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Dislike towards Rebel Heart Tour?

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I have an observation.


Usually fans have not been as astonished as they were with the previous tours. Is it because of general dislike towards the "Rebel Heart" album and the fact that the tour contained lots of songs from the album, or because it lacked the versatility the previous tours had? Or maybe because it did play in the arenas instead of stadiums? Or because it was not very controversial?


Any ideas?

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Guest ArthurBadin

@@Turuncan, what I know is that some fans dislike RHT a lot just for the amount of classic 80's hits and the "lesser" presence of RH, the album on it. Some think they are fed up to hear LAV or LIB instead of Ghosttown, Wash All Over Me or Inside Out.


Others think the ideas brought to the concert were not new, all-recycled, like nuns in underwears, gypsy-related things or the gay twenties section. Of course they're right about that.


For me, RHT sounded like everything, but a Madonna concert, and by telling that I'm not dissing it, very different: I'm praising her to bring out a very unexpected, antiMadonna thing to present, even if it sounds like it could be done by any other pop female singer instead.


I loved Madonna's task and, for me, she has hit the goal. The very intimate, smaller, hearted-like spirit of this tour brought up a new Madonna, more emotional, more carefree and calm, less worried about the perfection of her work. She changed things in a way she wouldn't do in hell at least almost a decade ago. Not everything was on theit timing, and it was perfect as it was. Wish I could attend to this tour. I honestly prefer it a zillion x than that horrendous, embarassing bad copycat of BAT that was MDNA Tour. I had never seen M so simple, so down to the Earth, so close to her audience (of course people here and there will say, "but in 2012 she was like that", and to them I respond, "no, that was a milimetrical calculated act of hers, just like her behaviour during TOD backstage scenes - although most stans think she was pretty natural in front of Keshishian's cameras, I think exactly the opposite - and that's the beauty of the fdoc for me - Madonna impersonating herself, the best role she can act). And, of course, the amount of hits performed on a date or another (even the most forgotten 90's hits we veteran stans were begging to have in a concert of hers again or for the first time time, like the first BS singles - who would imagine she'd perform TAB on a tour? especially after that rumour spread on the web around 2004...).


I fully understand the hatred for RHT some have, as their points are very valid, but I do love, praise and thank that tour as it brings a concert that, even with recycled ideas, songs and bad arrangements for them - all Jamie King's and Kevin Antunes' fault, sorry - shows a very human Madonna. A human being, not a robot doing the exact same thing she does and we usually expect from her. Tears of a Clown was just the cherry pie into all this process. I guess, now that she has nothing to prove (and she won't gain the support from music industry, radios and GP anymore), at least she reinvents herself again and proves who's the ultimate Queen of Pop.


See you!


EDIT: Please, don't quote this very long post of mine as it's not allowed by moderation rules. I'd rather you mention me when commenting my point of view. Thank you!

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I'm here. There are many things I thought made it underwhelming. But mostly the themes seem very been there done that, and the album had many themes that while she's done them before a little bit, they fit the songs better so we would've ended up with a more creative tour.


I thought MDNA Tour really elevated the songs and album to something greater, I didn't think the same with RHT.

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Guest ArthurBadin

I agree, but when I read reviews, people tend not to like it as much as Confessions Tour or MDNA Tour.

So people rather prefer the robotic, very rehearsed, burgeois/elitist, fully milimetrically calculated Madonna? Ok. But i'm not jumping on this bandwagon. Anyway, she hasn't gained the reputation of being an "ice queen" for nothing.

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So people rather prefer the robotic, very rehearsed, burgeois/elitist, fully milimetrically calculated Madonna? Ok. But i'm not jumping on this bandwagon. Anyway, she hasn't gained the reputation of being an "ice queen" for nothing.


But you have to admit that some performances on RHT are meant to be fully calculated ones but instead they end up looking improvised like Devil Pray and the SEX interlude. Those to me are a poor imitation of Blond Ambition Tour.

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@@ArthurBadin As much as I agree with the absence of 'Ghosttown', it has been the Madonna tour with most songs from the album it is supporting. 12 songs!


