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Dislike towards Rebel Heart Tour?

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I was more disappointed in the interludes on this tour more than anything. The intro was the best part of the whole show and all the interludes that followed were beyond cheap. She clearly had filmed an actual clip for the S.E.X. interlude but they replaced all the footage she had filmed with the Erotica video for no reason. Messiah's a beautiful song but unfortunately the interlude was just the Ghosttown video. Illuminati was the second best interlude next to the intro and they put a lot more effort into that one than the two previously mentioned. I feel like she didn't try with this tour compared to all of her other ones. She wanted to please a specific target audience clearly and not those who have been watching her perform for 30+ years. Just a setlist with mostly Rebel Heart material sprinkled with her 80s hits throughout was pretty dull if you ask me and I didn't see the tour live. Hopefully she comes back with a show that pleases the people who have been seeing her since The Virgin Tour next time around.

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17 hours ago, thegr8forever said:

I was more disappointed in the interludes on this tour more than anything. The intro was the best part of the whole show and all the interludes that followed were beyond cheap. She clearly had filmed an actual clip for the S.E.X. interlude but they replaced all the footage she had filmed with the Erotica video for no reason. Messiah's a beautiful song but unfortunately the interlude was just the Ghosttown video. Illuminati was the second best interlude next to the intro and they put a lot more effort into that one than the two previously mentioned. I feel like she didn't try with this tour compared to all of her other ones. She wanted to please a specific target audience clearly and not those who have been watching her perform for 30+ years. Just a setlist with mostly Rebel Heart material sprinkled with her 80s hits throughout was pretty dull if you ask me and I didn't see the tour live. Hopefully she comes back with a show that pleases the people who have been seeing her since The Virgin Tour next time around.

:whipping:Tell em!

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She wasn't in shape. Her dancing was too casual and not in sync with the dancers.  I don't know if she wanted it to be that way, but it seemed like she became old to do usual things. However, it was weird that she was good and energetic on MDNA tour (2012) and a few years later she wasn't. Many parts felt amateurish because of dancing and other elements.

That is the main issue. I don't want her to become like Cher who barely moves while other dancers dance around her.

Other flaws would be reinventions. I don't mind a song in original form here and there, but there were too many and it felt like they all were too lazy to do interesting arrangements. Sure I wished some songs didn't make the setlist and were replaced by better songs, but it was an acceptable setlist.

The bad things were the interludes (Illuminati being an exception). They didn't make sense. S.E.X. interlude for Latino section and Messiah for Rockabilly...seriously?

If we take into consideration the rumored ideas by some insiders (like whole church section featuring Deeper and Deeper with bishops), the show could have been much better. Perhaps, the show was truly rushed like many fans said. I mean, that S.E.X. video not being used...

Too bad many great performances weren't included on DVD. Who's That Girl deserved its spot and the omission of LDLHA was silly. She didn't perform those in ages or ever and those two should be the  priority, not Like A Prayer which was on many tours.


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If it is a live concert then music comes first in my opinion. This isn't always the case with Madonna tours. But if you can make a statement or do something that raises eyebrows then ok. However if you don't have anything new to say, anything new to prove, anything cool to show...then stick with a great music choices on your setlist. I love the intro, I didn't like the song that much (Iconic) just ain't working for me, wasn't even a single. Bitch I'm Madonna was cool, I didn't like the song but this performance was great (just DVD editing was over the top and very distracting). Burning up... ok, Holly water/Vogue - ok just I didn't get the transition from Asia to Nuns...   Part two, bad choice for opening..Body shop...really queen? Papa don't preach would be better (the guy from the PDP video was a mechanic also) and then perfectly True Blue... the rest is ok actually.

Part three - we allready had latin/etno/gipsy themes in her shows - Living for love REMIX?!?!?!  it ruins the song - I think best version of LFL musicly was Brit Awards. La Isla ok just a little borring, would be great if she pulled Take a Bow/You'll see in that section would fit the matador theme... that megamix was musicly just poor and weak. Request section was fine. I support that.

Part four - great start, but she lost me on Material Girl....looks tired, energy level down. Would be better if after Candy shop she just went on  Holiday. And then as a bonus she finishes the show with Ghosttown and some meaningful message written on screens.  But ok that's how I'd do it, but I'm not Madonna. LoL


This show wasn't prepared as MDNA - backdrops were just a lighting for the stage, nothing memorable.

