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Looks and Concepts of A New Era


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So been thinking about maybe some ideas or what not for the next era, months from now or a year from now regardless.


Back in 2014 she had some hair styles I like when she worked with Tom Munroe.






I think she looked great with her hair up in the Flappers Segment of Rebel Heart, really worked. The whole hair down and loose is ok, youthful in some places, but sometimes it looks tired or too overworked. 


As far as concepts, Rebel Heart may have come around organically, but the juxtaposing two concepts like Hard Candy was pretty meh, despite working out okay. Rebel Heart was also self-reflective and nostalgic and very career heavy. I'd like the next album to go in the direction pioneering or atleast resting on itself, strong lyrics driven from new ideas. She's never really sung about family life outside her husbands, and the kids maybe once with Little Star (specifically to Lordes). 


I like the idea of a "Black Rose" kind of persona. The romantic Madonna versus the hazardous Madonna. The lovely rose and its many thorns. I'm not pinning this idea to the whole album but maybe to a single. 


Any ideas or hopeful thoughts anyone? Feel free to share ideas about a new Madonna Era, from clothes, hair, tours ideas, and ofcourse album material!

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Hmmm?  She's touched on family life more than you think.  She's mentioned living within siblings as far as back as the 80's with "Keep It Together".  She also penned a song about her Mom during that era... "Promise to Try".  "Oh Father" which about men in general, but is also related to Daddy issues. She sang again about her mom with the song "Inside of Me".  "Little Star" wasn't the only song about her children.  She penned "Intervention" with Rocco in mind.  I'm sure there have been others which relate to her family life such as "Rebel Heart".  The thing is Madonna usually writes songs with lyrics that might sound recent but could be about someone or something long ago. 


As for her look, she's bound to keep the long blonde hair. Longer hair looks more youthful on her. I personally like when it's much more loose, and/or straight. She looks far more youthful when it looks like something from "Bitch, I'm Madonna" and/or "Ghosttown".  Lighter on the make-up is very complimentary to her.  The way she looked make-up and hair wise on Jimmy Fallon in 2016 was very complimentary to her. I just think the more make-up caked on and the more she curls/part her hair on the side, it makes her look older.  She tends to look more younger when she goes with less make-up... more natural. That is my opinion. 

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Hmmm?  She's touched on family life more than you think.  She's mentioned living within siblings as far as back as the 80's with "Keep It Together".  She also penned a song about her Mom during that era... "Promise to Try".  "Oh Father" which about men in general, but is also related to Daddy issues. She sang again about her mom with the song "Inside of Me".  "Little Star" wasn't the only song about her children.  She penned "Intervention" with Rocco in mind.  I'm sure there have been others which relate to her family life such as "Rebel Heart".  The thing is Madonna usually writes songs with lyrics that might sound recent but could be about someone or something long ago. 


As for her look, she's bound to keep the long blonde hair. Longer hair looks more youthful on her. I personally like when it's much more loose, and/or straight. She looks far more youthful when it looks like something from "Bitch, I'm Madonna" and/or "Ghosttown".  Lighter on the make-up is very complimentary to her.  The way she looked make-up and hair wise on Jimmy Fallon in 2016 was very complimentary to her. I just think the more make-up caked on and the more she curls/part her hair on the side, it makes her look older.  She tends to look more younger when she goes with less make-up... more natural. That is my opinion. 

Yeah I thought that would come up. I meant family unit wise, excluding parents and siblings, as she ofcourse has touched all those. I did forget about Intervention though. And I agree that B*tch I'm Madonna and Ghosttown hair did look very good, and the touch of pink in her hair was trendy too. But she did it, and like the cover to Rebel Heart, her hair do can be different on the album as much as the videos and then tour segments.