What I find surprising is the absence of many tour classics such as 'Hung Up' and 'Ray of Light' (which I am happy about, I do not like the live renditions of this song), and the underrepresentation of many albums. For the first time so many albums go ignored. No "Bedtime Stories", no "Ray of Light", no "American Life", no "Confessions on a Dance Floor", no "Hard Candy" singlewise, no "MDNA" (which makes me so happy again!). This is weird.

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Guest ArthurBadin

But you have to admit that some performances on RHT are meant to be fully calculated ones but instead they end up looking improvised like Devil Pray and the SEX interlude. Those to me are a poor imitation of Blond Ambition Tour.

Dear @@Fighter, of course there was classic Madonna on RHT, what's the grace in not finding it? But the way she did it seemed to me better than Rit and MDNA Tour failed attempts to pay tribute to BAT. And naturally it's merely a question of taste. Thank God Madonna's for (almost) all ones.

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Guest ArthurBadin

@@ArthurBadin As much as I agree with the absence of 'Ghosttown', it has been the Madonna tour with most songs from the album it is supporting. 12 songs!


What I find surprising is the absence of many tour classics such as 'Hung Up' and 'Ray of Light' (which I am happy about, I do not like the live renditions of this song), and the underrepresentation of many albums. For the first time so many albums go ignored. No "Bedtime Stories", no "Ray of Light", no "American Life", no "Confessions on a Dance Floor", no "MDNA" (which makes me so happy again!). This is weird.

@@Turuncan, I guess RHT was within the spirit of the 30th anniversary of Virgin Tour, the pioneer. Hence the big inclusion of LAV songs on it.

She was very nostalgic, "remembering the touch" of singing to crowds for the very first time. 


About HU and ROL, there's a difference between both. HU's versions were (badly) created and executed by Antunes. ROL's rock version was for sure a M's desire, as she repeated it on S&ST after thinking too much about inserting it when she was already done that on the immediately previous tour and thinking in putting it again on MDNAT (fortunately she didn't).


Maybe the big absence of 90's and 00's albums represented was done due to the fact those sings weren't biggest hits as the ones she had during her career peak, 1984-1990. But thank Pleroma she thought throughout the tour that they finally deserved a chance and performed some of them on the Gypsy section, very acoustic, very close to the heart-spirited. I remember some said on FOTP she was finally promoting GHV2 with RHT (very ironic, don't you think so?).


See you!

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I think the general buzz was not as big with RHT as it was with the other tours.

This one seemed to have been doomed by man parties/the public from the beginning.

starting with the leaks, M's reaction to the leaks and then being hurled from stage.

this release faced so many challenges and difficulties that were also kind of too present, with everything documented on social media, including her unfiltered reactions. she needs a Liz Rosenberg.

and leak prevention.

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I think a lot of the dislike is towards how half-baked the tour seems to come off. Outside of "Iconic" or "Illuminati" the interludes which were normally events when it comes to her tours, were very cheap. Using footage from "Ghosttown" as a Messiah interlude (though it worked) seemed cheap. And we heard nothing about the scrapped S.E.X interlude which is seen for a few shots but basically being the Erotica video playing over it. Even outtakes from the Sex Book session would have been a treat but it just seemed rather lazy.

The opening segment is condensed. One minute you have the Joan of Arc theme, switches to Japanese, to religious/nun. Normally, the segues would come off more organically but this time, it came off rather abrupt. The good things about this tour is that it seems she is embracing her older catalogue, her legacy and played songs we thought we'd never hear live or again after years of not performing them.

I do miss the more structured, theme driven and top-notch scale of Confessions, S&S and MDNA but RHT did give us a more relaxed, open Madonna which I really enjoyed on the San Antonio stop. She was chatty, humorous and less guarded than she normally is.

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I feel like the tour was made to be a reminder of who M is. I feel like the album Rebel Heart is like that as well. However, it comes across like this too well. It seems like a tour pretending to be a Madonna tour without the amazingness and freshness that her tours always bring. I mean the tagline for the Girlie Show was "You never know what she's gonna do, You just wanna be there when she does it". That isn't true anymore if she sticks to this mold. She gonna do something about sex, she's gonna do something with religion, she's gonna do a latin section, she's gonna have an asian section... Its like a "color by numbers" tour with all the wrong numbers.