Opening intro was great, the rest was rushed and not much work was made into it like on MDNA tour.



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  • 5 months later...

I found it more accessible and fun than most of the others (first four outings aside).

The only thing I'd add is that the DVD looks like a completely different show. It didn't capture it at all - so over processed and horrible to watch. The show itself gets a thumbs up from me.

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Hi!  Saddly I couldn't afford to travel and get a ticket for the Rebel Heart Tour, The itinerary skipped my city (Buenos Aires) So I couldn't see it live.
My opinion is based in what I saw on the DVD / BluRay / YouTube / Friends Experiences at the shows around the world.

From my perspective, it was a concert made for Madonna by Madonna to please Madonna herself. 
The songs choices wasn't bad, it was great, but the songs were palced in the wrong places, like Bitch I'm Madonna, that could had worked better as a closer like party and not with that asian style...
The concert scale was adjusted to the sales, and it wasn't sold out as other tours, so the Show was adjusted to smaller venues... In my opinion, she kinda upset the general audience, not her hard core fans, she is starting late every concert since 2008, there was so much "Darkness" and "Violence" in certain performances, and of course the high prices didn't help either.
There are parts that ar remarkable, alone, but there are some parts that feels flat, repeated, not fresh, not provocative, using the same sources and themes once again, religion, sex, cabaret, 20's. 
It's an amazing concert, nobody can do better than her, but with this concert I felt that something was missing.
Other thing that is a mistake is the usage of cheap interludes. most of all Messiah and SEX, just cheap- All the efforts to make the incredible Introduction for Iconic, and not a chance to make something new for those interludes.
Everybody is mentioning it, The Band. We need real sound, guitars, base, percussion, winds, vilinists, drumms... That was something that she brought back at the MDNA Tour with the Kalakan Trio and their instruments, it felt fresh.
And one thing I cannot forgive is the edition of the DVD - So much edition - Adding things that didn't happened live, like sounds, like if it was a videoclip, so silly, unwatchable.
The things that I liked the most are:
 1 - The Iconic entrance and performance
 2 - Deeper And Deeper
 3 - Heartbreak City + Love Don't Live Here Anymore
 4 - Rebel Heart
 5 - Music
 6 - Unapologetic Bitch


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  • 1 month later...

There were to many "Madonna's" we have seen in the past, some fans liked one more than the other so maybe that's the reason someone is always not to satisfied with it.

In my opinion, it was good - she tried to do a little bit of everything she did before adding lots of new songs to a setlist to promote new album.

What I didn't like were arrangements on 80% of the songs. Everything sounds pre-recorded, what's the point in having a band? And I did seen an interview with a musical director of the show who showed that it was actualy played over the multitracks and stems... but why? Especially cause arrangements were not all that "inovating" this time. I also think one of the highlights (Living for love) could work better if done with "Brits" arrangement than full remix (was a bit to much). As for the rest... it was good, was not to dark like MDNA, but wasnt that great either.

Next time she should make a concert with more of the live band sound and less pre-recorded stuff, more classics in original or inspired by original costumes (something Cher does for years) - would be great to see her again in some classic outfits doing it even better this time.


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  • 1 month later...
On 3/21/2018 at 7:14 PM, luckystar said:

She wasn't in shape. Her dancing was too casual and not in sync with the dancers.  I don't know if she wanted it to be that way, but it seemed like she became old to do usual things. However, it was weird that she was good and energetic on MDNA tour (2012) and a few years later she wasn't. Many parts felt amateurish because of dancing and other elements.

That is the main issue. I don't want her to become like Cher who barely moves while other dancers dance around her.

Other flaws would be reinventions. I don't mind a song in original form here and there, but there were too many and it felt like they all were too lazy to do interesting arrangements. Sure I wished some songs didn't make the setlist and were replaced by better songs, but it was an acceptable setlist.

The bad things were the interludes (Illuminati being an exception). They didn't make sense. S.E.X. interlude for Latino section and Messiah for Rockabilly...seriously?

If we take into consideration the rumored ideas by some insiders (like whole church section featuring Deeper and Deeper with bishops), the show could have been much better. Perhaps, the show was truly rushed like many fans said. I mean, that S.E.X. video not being used...

