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Unapologetic Bitches
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    EgoRod got a reaction from animalinstinct in What are your favorite unofficial remixes?   
    I forgot this, I love this mix so much:
  2. Like
    EgoRod reacted to cosmic_system in Mirwais Q&A on Instagram   
    Mirwais is doing another Q&A on Instagram right now.
    He said that his favorite collaboration with Madonna that didn’t make it on a final album is Fighting Spirit (that was actually on the limited edition of Confessions).
    His fav song from “Music” is “Don’t Tell Me”
    There are no outtakes produced by him from Madame X but there are some cool alternate versions. 

    He hates “It’s So Cool” produced by Oakenfold (he didn’t say that but he refused to comment on that version, and I believe he already said in an interview that the Oakenfold version is garbage). 
    I will update this post if he says something more. 
  3. Like
    EgoRod got a reaction from heikeeduardo in DL: EROTICA (TONY SHIMKIN'S DAT) - Fanmade   
    Fan made means made by someone not that they have bad sound quality. That's why some are hard to spot.
  4. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    How about Donald Trump at the convention for the National Association of Black Journalists, does he represent conservatives?
  5. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Ok, I’m locking this. I’m tired of looking at it on the main page. 
  6. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Nobody is making this personal.
    We are all grown adults having a discussion.
    Please stop trying to moderate.
    Just bow out of the thread if it’s too much for you. 
  7. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    You guys tell us it’s anti-American to kneel and now you guys fly flags upside down and say it’s ‘patriotic’.
    i can’t with you guys. 😂
  8. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Im sorry that that happened to you, but there are people who die after ingesting peanut butter.

    There will always be some who experience side effects. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing for all.
  9. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    It seeps out in everything you type in every thread
  10. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Any medication is going to have a tiny number of people who experience side effects and in an extremely small number of people those will be severe. That's how medicine works. It doesn't mean there's something dodgy going on.
    And anyone who thought being vaccinated meant definitely no covid is just an idiot, cos it was extremely easy to know the truth and indeed the literature I was given with my vaccine made it clear.
    Also it wasn't a windfall for all the vaccine creators- the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, for example, was given at cost and millions of doses were donated for free to low-income countries.
  11. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    What about people who have committed multiple felonies and were found liable for sexual assault? Should they go to prison or is that more TV fodder?
  12. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    The vaccine (and masks and other rules) was to protect the health of the wider public, not just the individual. People that refused to get vaccinated were putting the health and lives of society’s most vulnerable people at risk which was very selfish. It isn’t the same situation.
    The point of having easy access to abortion is not just about women’s rights but about ensuring the future of the unborn child. It is not right that somebody has to bring a child into the world when they are not able to support them financially or otherwise. Saying “just drive to another state” is like saying that for anyone’s medical needs. They shouldn’t have to do that, it’s an expense and stress. What about women that are underage , have drug problems , are vulnerable etc. It’s not always an easy solution and that is why it should be as accessible to them as possible.
  13. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I’m gonna guess you don’t have a vagina and never had or needed an abortion. Let’s drive hundreds of miles to get a sometimes fatal procedure Mmmmmmkkkk 
  14. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I can’t with self-loathing gays.
    I’m done with this topic and can’t wait for Madam President Kamala Harris. 🙏🏼🇺🇸
  15. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    We don't wanna murder children that's why we banned abortion. 
    Children getting shot up in schools daily....
    Oh... we can't do anything about that. We can't tell someone they can't have a gun. 
    Please, make it make sense. 
    Your justifications are as solid as a limp dick. 
    Let's not forget Mr. "Covid Is a Hoax" himself recommending and admiting to taking the vaccine. I'd love to know how you justify it in your mind when your supreme leader was advocating for people to take it and taking credit for the lives saved by people taking it. Or maybe that wasn't Trump, but a crisis actor? How far down the rabbit hole do we go to explain that?