The sex section wasn't sexy. the song sucks too. The interludes weren't there. The song reinventions weren't there. And my personal opinion is her dancing was very sub par and lazy. Outfits were stale.  Iconic outfit was wearing her, not the other way around. I could go on. the best parts of this tour were the Intro... and Candy Shop. but like I said, I really feel like there was an agenda with this tour, and that was to remind people who Madonna is. And it works for that. So as negative as my post sounds... I understand the tour for what it is. Its just not what I expect from her. I miss the Madonna who remixes everything cuz she's bored with it, not keeping it familiar so people will recognize it. 

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Speaking of 'Candy Shop'... It is probably the only album track that has been performed live more than once, except the tour supporting its parent album. 'Candy Shop' was given that honor three times. There is also 'Paradise (Not for Me)' but it was only a video interlude on Drowned World Tour.


Now I remember 'Where's the Party?' as well. Any other examples?

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She started pushing herself to her limits on S&S and MDNA Tour with choreos, trying to impress with her physical fitness but I'd like to see some more focus on more chill yet memorable creative choreos. I mean Vogue and Hung Up are so memorable because they're fairly easy and when you watch it you wanna join in. 


What I'd like to know is what's the T with her having to push back the opening night, scrapping stuff, and did she actually have altercations with crew, I mean normally I wouldn't believe it but there was a lot of weird/negative stuff so who tf knows what really happened.


Her attitude and personality saved the day, and of course her music both old and new, but to me that's not enough to make the show one of her best. There are so many different things that go into a show being great.  :thinker: But it was good of course.

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I have an observation.


Usually fans have not been as astonished as they were with the previous tours. Is it because of general dislike towards the "Rebel Heart" album and the fact that the tour contained lots of songs from the album, or because it lacked the versatility the previous tours had? Or maybe because it did play in the arenas instead of stadiums? Or because it was not very controversial?


Any ideas?


To me it just seemed slapped together and kind of rushed. I lacked a lot of the theatrical value of most of her previous tours.

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It wasn't very theatrical and what was theatrical was weak.


It was all about the songs.


I guess that's why some people think it's one of her best. 


Some people think the music is the most important thing, others think there are other things just as important.


I liked the tour btw I didn't DISLIKE IT, but I prefer theatrical tours where different elements come together to form something really amazing.

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It wasn't very theatrical and what was theatrical was weak.


It was all about the songs.


I guess that's why some people think it's one of her best.


Some people think the music is the most important thing, others think there are other things just as important.


I liked the tour btw I didn't DISLIKE IT, but I prefer theatrical tours where different elements come together to form something really amazing.

I love the tour because it is musically very good. MDNA is very visually pleasing but parts of it are just musically boring. MDNA has amazing visuals and many great song but overall I prefer RHT because the music for me is just better.
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A Madonna tour(And subsequent album) is always going to polarise fans - some will love it and some will hate it whilst others will just think its ok ? Unfortunately for me i wasnt able to afford the 200 odd euros to get a ticket so i had to make do with the youtube and terribly over-edited travesty showtime version to make my opinion of this tour - to me her tours have been in a steady decline since S&S and for me its not really much to do with the staging, her voice or the costumes - its the music production that just doesnt gel with me ?  I dont like Kevin Antunes as MD - i miss Stuart Price's work - on DWT,RIT & CT he came up with some great remixes and music production (Yes i know its backing tracks- more on that later though) She needs to work with someone else for the next tour BUT my biggest issue and has been is the lack of live instrumentation - i dont care what others think but when you listen to WTG, BA & GS the live drums, guitars et al just bring the show so much more life than the backing tracks she uses since DWT - she seems more interested in the show as a visual piece even more than the music and to me thats not what a concert should be - i dont see why we cant have both ? as for RH my main gripe was the poor interludes(Except Iconic)- the use of Candy Shop yet again and to me she seem to repeat herself ? Nuns ?? Wasnt that on RIT ? Beds ? BA anyone ?

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