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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to clkelley39 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I was comparing the 2024 remaster of "Material Girl" to the 2022 remaster, and I'm starting to think the 2022 remaster from FEL actually is a different mix.
    I think the main difference is that the drums sound wetter (more reverb) in the 2022 remaster, which is supposed a 7" version. The snare drum totally has more reverb on FEL and the hi-hat is quieter and less crispy-sounding. That wouldn't be a result of mastering, but of mixing. And I could totally see a record company in 1984 just slightly changing the mix of a song for the 7" version. Remember all the different "mixes" of Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time"? Each one just had slightly different levels for each instrument, and therefore they classified them as different mixes. But you could BARELY hear the difference in each one, if at all. 
    Opinions? Wait, I actually don't want them. 
  2. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to MPowered in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Most people are dumb 🤭🤭🤭
    Jk but that has been sitting in my Keep It Together folder for so long, I forgot that it was actually a rare mix.
  3. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to wtg1987 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I wouldn’t mind being inserted with your AVI 😋😂😂
  4. Haha
    Ziploc got a reaction from Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    You mean you're not making that cabinet for me? 😢
  5. Like
    Ziploc reacted to Roy in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Okay, bitches. How are we doin in here? :3
  6. Wow
    Ziploc reacted to stefo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Wow are these prices real? What's happening in Pittsburg???

  7. Thanks
    Ziploc reacted to deathproof in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    After seeing the show twice now, I found the MJ interlude a bit unneeded? It ran too long, and I feel like its position in the show is too late. It should have been earlier and not tacked in at the end.
  8. Like
    Ziploc reacted to scion in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    To be fair, some fans are way too emotionally invested in her and feel the need to defend a woman who doesn't even know they're alive.
  9. Thanks
    Ziploc reacted to scion in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    You feel sorry for her?
    This has absolutely nothing to do with her 'problems'. She's been doing it for over a decade, its a total dick move. Virtually every other artist manages to be on time on average.
    As much as I love the show, and I was quite happy with a late starting show as I had hotels booked, I hope she loses the lawsuit and it has an impact on her behaviour moving forward, or Live Nation comes down hard on her. It's not fair that people are not able to see a full show they've paid hundreds to see because M wants to start half an hour before the last trains. It's a joke. It doesn't affect her but it affects the audience and it's entirely disrespectful.
  10. Haha
    Ziploc got a reaction from Adonna in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    She posted that video when the tickets first went on sale where she seemed genuinely grateful and overcome that they were selling so well.
    Now she's just shit all over it by being so disrespectful to her fans that have paid £100s to see her. I love Madonna and I love her music but when she comes out 3 hours late she's just being a selfish cunt and should be called out for it. 
  11. Like
    Ziploc reacted to MerBoy13 in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    I think this lawsuit is pointless and a cash grab. However she should be turning up on time for her shows. I and many others go to work and show up on time and quite rightly so, so should she.
  12. Thanks
    Ziploc reacted to Askeroff in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    "You want to sue Madonna for being late on stage? She’s an artist not a service industry worker
    There’s something about the terms in which their discontent is expressed that feels faintly pathetic."

