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Madonna Songs that are the Soundtrack of Your Life


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Live To Tell, It resonates with the part of me that was ravaged by men in my youth. Oh Father as well. Some others but I don't want to delve too too deeply into that


True Blue, Crazy For You, Ghosttown are for my boyfriend and I of now 2 years. I thank God every day for him he gave me my Lucky Star.


In my moments where I lose hope because of some past trauma X-STATIC Process is always there.


I sing Dear Jessie, Drowned World, and Little Star to my Neice and Nephew, several times it has put them to sleep


For the Dreamer in me that long for peace, and always has Love Makes The World Go Round, History, Rebel Heart, Hey You and Everybody. Everybody sings about a time I dream about where everyone commits themselves not to hatred no to love but to just being human and dancing and BEING together, as everybody. No sense of loneliness because we are one.


Now there's the party bops. The girls you have to put on when you finna step ya pussy up and GET THAT MAN.

VOGUE, Girl Gone Wild, Gang Bang, Candy Shop, Revolver, Into The Groove, Vogue 2008, Causing A Commotion... Etc


There's a Madonna track for every moment of your life the ups, the downs the fuck you, the let's cry into a jug of ice cream and yell at your record player... And not to mention sex.... So much sex could be had to Madonna I really could ramble on and on


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I'll Remember was the first single of hers I purchased and after my fathers suicide it took on a special meaning despite his relatively negative influence on my life.


Beautiful Stranger was released the summer that I first felt I was "in love" and always takes me back to that moment in time.


Also Friends & I were blasting Confessions on my first trip to Miami and Isaac came on as we approached Miami Beach, making my way in a foreign land lol


I also really wanted to be the kid in the Open Your Heart video. What a lucky kid.


A lot of the pre Bedtime Stories tracks are special to me as I had a Madonna fan pen pal who would mail me cassettes of bootleg/DMC/rare tracks and remixes on cassette. he would make the coolest printed covers. I have them in a box in storage there are at least twenty of them. I had to pick them up at the post office and it was such a great surprise to find out what was next... Things like the Tiny Little Circles mix and the Razormaid mixes. Great times, I wonder whatever happened to him. If you're on here Chris hit me up lol I used to love the MLVC.org mailing list with people like Bruce Baron and Keith Caulfield fangirling out with all the pre-social media dirt.

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For me, since I've been listening to her from the beginning of her career, I guess all her songs/albums in order of release are the soundtrack to my life. I honestly have not connected anything significant in my life such as tribulations or special occasions to her music because she's been there all my life since I was a teen.  She's the one constant in my life.  I guess for me, it's all about where I was when I first heard a song or album.  Though the first three albums are a blur because it wasn't until "Into The Groove" that I really started getting into her. Of course, I knew of her, but I wasn't gaga over her yet.  I do remember when I first saw the "Live To Tell" video, that is when I became smitten with her.  It was then, I wanted to know everything about her and collect all her music.  I didn't have the money to rush out and buy her albums, so  I remember recording as much as I can off radio by the mid 80's. Soon, I went to the public library and checked out her first three albums.  I believe I recorded them at some point.  I also remember sitting by the television to record her videos as well. 


The soundtrack to "Who's That Girl" was the first album I bought when it was initially released.  I had bought it at a small local record shop.  I had already heard "Who's That Girl", so I remember being a bit disappointed that there were only three other tracks by her. Though, I did enjoy a number of the other tracks by other artists on that soundtrack.  "Turn It Up" was my jam at the time. 


Eventually, I had purchased the first three albums. I also recall discovering her 12 inch records/remixes.  I still recall walking into Musicland (Sam Goody) one day, to discover this LP size version of "Open Your Heart".  I freaked out over it, because I wasn't sure what it was.  Eventually, by '87, I collected all the 12 inch singles she released.  I also remember freaking out during the Christmas season of '87 when passing through the music store discovering "You Can Dance" EP.  I instantly bought. Still remember my mom getting pissy with me, because she said I should have asked for it for Christmas.  Though I used that moment to say, "Hey you can still buy me it for Christmas, but in CD version along with that CD player you're going to buy me."   And she did!!  HA!!  


