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Raio_05 last won the day on January 29 2021

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  1. Portugal's fascist racist sexist homophobic presidential candidate in SECOND place on today's elections. What is happening to my country... we're following Poland's steps... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raio_05


      Actual election. He ended up in third place in the end, but with a 0.8% difference only... scary. We had 8 candidates...

    3. RUADJAI


      I think this is more so  showing us the power of speech and the vulnerability of thought rather than exposing people's beliefs. So I wouldn't be depressed about it. 

    4. emanon


      people like him are very manipulative...and a lot pf times people get caught by people like him, and its too late. I really hope that his party never wins anything here. His hate started with the gypsies, but I think it wouldnt end there...Anyway, most humans are so fucking hard to understand...I dont get why people still thinkt like that. Gypsies are like a scape goat...if its easy to deall with most of them? not really, and I speak by my own experience at the place I work; one of them even said that would steal and treath people with a gun if needed BUT there are a lot from my own race that suck like hell. So, is the problem only with the gypsies? not really. In this fucking world there is always a group that is like a scape goat for people's hate, for no reason. Gypsies, blacks, gays, jews, even women...Yes, I wish we could be living in the world of "Imagine", but that is just imagination.I was happy he didnt won, and relieved. 

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