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  1. Haha
    Piksel8 reacted to Shoful in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Oh god. The worst fucking outcome
  2. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from YourInnerIsland in What if THIS was the reason why we have to wait so long for the film release...   
    They probably had plans to release it earlier and align with film festivals towards the 2nd half of the year. The date is perfect to push it for your consideration towards the 2022 Oscars... if the film was made as a documentary. that or for the Grammys as a long form music video.
  3. Like
    Piksel8 reacted to RUADJAI in God Control; Words and Music   
    Alright kids... I have theories and I have questions. But first things first... I don't think God Control (the song) is really about Gun Control. It may be a part of the puzzle and I think perhaps M chose to focus on that part of the puzzle for the video to distract from what the song really is, and that is a scathing review of U.S. politicians or politicians in general. Perhaps she did this to keep Madame X from suffering the fate that American Life did. If anything Madonna shows an understanding of a mass shooter in this song. I think it is about gun violence but that's not the focus. Follow me. 
    "Everybody knows they don't have a chance 
    to get a decent job, to have a normal life..."
    "...I think I understand why people get a gun
    I think I understand why we all give up"
    This is Madonna identifying with shooters. Life is so bleak that people resort to guns because there is nothing to live for. Far different than the simplistic message of "Gun Control Now" that the video portrays and arguably far more controversial. 
    "When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh
    They pretend to help, it makes me laugh"
    Now one could say that this part seems to show that it is in fact about Gun Control reforms, but I would still say it doesn't. "They pretend to help"... Republicans in this country are not pretending to help at all when it comes to guns in this country. They are defiantly opposed to any legislation on guns and in fact use fear to go on the offense and use it as a rallying call in saying that the Democrats are trying to take away our guns. Democrats are also not "pretending to help" in regards to gun control because they know that they can't help without support from Republicans. If anything Democrats feel defeated in this area. We want reform but can do nothing about it. So I really don't think the reforms M is talking about have anything to do with guns because neither side is pretending to help in this area. I would say that both sides do pretend to help in alot of other areas that appear to help the everyday person, but usually in fact do not help. (for instance... raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour which would still be poverty wages)
    "the only gun is in my brain"
    Madonna identifies with shooters, however the only gun she has is her art. This is how she chooses to express herself. She understands why people kill, but she chooses to take out her frustration through music and dance and by spreading ideas. 
    "Every day they have a kind of victory
    Blood of innocence, spread everywhere"
    Who has the victory? Who has a victory when innocent blood is spilled? Is she talking about shooters? I don't think so. I think this is the implication that as long as a society is in conflict with itself, it is easier to control. Therefore governments have a kind of victory when violence reigns. 
    "It's a weird kind of energy
    A bizarre thing that happens to be
    An abnormal fraternity
    And I feel more than sympathy"
    Now this is the chorus, and it only happens once.. which is strange, weird, and abnormal. 
    An abnormal fraternity... is our government. (Fraternity:  a group of people sharing a common profession or interests) Going by this definition the abnormal fraternity couldn't be mass shooters as I dont think they are sharing a common interest with everyone else. However, government SHOULD have common interests with regular people but do not. She's expressing that government isn't working. Not just in relation to gun violence, but just in general. We are at a place where we are not moving forward. Climate change, gun violence, social justice, gender equality... 
    A NEW DEMOCRACY!  This is the real message of the song. 
    What do you guys think?
    Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, we lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do?
