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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Adonna

  1. Future Lovers Keep It Together or Die Another Day?
  2. Yeah, while I can't fan for her like I do Madonna and some other artists, I actually like a lot of her songs and albums. She's definitely got the attitude down. I don't think she's terribly exciting though, especially when singing and performing. It's more about the music, lyrics and some of the visuals, messages she brings to the table.
  3. But she's not wrong in what she says. Madonna can't act. However, I do think that she's wrong about Madonna in Evita. Obviously, there's more to the bitterness than we know. Something behind the scenes where Madonna pissed her off. And Patti is definitely a great actress. I've seen her in a number of things, and she's always been far more believable as an actress than Madonna.
  4. Video version... just love that remix. Where Life Begins or Sky Fits Heaven?
  5. The problem lies that Madonna has two options which can split the fans while Taylor has one option. I sorta wish Madonna only had one option, that way all her fans would put their weight behind one option, allowing the option to have more votes. That said; it's not a huge deal if Madonna doesn't win. My first thought this was designed specifically for Madonna to win, but I didn't realize it was something people can vote multiple times and the more I think about it, Taylor fans probably will have more reaction to this poll. She's univerally more popular and on people's minds more than Madonna. I like Taylor, so if she wins... great, but truly Madonna deserves the win specifically because she's not once provided an iconic performance, she's done it multiple times.
  6. Yes. Whatever she's doing, she's perfected it. But whatever she does, people will find a way to criticize it. To me, she looks fabulous and most people think the same. All at the same time, her face is still highly recognizable, looking more and more like her younger self.
  7. I think much of it is angle, lighting and photoshop. Most paparazzi pics of her lately, never show that extreme indentation. Anyway, I think she looks beautiful. We all know she does procedures.
  8. ahhh yes, thanks. I guess what I mean, it really wasn't really a dig on her in anyway, but oh well. But I remember when she did it, and I thought it was hilarious.
  9. I never thought that was really about Sinéad, but her addressing "the real enemy" which was Joey Buttafuoco who raped a 17 year old.
  10. Oh, I say keep them. It's quite refreshing compared to... well you know... LOL!
  11. So beautiful, that you had to post it three times. LOL!! (I know a forum glitch. It happens! )
  12. Swim. (I remember wishing it would be a single back when ROL was released.) Survival or Voices?
  13. I sorta agree, unless the track is very nostalgic and possible being included on some re-issue or special curated release celebrating her career. Or maybe it's somehow tied to the Celebration Tour Audio release? Who knows at this point. I don't believe she recorded anything with Swae Lee again. I think the time he was spotted in the studio was him just listening to one of the Frozen tracks she was mixing. I remember many assumed back then, he may be part of another Frozen remix back when she was multiple versions. As for Sickick, my bet it just didn't materialize to much. They were said to be in the studio at one point, and I recall he said, he'll do her justice, but then nothing more was said. It's possible whatever they did, just didn't amount to much or she didn't like it.
  14. Well, we know it wasn't. Max spoke about it and said it was an 80's inspired track. Something is surely up. I don't think a new album, but I get a feeling there is going to be a huge homage to her 84-85 surgence coming up!
  15. The new pics of her are just stunning. I love the striped Bustier. It really works well with the jeans. And I love when she wears jeans. It just makes her look more youthful than she already looks. And this is one of the first 'boy toys' of her that seem to be treating her like a lady should. Of love how he's leading her, helping her through the crowd and shielding her. What a gentleman, he is.
  16. Which film do you like better: Who's That Girl or Dick Tracy?
  17. Whomever did it, it's a slappin' mix. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Yes, this is why I tried to differentiate as much as possible by using the word "study". But yeah, many people confuse Kabbalah as a "religion" when in reality it's a "philosophy or way of living". But like with any religion, people organize to study Kaballah as people organize to study if not worship other religions together. So I can see no matter what the case, these can turn in to cults.
  19. That's true. Besides, there are too many who give money and will use that to their advantage for something in return. Like you, I prefer to give my personal time or possibly individually help people out. I think that's far more genuine than handing over ones wallet. And if I ever give anyone money, I leave with the thought it will used for how it was intended. If not, then it's an unfortunate loss, but in my mind, I know I was genuinely trying to help. That said, I'm leery of organized anything especially religion. I truly believe one can find their path, journey, belief, and/or faith without organizing, but i do get that some find comfort by gathering with others to worship or study. It can be a great support system for many.
  20. I think in some instances when group setting organizes especially relating to religion, tends to come off cult like to me. However, I think the teachings Kabbalah can be beneficial, but that probably could be said of any belief/religion depending on the person. I don't believe one has to attend any meetings to benefit from such and people can be just fine when studying or worshipping on their own. Of course, I understand how some people prefer to gather and discuss and share their findings, beliefs, etc. I get that, but the moment that group starts imposing their beliefs on others, and use it to judge and ridicule others, is where I think it ends up becoming more cult like. And when money starts to be a huge factor to these organizations than that raises a huge red flag for me. I get that Church Organization have expenses, and can use money to help others, but in many cases, more money is being pocketed than not, especially when it becomes extremely well known. At the end of the day, I say people do what works for them. I personally don't think of Madonna is attending these meetings to be part of an occult. I think she is smarter than that. That being said, it doesn't mean the people she mixes with or meets with aren't cult like. I truly believe Madonna attends for traditional reasons and to genuinely work on who she is.
  21. Other than Celebration's version sounds louder and more bassy, Lucky Star sounds exactly the same to me, other than one fades out sooner. You're right about the echoes in the chorus. I remember when playing them simultaneously that I needed to go back to hear those parts in each and yes, one has more noticeable echoes.
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