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I'll be surprise if she takes anymore drastic turns with her hair.  I think; we'll see her with the lengthy blonde hair as long as she can pull it off/grow it as is.  She's already using extensions to give it more fullness.  As you get older, it's harder to maintain such length and health in hair. This is why most women end up up cutting their hair shorter the older they get.  Of course, wigs can also play a big part in her career. Her look in general lately has been a hint of a throw-back.  Not sure if that is really intentional, rather just the fact you can only do so many looks before you're recycling if not revamping an older look.


Song content... she tends to stick with what is conventional.  It's usually about "love" (whether in love, or falling out of love or the loss) or battling criticism whether it's personal or political as well as tackling sex and religion.  Most artists tend to be more political as they get older, so I assume she will continue to conquer that topic a lot more.  But she's a hopeless romantic, so I assume that will shine through with a lot of her future songs and any films she directs.

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Yes Id like the next album to be more forward thinking rather than nostalgia driven.


I dont really know about concept or aesthetic. I guess whatever she wants to do. Althought theres been a lot of re-doing old concepts in recent years style wise. We'll see

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Yes Id like the next album to be more forward thinking rather than nostalgia driven.


I dont really know about concept or aesthetic. I guess whatever she wants to do. Althought theres been a lot of re-doing old concepts in recent years style wise. We'll see

Love. Sex. Religion. All three very integral in career. they're absolutely fine being reused, when done in new ways. Love is the least prone to being overdone, you just can't over do it. Someone's always falling in and out of love. Sex has become less shock factor, and religion has become less intriguing. But if they keep popping up, thats okay. But if they do, then their linking up with songs of the same nature is guranteed and then similar tour themes will be placed with them. Renaissance would be cool as a theme to a song, fusing religion, sex, and art. Lady Gaga's Venus took this idea of the painting of Venus and came out pretty good! No African themes have been done really, and Malawi could be a great source of sounds or lyrics. She's done gypsy, spanish, and french. So why not some African themes.

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Yes those things are fine in her work but shes been reaching for those things in too obvious a way (S.E.X. anyone?). I just want her to write an album without overthinking or fishing for obvious themes. Shes an intelligent person so as long as she gives it her all it will come out interesting. Im just afraid her next album will be overly political in too obvious a way. I dont want her work to be too on the nose when she can be more stimulating by letting things flow more naturally.

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Style wise, I do love when M pays tribute to a past iconic look. Such as the cones. They worked so well on the MDNA tour and really, it's things like that, that really show who she is. I'd even love for her to bring back the long ponytail. Obviously I'd love a dance heavy album again... with writers and producers the created some of her biggest hits. Hint hint.


As far as hair goes, she needs to ditch the middle part. With a side part, her face looks more longer and less round. Let's face it, she does have bigger cheeks now, and she looks incredible. But that side part with a poofy top, REALLY will give her a more youthful appearance. Go platinum henny. F'in go for it. Curl that shit henny give it volume and give us boobies boobies cleavage cleavage. yaaaaaaassssss! Come through new era!!!

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I won't anticipate a new album for a while. Probably not until 2019. Think she'll be quite busy with the film, family and general business and charity work but will write and record and meet with producers in that time too.


Looks? At the start of The Girlie Show in 1993 she talked about how cutting her hair short changes you up, from the inside out. Just chop it off, give it a different colour and see how it feels, why not? At this stage I don't care about her hair, makeup or whatever she does to her face. I need an album I love from start to finish so if takes a decade to make then so be it.

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I fear for her next album - it is got to be


a sorely strictly MASTERPIECE - I don't want her to be remembered as the strong leading single pop act - for an artist who gave like a prayer, erotica, ray of light and music to the world - she shouldn't go to the shadow slowly as she is going - please, human kind got ill-accostumed to her endless boundless music pioneerism - please gives a new look - a new hair cut - the african idea is cool and she could just develop new looks to each and every released song. hope someones reading this seriously.  :suffer:

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I'd even love for her to bring back the long ponytail. Obviously I'd love a dance heavy album again... with writers and producers the created some of her biggest hits. Hint hint.


I fear that exactly these things would allow for a comparison with the younger madonna, with which today's madonna might not end up so well. 

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