    Get the kids ready, take them to school
    Everybody knows they don't have a chance
    To get a decent job, to have a normal life
    When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh
    They pretend to help, it makes me laugh
    I think I understand why people get a gun
    I think I understand why we all give up
    Every day they have a kind of victory
    Blood of innocence, spread everywhere
    They say that we need love
    But we need more than this
    We lost God control
    We lost God control
    We lost God control
    We lost God control
    This is your wake-up call
    I'm like your nightmare
    I'm here to start your day
    This is your wake-up call
    We don't have to fall
    A new democracy
    God and pornography
    A new democracy
    People think that I'm insane
    The only gun is in my brain
    Each new birth, it gives me hope
    That's why I don't smoke that dope
    Insane people think I am
    Brain inside, my only friend
    Hope it gives me birth each new
    That dope I don't smoke, it's true
    Everybody knows the damn truth
    Everybody knows the damn truth (wake up)
    We need to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    We need to make up, make up, make up, make up
    Make up, make up, make up, make up, make up, make up
    It's a hustle, yeah
    It's a hustle
    It's a con
    It's a hustle
    It's a weird kind of energy
    A bizarre thing that happens to be
    An abnormal fraternity
    And I feel more than sympathy
    We need to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    We need to make up, make up, make up, make up
    Make up, make up, make up, make up, make up, make up
    People think that I'm insane
    The only gun is in my brain
    Each new birth, it gives me hope
    That's why I don't smoke that dope
    Insane people think I am
    Brain inside, my only friend
    Hope it gives me birth each new
    That dope I don't smoke, it's true
    Everybody knows the damn truth
    Everybody knows the damn truth
    We need to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    (Wake up)
    A new democracy!
    Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, we've lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do?
    Get the kids ready, take them to school
    Everybody knows they don't have a chance
    Get a decent job, have a normal life
    When they talk reform, it makes me laugh
    They pretend to help, it makes me laugh
  4. Haha
    Piksel8 reacted to mirtillo in Madame X Unreleased Songs   
    bitch i'm virgin, first demo of bitch i'm loca.
  5. Like
    Piksel8 reacted to Voguerista in ‘Madonna told me she wanted to f*** a Black guy on the altar,’ claims Like a Prayer director   
    Say what they will, but, this is one of Madonna's greatest videos artistically, musically, and, what's more, it made people think and, imo, it didn't mean Madonna was satanic and/or didn't have morals, etc. It also didn't mean she or her music should be banned or boycotted. I feel the same to this day (and we can still learn from it now again) on anyone trying to ban music, books,  or shut people and their opinion up no matter what their thoughts, creed, religion, or color etc are.. 
    ‘Madonna told me she wanted to f*** a Black guy on the altar,’ claims Like a Prayer director
    The 1989 music video was banned by the Vatican
    The director of Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” music video, Mary Lambert, has revealed how the controversial release came to be made.
    Madonna’s 1989 video featured the singer dancing in front of burning crosses, experiencing stigmata (the appearance of wounds in locations corresponding to the crucifixion of Jesus) and kissing a statue of a Black Jesus who comes to life in a church.
    The video was banned by the Vatican, with Italian Roman Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei saying at the time: “The video is a blasphemy and insult because it shows immorals inside a church.”
    Pope John Paul II also encouraged fans to boycott Madonna in Italy and not attend her Blond Ambition tour.
    Reflecting on the video, Lambert told The Hollywood Reporter: “I wanted to explore the correlation between sexual ecstasy and religious ecstasy.”
    She added that the Black Jesus character “came from Madonna telling me she wanted to ‘f*** a Black guy on the altar’”.
    To which Lambert recalls replying: “Well, why not have it be a Black Jesus? Let’s just go all the way.”
    Lambert said the burning crosses evoked “the idea of appropriation, that the Ku Klux Klan could take a cross, which is a holy symbol to a lot of people, and appropriate it in a way to instill fear and horror and promote race hatred”. She added: “I wanted to turn that on its head.”
    Despite the controversy, “Like a Prayer” went on to be nominated for MTV Video Music Awards’ Video of the Year and has since been viewed over 163 million times on YouTube.
  6. Haha
    Piksel8 got a reaction from milingo83 in ‘Madonna told me she wanted to f*** a Black guy on the altar,’ claims Like a Prayer director   
    Mary Lambert enters the chat after seeing "Montero (call me by your name)" with a Black Twink getting fucked by Satan. 
  7. Haha
    Piksel8 reacted to madgefan in Why is this True Blue CD $900 ?   
    Maybe it's Madonna own personal copy of the album. The one she used to play while f***ing Sean. Didn't Guy say something like that back in the day?
  8. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from Beautiful Madonna in madonna very sexy again in 2021.... What do you think about it? you love ?.... yes for me.   
    The woman is hornier these days... must be the weather.