"Like A Prayer" album was her first studio album that I was completely aware far in advance she had new music coming out.  It was such a wonderful time. I remember seeing the teasers on TV for the pulled Pepsi commercial.  When the commercial aired, I remember sitting by the TV, through The Cosby Show, dying to record it on VCR.  I remember replaying it many times afterwards.  I also recall sitting by the TV the next day to record the video for "Like A Prayer".  Again, I was an awe.  Soon after, I heard all about Pepsi pulling the ad.  I remember thinking it was so stupid of them.  Though, Madonna kept 5 million cool ones and benefited from all the controversy with that song. 


The single for "Like A Prayer", I recall buying a cassette single and listening to it for the first time in my bedroom.  I remember thinking how weird "Act of Contrition" was, but still loved it.  Then came the release of "Express Yourself" video. Again, I remember all the teaser videos on MTV for it, where it showed Madonna crawling on the floor like a cat to her milk bowl.  At this time, I wasn't a huge fan of the album version of "Express Yourself" until this video and the 7 inch mix was released.  Later that summer, I witnessed the premiere of "Cherish" video and thought she looked fantastic and sexy in that video.  The video for "Oh Father" sneaked up on me, and I remember thinking how it was such a great video and song, and wondered why it didn't do as well on the charts.  The next year, I remember listening to my car radio on my way to work. Out of nowhere, this alternate version of "Keep It Together" began playing on the radio. (It was the radio/single version).  I had no idea it was being released.  Of course, I had freaked out.  Not even sure how I missed hearing about this release as I was so glued to MTV and any news coming out about her. 


Then came all the Madonnathons, blocks of videos/24 hours of Madonna on MTV.  Vogue premiere.  The Blonde Ambition Tour.  My first Madonna tour.  I remember the local record shop calling me a day before "I'm Breathless" was supposed to be sold, asking if I wanted to come down and pick up the soundtrack.  I remember thinking, "I'm the only one in the world who is hearing this first".  LOL! 


Immaculate Collection was released.  I remembering working at a shop at the mall, and since I had to open the store and was the only one there,  I asked this girl who came in all the time to run down to Camelot Music and buy the "Royal" Boxset for me on release day.  She bought the wrong version, but I didn't care.  Shortly after that, the "Holiday Collection" EP was released, which included "True Blue" and "Causing A Commotion" which I thought was weird at the time was left off from Immaculate Collection.  I remember being glued to Nightline while they exclusively aired an interview and "Justify My Love".  


The only time I felt slightly underwhelmed from a Madonna release was the release of "Erotica".  While I loved the title track and many of the songs on it, this is the first time I actually heard songs from her that I didn't like too much.  "Did You Do It?" and "Secret Garden" were my two least favorite songs on that album. Though, over time I've learned to appreciate "Secret Garden" and this is the album where lyrically she really became far more poetic and profound.  I did get the "Sex" book when it was released, and I remember my family and all my friends who all couldn't care two shits about Madonna, were dying to see it.  LOL!  


I can go on and on about the next many releases, but I think you get the jest of what I'm conveying. Her whole career unfolded in front of me, and she continues to amaze me.  Of course, what you read here, is just a fraction of how I became and remained a fan. With every new release, I felt like she was sharing another chapter of her life.  In some way I felt like with each new album, it also gave me a chance to look at things in a new perspective.  I guess "Live To Tell" would probably be the theme song for my journey as a fan of Madonna. 

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Great topic!


I love listening to 'Express Yourself' and 'Sorry' when I'm angry with someone.


'Rain' especially on rainy days.


The video remix of 'What It Feels like for a Girl', 'Jump', and 'Skin' while working out.


'Hey You' when I want to give hope to and inspire my students. (I don't get why this song has been panned, it has a great message!)


