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Posts posted by Adonna

  1. 6 minutes ago, Agent Cooper said:

    The song Rebel Heart could have been an amazing single, oh my.

    Totally agree.  It should have been a single.  And I'm stil baffled how the title song was left off the standard album. 


    Beat Goes On or Turn Up The Radio?

    Turn Up The Radio  (I know many fans hate this song, but i think this is a jam!  Just love this song!)

    Crazy For You or Oh Father?

  2. 1 hour ago, FrozenRain said:

    Her pain and desperation is apparent in the rape scne😢

    M has disclosed two incidents in her life. She went to someone's apartment to use a phone and got raped. Then she has told about the one thet happened on a rootftop at knifepoint. I find it sad that she kind of blames herself of what happened to her by saying something like I was young and naive.. but I digress.

    While I agree the rapes should be inexcusable, but I think she probably means how she may have put her self in a position to be taken advantage.  Anyway, I'm glad she never portrayed herself as a "victim" with these incidences.  I think it only made her stronger and possibly helped her become the force she is. 

    As for the film, I've seen it like twice and both times really just wanted to shut it off.  It's just horrible.  It's no wonder why she wanted to block the release back in the day. 

  3. Just now, Agent Cooper said:

    Very well observed @Adonna  Celebration Tour version was a creative way to perform a song to tell a story and it's a nice one. RIT version is amazing... but somehow the trio with Niki and Donna singing this together is so nostalgic and special =)

    The RIT and RHT just didn't appeal to me as the one's previously. It lacked the "oomph' the song should have.  Again, i excuse the Celebration version because it's a nice version and then rather ending on a celebratory note like she's done with the song in the past, she takes it a different direction which is poignant to her story.



    Love Song or Best Friend?

    Love Song


    Better Album Artwork:  Something To Remember or Confessions On A Dance Floor?

  4. 20 minutes ago, stefo said:

    In my opinion the only palusible unrelesed tracks choices are the ones that could have a direct relationship with the released album and not the studio session itself. The style of the songs from the session with Shep was more Erotica oriented apparently, so it's strange and incoherent to include tracks like Bring it, Goodtime or Tongue tied (wich I highly would like to hear by the way, especially the second one said to be quite good). 

    I think the tracks that could be considered are just the early versions of songs eventually included in the final tracklist like "Something's coming over" (Secret) or "I will always have you" (Inside of me) or an unreleased Dallas Austin track, if I'm not wrong there still should be one called "Right on time" written by him.

    I agree.  My thought we're getting alternate remixes or early demo version of the singles that haven't been officially released and possibly an early version/remix of tracks such as "Freedom", "Let Down Your Guard" and/or "Your Honesty". 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Veronica-Electronica said:

    Yeah I was always under the impression that RSD releases were physical only (as the whole point of RSD is to drive consumers into record stores -hence no online pre ordering etc). I only noticed that Garbage upload their to streaming because I listen to a lot of Garbage. There might be other artists that do this as well, I’m just not familiar with them. 

    I had a quick Google and I can find rules for retailers who participate as RSD stockists, but I can’t find any rules for artists. 

    Are there any industry insiders 😉 here that can shed light on that?

    Either way, Nap Time will definitely be physical-only based on Madonna’s previous releases. 

    Again, RSD is primarily a way to appreciate the act of actually going to a real store and buying music.  Vinyl is the primary release for RSD.  The idea is that the stores that participate must pledge not to make the physical releases available for pre-order nor can they sell it until the following day at a specific time. 

    Over time, Artists/Record labels started to make sure more copies were available, to ensure there was a chance for online purchasing (the day after and thereafter).   This is when the participating stores make the remaining copies available through on-line purchasing as well.  Meanwhile, these stores make their stock available on Amazon and other online stores.

    Many of the releases are very exclusive content from artists, who never release such content digitally and on streaming platforms.  However, much bigger artists tend to make some of that material available eventually, but not always.  The idea is that RSD is supposed to be kept exclusive to physical format.  While there are some artist/record labels who do make such content available digitally/streaming, in most cases they don't to keep it "exclusive". 

  6. 7 hours ago, bedtimestory said:

    I like her, she's beautiful. I've been seeing these ''This is the dress Madonna's wore'' NEWS all over the internet, but when I compare the photos, the dress looks slightly different, (also Madonna wore it best with better accessories)

    It's not the same.  But it obviously it looks similar.  She looks beautiful in it, and I would say the same if it was the actual dress.  Plenty of celebrities (including Madonna) have worn costumes/dresses that other celebrities have worn.  In fact, Madonna showed up at the VMA's in 1990 wearing the dress Glen Close wore in 1988's Dangerous Liaisons.  None of this should be taken offensively.  It's quite normal for costumes (whether famously known or not) are worn by other celebrities.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Veronica-Electronica said:

    Same for me. Especially for artists or releases that I always go back to and listen over and over, I like to buy something physical and for me that format is vinyl these days. (I still have a very large CD collection from back in the day but haven’t had any device with a CD drive for over ten years so they are just collecting dust!)

    I have a large CD collection that I never play either. I do have a CD player and DVD/Blu-ray/CD player but no longer use them.  When I play physical music, it's my Vinyls now.  :)

  8. 5 minutes ago, Veronica-Electronica said:

    Garbage always have their RSD releases on streaming the same day so there must be some way around that. 

    It's still rare.  Still, RSD's purpose is to celebrate the experience of buying physical music in a record store.  It's mostly aimed at Vinyl releases, but occasionally there are releases beyond that.  Nothing is impossible, but if all the artists start releasing things digitally on streaming, it would defeat the purpose of the day.

    It's not something I really worry about when it comes to obtaining it digitally/streaming because eventually someone rips it, and makes it available. But still, I'm going to snatch up the VInyl at all possible.  Nothing is better than owning a physical copy of your favorite artist's work.  Vinyl is my preference anymore. 

  9. Not a contest to me. Taylor has rightfully so been a huge success.  She's very huge, and yes on the the same popularity level Madonna was in the 80's or 90's.  As for her music being as impactful as Madonna, I'd say "No".  I just wanted to get my two cents in before the this thread turns into a shit show, bashing Taylor!  There is no doubt Taylor's been quite influential these days and I feel like she's on the right side of things!!  :luv:

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