Too bad many great performances weren't included on DVD. Who's That Girl deserved its spot and the omission of LDLHA was silly. She didn't perform those in ages or ever and those two should be the  priority, not Like A Prayer which was on many tours.


shes 60 lol ...but yeah the rebel heart tour did slow it down for her she even said she wasnt very happy on the tour and you could tell 

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  • 10 months later...

It was a great show and I loved it, but my only issues with it were that she overlooked the best tracks of the album, bloated it with oldies, and the production had too many similarities with MDNA Tour. MDNA Tour felt new, original and powerful, Rebel Heart Tour opening felt too much of a recreation of MDNA, which was legendary and I still can't believe how she missed the opportunity to perform Ghosttown as an opener or an opening song for any of the segments with a post-apocalyptic theme. Also doing that medley of Dress You Up and Who's That Girl felt like it butchered the songs. The official VOD release took out Love Don't Live Here Anymore for some reason too.

Other than that, I had fun attending the show. It was visually stunning and I'd surely take that over a theater tour, any day.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/24/2019 at 5:10 AM, RinoTheBouncer said:

It was a great show and I loved it, but my only issues with it were that she overlooked the best tracks of the album, bloated it with oldies, and the production had too many similarities with MDNA Tour. MDNA Tour felt new, original and powerful, Rebel Heart Tour opening felt too much of a recreation of MDNA, which was legendary and I still can't believe how she missed the opportunity to perform Ghosttown as an opener or an opening song for any of the segments with a post-apocalyptic theme. Also doing that medley of Dress You Up and Who's That Girl felt like it butchered the songs. The official VOD release took out Love Don't Live Here Anymore for some reason too.

Other than that, I had fun attending the show. It was visually stunning and I'd surely take that over a theater tour, any day.

I did like that it gave the fans a chance to hear forgotten songs during the request section.

The medley did sound very bad and out of place given you couldn't release sing a long to it but I appreciate the thought behind it. It was the execution that fell short. I do agree with you about not having Ghosttown or even Joan of Arc as a staple on the setlist as one was a single and the other who's imagery was heavily used in the promotion, the Iconic backdrop and the artwork.

Not sure why it was removed either. It was gorgeous live and hearing her belt gave me pre-Evita singing vibes and the theories for copyright royalties, etc but no one knows for sure. I despise the random Michigan clip that ruins the vibe of the concert (put it as a feature)

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On 10/16/2018 at 5:24 PM, Adrian said:

What I didn't like were arrangements on 80% of the songs. Everything sounds pre-recorded, what's the point in having a band? And I did seen an interview with a musical director of the show who showed that it was actualy played over the multitracks and stems...


Unfortunately it's been a long time since her shows have been about the actual music. And these days she is barely singing live, almost all songs have backing tapes, she is doing now what Janet has been doing forever and Madonna fans had a field day in bashing her...

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I actually enjoyed RHT, aside from all the songs from the album sounding LIKE the album. Where’s the live music?! What concert?

My Other issue is the choice of length for her 80s hits. Papa Don’t Preach on MDNA, ReInvention and now MX, like can you not sing the full damn song? Deeper and Deeper on RHT, why is one of your greatest dance hits not performed in full? Same with Vogue. That song is a fucking BANGER and she cuts the bridge, cuts the end chorus. Yet Holiday gets massive dance breaks and a full-ish song. Omg I’m RANTING. Sorry everyone.

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On 3/19/2018 at 1:32 PM, kesiak said:

I don't understand this obsession with comparing/ranking tours etc. Every time she hits the road she gives us a different story. Anyway, I've seen her live many times, saw RHT twice and it was the most fun and joyous experience I've ever had on a Madonna concert. 

Same. If I had a doubt on a song choice and after seeing it performed, I understood why she did it. I always love how she remixes making songs feel new. I have loved each tour every time. I can never get enough. 

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On 11/2/2019 at 10:59 AM, MarXus said:

There's nothing wrong with Rebel Heart Tour in my opinion.  The only thing that shocked me was the fact she left "Ghosttown" out of the setlist, apart to the few times she did perform it in the section where she sang a different song. 

That always struck along with Joan of Arc given the heavy imagery she used of her on tour.

The Ellen rendition (the scrapped acoustic version meant for the Super Deluxe) is amazing.

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