    Oh no, I HAD to get the vaccine or I would have lost my job. OK. If you didn't get vaccines when you were 5 you wouldn't have been allowed into school. This is how a country works to look out for your neighbor. This is how science works to overcome disease and save lives. Save lives like.... your abortion ban??? That's what the abortion ban is about right? Saving lives??  Or do we only save the unborn lives and everyone else can fuck off. Where exactly is the line of which lives we fight to save? 
  16. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Boombox90 in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Anyone who said you would not get Covid if you got the shot were full of shit. No vaccine works like that.
    With what we knew at the time, it affected those around you, not just you and most places that mandated it were healthcare places. Just like you had no choice to get certain vaccines when you were a child to attend school.
    Dont play dumb and pretend this was something new and unprecedented.
    Mandated vaccines have been around for many, many years.
    And the base of the vaccine has been around for years. It wasn’t some experimental drug pumped into everyone.
    Stop watching Fox News. Hell, even Fox is done with Trump now. 😂
  17. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Keep listening to Laura Boebert ✊🏼
  18. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to RUADJAI in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    First of all, that's just bullshit.
    So is the covid vaccine a death sentence or a life saver?? You can't have it both ways. 
    Moderna Vaccine distributed December 2020. Biden takes office January 2021. So the "dems" were holding out for them 30 days. Please. Tell another one. 
  19. Like
    EgoRod reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    "As always"? Please don't attempt sass when you transparently work backwards from 'how to discredit criticism of Trump'. The idea you're driven by concerns for the facts is laughable, and 'I don't have time' when you'll keep on posting here is utterly transparent.
    You've quite literally posted a screengrab showing restrictions on trans people enlisting in the military, all of which were dropped in 2021 under Biden. Have a little read of the April 12 2019 paragraph again, cos it doesn't say what you seem to think it says.
    And very telling that the other thing you had 'time' to 'fact check' consists of just parroting transphobic drivel at me. By far the biggest cause of violence against women in prison is prison staff. Trans people in prison are far more likely to be victims of violence than to perpetrate it. Pushing this line of 'oh a trans woman raped someone' is what bigots everywhere have done since time immemorial. 'Oh we can't have gays in the military, they'll assault straight people'. 'Oh we can't have gays teaching kids'.
    And given your sincere concern for the safety of women in the criminal justice system, I would expect you'd support policies which seek to send less people to prison, and to transform prison into real places of rehabilitation,  as opposed to supporting the death penalty, solitary confinement and giving federal immunity to police.
  20. Thanks
    EgoRod reacted to Debord in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Such as:
    - appointing anti-LGBTQ Judges throughout the system, including to the Supreme Court
    - banning trans people from serving in the military
    - allowing a religious exemption for federal contractors for protections against LGBTQ workers being fired due to being LGBTQ
    - Opposing the Equality Act and saying he'd veto it if it passed
    - revoking protections for trans students in public schools
    - introduced a policy to discharge HIV+ people from the military
    - removed nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people that existed under the Affordable Care Act
    - filed a brief with the Supreme Court asking it to legalise anti-LGBTQ discrimination in the workplace 
    - ending protections for trans people in federal prisons
    - Made it all but impossible for people persecuted for being LGBTQ to claim asylum in the USA.
    Shall I go on?
  21. Like
    EgoRod reacted to fmportela in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    How do your friends justify voting for someone who has already announced he's not going to accept the election results if it doesn't favor him?
    It baffles me how this person is even allowed to be a candidate, when he incited an insurrection after losing the last time.
  22. Like
    EgoRod reacted to androiduser in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I'm sure there were also amazing people who joined the Nazi party and helped their Arian neighbors
  23. Haha
    EgoRod got a reaction from Blue Skies in Weird 90’s Kids Song   
    This is the whole video:
  24. Haha
    EgoRod got a reaction from Veronica-Electronica in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
  25. Like
    EgoRod got a reaction from Veronica-Electronica in Ertha Kitt Shades Madonna   
    I said If your question was shady. The idea of disregarding things that are not relevant to oneself is an ignorant approach.
    Take is as critic or suggestion.
    Thats's why i shared a great interview and a wiki to learn who she is.
    I am Spanish and I knew of her.
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