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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I just read that Maluma is doing a live stream. Maybe she is performing with him. 
  2. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Why does this stop you from enjoying the original Frozen? She has sung it many times close to the original on tour including on Madame X. 
  3. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from momosfantasy in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Most people who have gained weight know that and they don’t need someone to tell them. 
    Doesn’t putting on weight automatically make someone unattractive and ugly? How fatpphobic. 
    Glad you’re not my friend. 
  4. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to Pasxal in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Can‘t you just accept and respect that she is also a human being and not a perfect robot. She set the standard very very high in the 80‘s, 90‘s and Millenium. She is 63, soon 64, does anyone have an idea what sacrifices and efforts someone has to do or go through to be constantly on top (whatever that means). Of course she is no longer the same as she was 10 years ago even 2 years ago, we all change, we all get older, we all do good and bad decisions. We all grow. It‘s not up to us to make her decisions. She makes her decisions. She may have a problem getting older, so what? Everyone has issues. She may drink too much wine or whatever, so what? Life is not always easy, especially when the world is getting crazier every day. Who does not need an escape from time to time. Maybe she has some other issues too, so what as I said at the beginning, she is a human being. 
    by the way I have to get used to a couple of things as well since a couple of months. Not so much a big fan of constant filters since months and her ageing complex (my opinion) but I respect and admire her and I am grateful she is still alive. Let‘s get used to another Madonna, less „perfect“, „older“ „crazier“ „less in perfect shape“ (no judgments)……
  5. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to adirondak in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I agree but people with a more nuanced sane opinion are needed around here.  It's important to note that most of Madonna's issues stem from her injuries... which come from her working so incredibly hard to give us a good show into her 50s. Sad to see the responses she gets in return.
  6. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from mavericksire in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  7. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from mikenmark in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Most people who have gained weight know that and they don’t need someone to tell them. 
    Doesn’t putting on weight automatically make someone unattractive and ugly? How fatpphobic. 
    Glad you’re not my friend. 
  8. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think there are some people here who are just being mean for the sake of it, but there are others who are genuinely concerned about her welfare. 
    Yes, she’s older but this performance is a decline from the Madame X shows which a lot of people on here saw. 
    I thought she was really good on Madame X. Admittedly I saw one of the first shows in Brooklyn before her injuries got too bad. 
    I don’t know how to describe it but I feel the way she speaks in interviews or even on Instagram is quite different and not as with it as she even was on Madame X. 
    I love seeing new pictures and video of her daily, but I think having Ricardo there photographing and filming her constantly  may not be the best thing. It seems stressful like you are on a reality show. 
  9. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to Spanky1995 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Madonna moved maluma to his mark when they lay down he was clearly not on the trapdoor and she moved him lower
  10. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Levon in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I actually like the pink dress. I think the problem is she is wearing the tight wide black belt with it which messes up the hang of the dress. 
  11. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from mouse in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  12. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from madgefan in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  13. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Have you ever told a friend or family member you don’t like what they’re wearing or that their body doesn’t look good? It never ends well. 
  14. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from ChrisK in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I actually like the pink dress. I think the problem is she is wearing the tight wide black belt with it which messes up the hang of the dress. 
  15. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from MDNA22 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Have you ever told a friend or family member you don’t like what they’re wearing or that their body doesn’t look good? It never ends well. 
  16. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from MDNA22 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I actually like the pink dress. I think the problem is she is wearing the tight wide black belt with it which messes up the hang of the dress. 
  17. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from alanuk in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I actually like the pink dress. I think the problem is she is wearing the tight wide black belt with it which messes up the hang of the dress. 
  18. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to Andymad in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Here's my two cents. I had formed a judgement before watching the entire thing based on reading so many shitty reviews here.
    I..... actually enjoyed it LOLOLOLOL.
    Medellin, one of my LEAST fav songs of her career, was amazing to me. I thought the instrumentation brought so much new life to it as a live performance, one I think could be a great number in future tours for M (if she even uses this version).  Honestly I forgot about Maluma the entire time.  I forgot about her ass, I forgot about her not being filtered.  Just the way her dress went with the wind, her energy... it was unmatched.  She seemed to know exactly where she was going (minus the word flubs in the beginning).  She moved and hit marks like she had been dying to get on stage again.
    Music was a mess.  I have to laugh because the two of them just seemed like two people stuck on a stage having a great time and not know what the fuck either was doing, but having a great time.  Yeah there was a backing track, big deal.  It was a rushed performance.  That jacket was hideous.  It was like Nikki Finn meets gay cowgirl realness, the combo of it all.  But again, I didn't mind it.  She certainly isn't physically where she used to be stamina wise on stage.  But she looked like she had fun even fumbling through the numbers LOL.
    The final pose though, covering his damn face I screamed haha.  THAT was a great way to end the train wreck of a number. 
    I loved it 
    don't come for me Argentina 
  19. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to devilpray in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    yes, the performance wasn't very good but as usually yall are overreacting and just hoping for her to fuck up so bad you can stop having to keep up with her. you know what was bad? the 98 vmas, her vocals on the s&stour, this was just meh. and we're not even considering the fact that medellin is like 1400meters above sea level and the bitch showed up there the day before! of couse she was going to be confused and tired as fuck
  20. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from o_g_c_x in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    No one dressed or made her wear her hair that way. That was her choice.  She’s very stubborn and  strong  minded especially whey it comes to her image and fashion. Do you honestly think she would have changed it because someone said they didn’t like it? 
  21. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    No one dressed or made her wear her hair that way. That was her choice.  She’s very stubborn and  strong  minded especially whey it comes to her image and fashion. Do you honestly think she would have changed it because someone said they didn’t like it? 
  22. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think there are some people here who are just being mean for the sake of it, but there are others who are genuinely concerned about her welfare. 
    Yes, she’s older but this performance is a decline from the Madame X shows which a lot of people on here saw. 
    I thought she was really good on Madame X. Admittedly I saw one of the first shows in Brooklyn before her injuries got too bad. 
    I don’t know how to describe it but I feel the way she speaks in interviews or even on Instagram is quite different and not as with it as she even was on Madame X. 
    I love seeing new pictures and video of her daily, but I think having Ricardo there photographing and filming her constantly  may not be the best thing. It seems stressful like you are on a reality show. 
  23. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from thegoldencalf in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    No one dressed or made her wear her hair that way. That was her choice.  She’s very stubborn and  strong  minded especially whey it comes to her image and fashion. Do you honestly think she would have changed it because someone said they didn’t like it? 
  24. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Most likely in the past she relied on high energy exercise to lose weight and now she can’t do that. I never got the impression she was the type of person that denied herself food even though she always ate healthy.  When you exercise a lot you also eat a lot. The problem arises when you stop exercising but you keep eating the same. You see this a lot with former athletes after they retire. 
    Losing weight is not easy particularly as you get older. If it was that easy everyone would be thin and no one would gain weight as they get older.  It’s not as easy as saying I don’t like my body and just change it. 
  25. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Blue Jean in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Why would she want anyone to think she has an alcohol or drug addiction? Usually performers go to great lengths to hide their addictions. 
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