    Some music fans seem afflicted by a sense of entitlement, and to have forgotten that inconvenience used to be part of the gig-going experience. Mind you, with today’s ticket prices, is it any wonder?
    At first glance, the news that two New York concert-goers are suing Madonna for arriving on stage two hours late for a show at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center is hard to read without an involuntary roll of the eyes.
    There’s something about the terms in which their discontent is expressed that feels faintly pathetic. Hang on, you went to a gig and got upset because it finished late, you “had to get up early to go to work the following day” and, worse, faced “limited public transportation” en route home?
    It is not an argument destined to cut much mustard with anyone who – like the claimants – is old enough to remember a time before golden circles, cordoned-off glamping areas at festivals, corporate packages, VIP suites, lounges and viewing platforms, “ultimate bars” and all the other latterday additions that have turned gigs into a branch of the hospitality industry. A time when a degree of discomfort and inconvenience was part of the gig-going deal. It seems to speak rather loudly about an entitlement on the part of the audience; a tendency to treat artists as though they work in a branch of the service industries: “I’ve paid my money, you had better do exactly what I want or else.”
    So there’s a certain irony about the fact that a considerable chunk of the Madonna show that occasioned the lawsuit involves a recreation of the arty, post-disco early-80s New York demimonde from which the singer sprung, complete with a dancer in character as Jean-Michel Basquiat and a mockup of the entrance to the Paradise Garage club.
    It seems doubtful that anyone who attended a show by Basquiat’s noise-rock band Gray, or turned up to hear the Garage’s genius but drug-addled resident DJ Larry Levan, ever considered getting the lawyers in because a late start meant they faced “limited public transportation” home.
    Then again, no one who attended a gig in the days when discomfort and inconvenience were standard paid the astronomical sums people are expected to cough up for tickets these days. The cheapest seats for Madonna’s London shows were £50, the most expensive were £432.25, and that is assuming you didn’t miss out on the hugely oversubscribed initial sale and end up taking the resold tickets route: one site, Viagogo, was advertising tickets at £1,870 each. And this, it should be added, is not uncommon pricing for big arena shows. Nothing generates a sense of entitlement like spending the best part of a grand on a couple of gig tickets, and if attendees have to leave before the end to catch the last train home, they’re going to feel short-changed and angry.
    There, one suspects, lies the nub of the problem: it isn’t really a matter of latterday gig-goers not knowing they’re born or making unreasonable demands on an artist, it’s a simple question of economics.
    Alexis Petridis

  13. Like
    Ziploc reacted to MattyMads in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    Ooh let's hope they win because if it's out there and people know they can sue then this tardiness should stop.
    There is no excuse for technical issues she's been having these issues since sticky & sweet, she needs to hire a team if that's the case because they have got to the bottom of these technical issues for the past 16 years 
  14. Like
    Ziploc reacted to Pootz333 in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    Lets be real. She could take a dump on stage while miming Luke Slater's mix of POG at 2:45am and leave immediately after and there would still be people here saying "It's a known fact you need a week's vacation, a raincoat, and extra toilet paper to see the queen, losers!". 

  15. Like
    Ziploc got a reaction from heikeeduardo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    As has been explained to you before, a small delay is not a problem. Hours late is unacceptable. 
    Try to keep up dear. 
  16. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to survivalartist in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I will be Santa, if the Santa’s are humiliated 
  17. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to MattyMads in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Has she come on yet for show 2 or are we still waiting and being appreciative about evreything she does?
  18. Like
    Ziploc reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Later than 10pm is just too late and totally ridiculous. The yes fans need to stfu.
  19. Thanks
    Ziploc reacted to MattyMads in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    She was doing this behaviour long before she became ill it’s not an excuse what next? She comes on and does 2 songs but it doesn’t matter we should be grateful she’s still alive 😂😂  
    there is no excuse for this lateness it’s totally unprofessional and makes her look like a disrespectful bitch end of! 
  20. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    No i'm the type of fan who's glad that she's still alive and blessing us with this tour. Some people should learn some patience and enjoy the extra minutes they get at these venues.
  21. Thanks
    Ziploc reacted to MattyMads in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    People need to stop making excuses for her lateness and pulling fans up that have opinions on it. 
    At end of day it is bad and no excuse and it makes her look like a total bitch and unprofessional. 
    Come on 10.45pm on a week night to start a concert it isn't normal and way beyond professional. She wonders why audiences are not some times quiet, come on at a reasonable time when people are excited and happy she would reap the rewards massively.
    Fans stop enabling this behaviour because it's not normal and totally disrespectful, I am so glad I seen her in a city with a curfew but even so some nights people were tied because she didn't come on till 9.30pm
    9pm is acceptable but beyond that expect a bad audience MADONNA
  22. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to wtg1987 in The (lack of) tour book   
    I’ve heard it will be included in the first expanded reissue 😀🤓
  23. Like
    Ziploc reacted to Pretender1978 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Wow just wow, she was on fire last night!
  24. Like
    Ziploc reacted to bootboy31 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    When you see tonight's speech you will probably cry... It was amazingly powerful..... Forget grills, late starts and everything.   This is Madonna ♥️♥️♥️
  25. Haha
    Ziploc reacted to survivalartist in Spotify Wrapped 2023   
    You’re so right, it’s a disaster so why bother. It’s embarrassing to be a fan of such an unpopular once popular star and I shouldn’t have started this thread to shine light on her failing streaming numbers. 
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