  9. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from MADGY in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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    Piksel8 reacted to Shoful in Favorite Vocals   
    I feel as though Madonna’s vocals have been continuously evolving and changing drastically throughout her career. I feel that her voice remains a certain way for a couple of eras and I grouped them up as so. This poll is more so about which vocals are your favorite sounding and not a poll about which album period is your best. I want the focus to be on her vocals. Please share your thoughts as well  
    My favorite vocal era from Madonna is probably Madame X! Even though her voice isn’t as powerful as the Like A Prayer days, I feel like now it is more diverse. The many sounds of Madame X fit her changing voice throughout the album and her raw vocals really shine through in songs like Looking for Mercy. I also really love the way she manipulates her voice in some of the songs like the spoken part and pre disco sections of God Control. Also she sounded AMAZING on the MXT
  11. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from Madgerules in Favorite Vocals   
    She was known to strain her voice a lot pre ray of light era which technically isn't very good for your chords. just before Erotica, she had a lot of songs in which she was too nasally, sang with a high pitch and raspy voice at times. For someone who had no vocal training, that kind of vocal technique won't last as she ages. The training she got out of evita had her sing more at a lower register which she became comfortable with that made her discover her new voice by Ray of light. The training is part of her story, without it, she would've done Vegas and singing her old songs over and over. lol
  12. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from maxijazz in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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    Piksel8 got a reaction from Voguerista in Favorite Vocals   
    She was known to strain her voice a lot pre ray of light era which technically isn't very good for your chords. just before Erotica, she had a lot of songs in which she was too nasally, sang with a high pitch and raspy voice at times. For someone who had no vocal training, that kind of vocal technique won't last as she ages. The training she got out of evita had her sing more at a lower register which she became comfortable with that made her discover her new voice by Ray of light. The training is part of her story, without it, she would've done Vegas and singing her old songs over and over. lol
  14. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from AModSquad in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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    Piksel8 reacted to into the erotico in Drowned World Tour 2001 /// AI HD Interpretation upscaled!   
    take a closer look!
  16. Haha
    Piksel8 reacted to Shoful in Favorite Vocals   
    There's a reason 
    She legit sounds like a dying crow on Hard Candy and during the S&S tour. 
  17. Haha
    Piksel8 reacted to aleex123 in Favorite Vocals   
    I think it's kind of funny that no one has chosen Hard Candy - Celebration and MDNA - Rebel Heart, but I've got to mention that her voice in Celebration and Broken was amazing.
  18. Haha
    Piksel8 got a reaction from RUADJAI in Favorite Vocals   
    She was known to strain her voice a lot pre ray of light era which technically isn't very good for your chords. just before Erotica, she had a lot of songs in which she was too nasally, sang with a high pitch and raspy voice at times. For someone who had no vocal training, that kind of vocal technique won't last as she ages. The training she got out of evita had her sing more at a lower register which she became comfortable with that made her discover her new voice by Ray of light. The training is part of her story, without it, she would've done Vegas and singing her old songs over and over. lol
  19. Wow
    Piksel8 got a reaction from aleex123 in Favorite Vocals   
    She was known to strain her voice a lot pre ray of light era which technically isn't very good for your chords. just before Erotica, she had a lot of songs in which she was too nasally, sang with a high pitch and raspy voice at times. For someone who had no vocal training, that kind of vocal technique won't last as she ages. The training she got out of evita had her sing more at a lower register which she became comfortable with that made her discover her new voice by Ray of light. The training is part of her story, without it, she would've done Vegas and singing her old songs over and over. lol
  20. Thanks
    Piksel8 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Favorite Vocals   
    She was known to strain her voice a lot pre ray of light era which technically isn't very good for your chords. just before Erotica, she had a lot of songs in which she was too nasally, sang with a high pitch and raspy voice at times. For someone who had no vocal training, that kind of vocal technique won't last as she ages. The training she got out of evita had her sing more at a lower register which she became comfortable with that made her discover her new voice by Ray of light. The training is part of her story, without it, she would've done Vegas and singing her old songs over and over. lol
  21. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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  22. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from itzjak in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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  23. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from NRMX in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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  24. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from Voguerista in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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  25. Like
    Piksel8 got a reaction from dela01 in Cocaine, Madonna and Mick Jagger top A-lister party reminiscences   
    Not at the mishaps but same night footage at roxy

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