich are a very good thing IF there's a real content, something meaningful, behind it imo. In that case the album was lirically (and musically) so ordinary and flat that causing a controversy would have been out of context imo. At least that trashy cover was honest: I had to do this, I had no ideas and no ispirations so let's just make some generic trandy noise and let's hope I'll get some more US sales The pic with the papers on her back would have been better though.
  11. Well, Shangai Surprise, The next best thing and Sweapt away were pretty scary actually ...
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