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Everything posted by Adonna

  1. What a phenomenal list of iconic people he worked with. I can't help to think how this is just one more connection Madonna had with Michael Jackson. One could say, she was always taking a page from Michael since the beginning of her career, starting with making Freddy DeMann as her manager. It's just wild how their work and lives kept intertwining over the years. I've heard him tell that story of Live to Tell before. Maybe a few more details more this time around. I knew the song was originally intended for another movie, but I didn't realize how in just one day, he was canned from the film, for only to offer it to Madonna, and she records the song and then later that same day is contacted by Sean to use it in their film. I am confused though when he says their was only one vocal take, but we all know there is a another alternate vocal where she doesn't sound as strong. I always thought that was the demo, but maybe they came back to it to see if they could improve on it, but he just forgot about that?
  2. She does, but then when you see her with her father you see how she looks so much like him. It's the same with Rocco. I see him and of course, he looks so much like his Dad, but you totally see the Ciccone side in him too.
  3. I quite like the discussion regarding the actual "supposed 79 pic". I can see from both perspectives because I think we all agree it definitely looks a lot like her. Then, there are some of us who also feel something is off and doubt it's her.
  4. Most definitely. It's more creative and less predictable.
  5. I know some are just joking, but if it's on the level of American Life Mix Show, that was a superb release. I actually prefer these sorta curated releases than the usual re-issues with nothing really new.
  6. Yes, the description of what it's supposed to be is "odd" to me, especially when it's supposed to be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the album. But yeah, I can't wait to hear more as well.
  7. Rebel Heart Tour (just by a smidge) Justify My Love (MDNA Tour Interlude) or S E X/Justify My Love (Rebel Heart Tour Interlude)
  8. Who's That Girl Tour, I'm just sayin' Drowned World Tour or MDNA Tour?
  9. Rhino was simply sharing a rare find. Some fans took it and ran with it, hoping and thinking it was a hint for something as like with anything. Rhino has been known to post random things like this to just share to the public as they said at the time of sharing that post back in 2023. They promised nothing nor did they hint it was for a re-issue of anything. They don't owe anyone a huge explanation behind something they never hinted at or promised. What it comes down is Rhino is getting people talking.
  10. You Can Dance Rebel Heart Tour or Madame X Tour?
  11. Yes, but a lot of these shots have been known to exist long before or we've gotten alternate shots from the same or similar photoshoots or photographers. And yeah, I can see someone coming across something they had stored away and forgot about. That is certainly possible, but looking at the image supposedly of Madonna in 1979, I still question. Zoom in on the back of the arms. There is skin/muscle/fold that Madonna doesn't have or at least at that time. Also, there is something off about the shirt as well.
  12. All I know is something off and I agree with @Prayerhow it's odd how this photographer is just getting around releasing it now. Also, in the age of AI and photoshop when many fans question the tinsy thing that is off, I'd think it's pretty understanding why some would now too. Also, people lie. They will manipulate and even bring things forth, to try to perpetuate that lie even further. If someone is trying to sell a book, it's much easier to do so with an unseeen, unpublished image or dish on something not known than not. No doubt, whoever it is, there is a definite likeness to Madonna. I see it. But I just can't 100% be convinced it's her.
  13. I still don't believe it's her, but I can see the similarities many have pointed out, but there still is something that seems off. The arms definitely don't look like hers. I still wonder if it's actually a guy.
  14. The more I look at this, there is something definitely off about it. I think it's a guy. Also, I think someone altered the image, specifically the chest of the shirt to make like the person has breasts. Look how the design (circle) on the chest is warped looking. Also, if you look really close around the back of this person biceps, you can see more definition then Madonna has at the time. There is muscle that she didn't have at the time. Also, look at the middle of the forearms, there is too much definition there as well. The neck even looks as if there is an adams apple. Here are two gals wearing the same shirt.
  15. Give It 2 Me. Better video: Lucky Star or Give It 2 Me?
  16. Yeah, this next week would be a great oppurtunity to unveil LAV 40 expanded re-issue. Of course, I don't see it happening at the VMA's, but at best maybe an announcement from her team/website around next week sometime. At this point, I am ready to pack it in for these expanded re-issues because I would think any physical re-issue will have pre-orders starting sometime soon if they are looking for a November anniversary release. My other thought is on the actual anniversary in November, they will announce it. I'm not really putting much stock in either, but I do have hope.
  17. While I'm sure it's not true, I'd love for this to be truth though. And the two did say they wanted to work together, so it's not far fetched, and that's why it's also easy for someone to make up such as well. Time will tell, but if I recall that Twitter source has been known for posting made up shit.
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