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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Adonna

  1. Sooner or Later He's A Man or Back In Business?
  2. Ahh someone got around editing just the Madonna part. Nice. Thanks for sharing @True Blue 84 Love the story Bob shared how she randomly sings her songs (nearly in full) to people. Such a fun story.
  3. I bailed on it long before it became X. It's a cesspool of nasty and uninformed people there. To me, it's like the FOX NEWS of social media platforms.
  4. I think the details of the tracks are sketchy. My bet it might be something like the American Life Mix Show. Unreleased remixes of key songs and then possibly a demo or two of certain key songs too. Of course, this is if the Demo reports are even true. For sure, we'll find out in a month or so.
  5. Everybody (Girlie Show) Like A Virgin: 1984 VMA's or Blond Ambtition Tour?
  7. How are they errors, if they intentionally uploaded such versions? LOL! I agree that the digital/streaming versions of some of the songs on Immaculate Collection annoys me. Still, I think Madonna is quite well represented digitally and on streaming platforms. Hardcore fans will always nitpick things, and I understand that, but at the end of the day, most anyone else don't care. Her music is still there and being enjoyed.
  8. Are they "intentional" though? I don't think so. For ardent fans it may be noticeable but for most anyone else, it isn't.
  9. I Want You Everybody: Girlie Show or Celebration Tour?
  10. That's my position for most of these errors, etc., the hard core fans point out. Many people accessing won't even know any different or care.
  11. Let me clarify AGAIN... I'm not bothered by "the bush". To assume other wise is purposely misinterpreting my point of view. I'm only pointing out that we should be considerate to the fact this forum is accessible to people beyond just our personal networks. Some are accessing from work, schools and public spaces that can make certain images or material problematic in such spaces especially if they are using public Wi-fi where one's access is being monitored. No one here has stated they are offended by Madonna's "bush". Meanwhile, this thread was about a possible 1979 image of Madonna, so it would be nice to actually get back to the ACTUAL topic!
  12. I agree that a bare ass doesn't compare to gentiles even covered by hair. As for opening up the forum in a "public space" it can be problematic because as mentioned some are accessing this comminity from places that may have Wi-Fi which monitors members activity at their job or school. And let's not forget there are underage fans accessing this group. Just because some aren't aware who may be underage fans, doesn't mean they aren't here. Also, it doesn't matter how skilled one is in shielding their access from sites that may have inappropriate material, any school or work network still is able to monitor their student/employer's activity. I agree that being on a Madonna forum, most would expect there may be something inappropriate to pop up, however some fans aren't thinking that deep about it. Also, profile pics show up much more than just a single thread.
  13. The issue seems to be... and she knows this as well, that most people are familiar with her as a blonde. It's quite ironic being she's truly a brunette. But more than not, she's is most famous as a blonde, so that will be what she will most likely be for most major events for the rest of her life. And at her age, it's probably easier to maintain the blonde hair being she's probably pretty grey if she went natural. Imagine... i love her version. I Know It or Sanctuary?
  14. Well, she considered having dark hair for the GIrlie Show, but decided against it. And yeah, she had fried her hair when dying it the reddish pink in early '93, which caused her to cut it short for the tour. There is an '93 Tour interview where she talks about it. Also, she's had times where she planned to keep her hair darker longer, but due to project commitments she had to go blonde. For instance, she was planning to stay brunette for the whole LAP era, but she got the role for Breathless Mahoney in DIck Tracy. She tried to talk Warren Beatty in allowing her to keep her hair brunette for the role, but he refused. Of course, she didn't want to lose the role, so she eventually dyed her back to blonde. We see that transition with the Pepsi commerical, where she's dyed a strip of her hair as a test before cutting and going completely blonde in '89. I Love New York (IGTTYAS rock version) Amazing or Impressive Instant?
  15. Only thing is... if someone posted a pic of someone's pussy on Facebook or Instagram, their account would be banned. Just keep in mind, there are people here who DO work and access the forums from their job. There are underage fans as well who may access from school as well. Like mentioned, the picture doesn't offend me, but I think some will take issue that it's showing up on one's active profile pic. But if that's accepted, then I guess maybe I should change my profile to a dick pick from the sex book! LOL!
  16. Don't be daft. You know there are underage fans here! You're purposely trying to antagonize and provoke. I said what I said. I am not offended by the image in your profile. The issue is, your profile pic shows up in many threads without warning. Another member asked you politely to change your profile pic because he said he accesses this forum from work/public, but you totally ignored/dismissed this. Stop assuming nonsense and consider other members here! I'm not asking you not to post such pics, but the fact is we have to keep in mind that using genital pics in a profile pic, makes this forum become closer to becoming a PORN forum and we do have people accessing this forum from work/school places as well as younger fans.
  17. I have no issues of pussy, dick and nudity images, but the question is, how far do we go here? We have to remember some are accessing this forum from school, work and in the public. Would we be okay if people started using "dick pics" in their profile pics? I only ask because profile pics will show up more when browsing a forum than just a thread with naughty pics. I hope that makes sense? Again, I have no issue with what has happened in this thread with the pussy pics, other than it's obviously derailed the topic, but should such images be allowed in PROFILE pics where it can pop up unexpectedly without someoen's control?? I only ask this because as mentioned... some are youngsters here who are pulling this forum up in school.. or maybe someone is at work. It's just a matter of consideration.
  18. Yeah, she dyed it a reddish pink and it just fried her hair. The rumor was....she was going to go dark for the Girllie Show, but decided to go bleach blonde too offset from Donna and Nicki. I'm not sure what made her go completely dark afterwards, other than she was trying to grow her hair out, and so she went dark by early '94. Hanky Panky Rescue Me or Music?
  19. Yeah, she fried her hair by the Fever video, and so she wore a wig for Rain video and then eventually cut all hair off for the Girlie Show, and then sometime after dyed her hair dark, only to bleach it again in '94 for the Bedtime Story Era. She did a few photo shoots in between before the Bedtime Story era with the black short hair. POG Video Video: Drowned World/Substitute for Love or Nothing Really Matters?
  20. Keep in mind, Rain was a wig. She was going for an Asian look in that. When I'll Remember came along, that was her real hair. You'll See Crazy For You or Take A bow?
  21. I'll Remember (but yeah Two masterpieces that you presented too). Live to Tell or I'll Remember?
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