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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Adonna

  1. Wow. That's a twist. I'm fine with that. I liked that performance. It was pretty cool.
  2. I've seen others do it, but I'm all for her to supersize it into a trend. I think that's how I'm going to wear my sunglasses as well.
  3. Oh so hard, but I'm going with Confessions GIrl... she was still spiritual at that point, but was in a dance mood at the time. Love both I'm Going Bananas or Bitch, I'm Loca?
  4. Love Christopher... good choice. Madonna Ballads!!! Crazy or I'm Going Bananas?
  5. I tend to agree. And even then, we know the votes will go more to the more recent contenders especially Taylor. People called it as soon as this category was announced. While I don't have anything against Taylor, but even I know that there are far more better iconic performance than hers that weren't even nominated. In fact, Howard Stern showing up as Fartman, as a presenter in 1992 was far more iconic, LOL!
  6. Oh, I used to wish that. But I also see that there was so much put into that performance, the lipsyncing doesn't matter to me anymore. After all, she did it so effortlessly along with all that choreography. The fact any one of those ladies could have easily dropped their fans and didn't, was impressive.
  7. Anyone want to still vote who hasn't before the reveal at the VMA's tonight?
  8. I picked Virgin performance! But I do think her Express Yourself and Vogue performances are far more iconic, but that's me!!
  9. Madonna definitely was. As mentioned earlier, with Madonna being part of two options, it will split the votes for Madonna no matter how much M fans vote for her. She probably would have had a better chance if there was only one option that included Madonna.
  10. I never asked you to do so. Why should you? But we all have our opinions... Certainly, the important thing is we both agree Madonna is extremely iconic and we will go to bat for her anytime.
  11. Hey @True Blue 84, know I don't take this very seriously, and just see this as a "spirited debate". I totally enjoy your posts and respect what you offer here. Peace and love!
  12. I'm sure it's not visible because they want the results to be underwraps until the night of the show, even though we all know Taylor will win. LOL!
  13. I never said they were, but it doesn't mean they aren't "iconic" to others. Believe it or not, there are millions of people who have felt other performances than just Madonna has made in impact on them. Again, this is just a silly poll. Are you really that pressed over this?
  14. Yes, I did! But I only did it once. I have no interest in sitting there trying to fight what obviously is aimed at a younger generation of voters. Obviously, as you vote, it's being tallied, hence... "thank you for your vote" afterwards. People are only pissed here is because they know Taylor will win and many fans hate on her. That's the "fact" here!
  15. The difference is I'm not stating my opinion as fact. You are! Again, we're biased. We're Madonna fans, but I certainly can think of many other iconic appearance and performance throughout the 40 year Award show. That's what I've been saying. This is catered to Social Media where more younger people will participate. Other than that, it's just rabid fans who are voting a zillion times to try to ramp up the votes for the one they want to win. It's only a "joke" if MTV didn't expect that.
  16. I've only heard her ever mention Madonna/Evita twice which have been several years apart now. Both times, she was asked point blank, and while I agree she comes off quite nasty about it, it's not like she's offering to talk about it every time she's interviewed. "The Point"... she was asked "point" blank. The more recent was part of a silly game, knowing exactly how she would react.
  17. Of course "voting" is going on. But when you leave the voting up on a social media network where people can vote more than once, and you have rabid fans of each fan bases, hilariously clicking their choice over and over, you can expect such results. Of course Taylor is going to win. Why wouldn't she? She's the biggest superstar of the moment. Do I agree Taylor's performance should win? NOPE! But I don't think it's "set"! It's just predictable because of course she's going to win, when the voting process is obviously catered to a way many younger generations communicate these days.
  18. To be honest, I think Madonna's Vogue and Express Yourself was far much better. Vogue especially was Iconic. I do think Like A Virgin performance was too, but the impact it had then doesn't really carry over through the test of time. A lot of people watch it now, and think, "what was the big fuss?" But those of us who were alive and witnessed it, knew it was a huge deal at the time. Yes, they ARE to you... but it's just not you and the Madonna fans who are participating. Again, as Madonna fans we are simply biased to it. Clearly there are far more better Iconic performance even beyond Madonna's. I personally don't think those two Madonna choices ARE the most iconic performances, especially from Madonna.
  19. She's posted a number of images on IG. Prepare yourself. It's not "filter free". LOL! She still looks fabulous as always.
  20. It's only "a joke" because we want Madonna to win. Clearly, a younger generation of music fans will be heavily involved in voting. Also, Madonna wasn't the only entertainer to have iconic performances. Maybe those choices weren't the best to represent a 40 year run of VMA performances, but there are a handful of Iconic performances and appearances that didn't even involve Madonna.
  21. I pretty much feel the pandemic probably changed her path. I think she would have had a new album by now, but then she got involved with her Biopic. She also knew, getting her music distributed and heard wouldn't be the same. I do think she is interested in making new music. But these days, if it's not distributed in a certain way, and not able to reach the general public like she managed in the past, it might be a deterrent for her.
  22. Stunning. Blowing me away. Now let's put down the camera and make a new album.
  23. Be a cool idea if they did have a Vinyl coming. I'd love to have such a copy. Anyway, I love how they are continuing to milk this.
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