'I Love New York' when I visit my hometown, my favorite city in the world, changing the names of the cities.


'Candy Shop' when I'm full of myself as the name of the song includes my name and the lyrics include my nationality.


'Devil Wouldn't Recognize You', 'Take a Bow', 'You'll See', 'Love Spent', 'Love Don't Live Here Anymore'-the video remix when I'm heartbroken by a guy.


'Joan of Arc' when I'm hurt by people in my life.


'Messiah', 'Open Your Heart, 'Dress You Up', 'Burning Up', 'Get Together', 'Nothing Fails' when I am in love.


'Voices', 'Live to Tell', 'Swim', 'Frozen' when I feel wise and cool.


'Push' when I feel thankful to my mother.


'4 Minutes' when I feel inspired.


'Miles Away' when I am traveling, especially when I leave a loved one behind, for example my ex-boyfriend begging me not to go to a job interview in Luxembourg in last October. I cried a lot listening to this.


'Gang Bang' when I'm angry.


'Candy Perfume Girl' when I feel passionate (surprisingly 'Justify My Love' and 'Erotica' do not excite me.).


'In This Life' when I care for our LGBT community.


'Time Stood Still' when I feel fragile and bittersweet.


'Let It Will Be' when I'm triumphant.


'Like It or Not' when I want to say "fuck you" to the world (It used to be my pinned signature at the end of my e-mail, very telling huh?)


I can go on and on... She has touched my heart on many levels, and that is why I love her so much.

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I love this!


The whole You Can Dance album - I got it for Christmas in 1987 and I used to do a lot of Paint By Numbers pictures back then and this album was pretty much the only thing I listened to while doing this, so when I listen to it now I think about those days.


I'll Remember:I taped the song on cassette from radio, I think it was before it was released as a single, and they always have those DJ's who talk before the song is finished. So I thought that the song was about to finish because the sound disappeared a bit so I pressed Pause, then realised that it wasn't the end of it and I quickly pressed Play again and when I listened to what I'd recorded after  it was finished, it ended up sounding really cool! I'll never forget that.


The whole Erotica/BOE era, I love this era so much, this was during the same time as "Basic Instinct" was released which I love. I always connect these two movies. There was something very cozy about this era. I think it was around Christmas time it was released, or close to and I really had some amazing Christmases with my parents  :hearteyes:  

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I have "I'm gonna carry on living for love" tattooed on my arm. The demo leaked just as I was starting to feel that I could pick up my crown and put it back on my head and now it serves as a reminder that I need to start loving and not focus on the negatives too much.

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'Give It 2 Me' was the first Madonna song I really fell in love with when I was a kid. I remember being in my room listening to that song on the radio, I was 9 at this time. I then went on to buy the HC album so that was the time when I became a fan. It's now been nearly 10 years which is simply amazing.


I remember lip-syncing Like a Prayer to one of my friends when I was younger (now that I think of it, it is fucking embarrassing haha). And my mom loves this song, so it has a 'special' meaning... kind of.


'You'll See' always remembers me of my recent breakup, but it's such an empowering song and I love the attitude of it.


'GMAYL' always takes me back to the summer of 2012. I remember standing in front of the O2 World in Berlin waiting for the concert, and fans were driving in a cabriolet blasting MDNA. It's not my favourite album and GMAYL isn't my favourite song, but both bring back beautiful memories of the first Madonna concert i went to.


'Wash All Over Me' and 'Rebel Heart' remind me of the time when the two demos leaked. I was somewhere outside with my parents when one of my friends texted me that Madonna released a new song (we didn't know it was a leak at this time). I went totally crazy and told my mom to drive back home so I could download the songs :lol: :lol:


There's of course more to tell, 'cause so many Madonna songs bring back beautiful memories, but I can't manage to think of them all right now :silly:

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Just a few:


Express Yourself became my mantra at 13 (yikes).

Oh Father hit too close to home not to spiritually respond to it.

I'll Remember resonated with me at 17; somebody had taught me to cry but also let go in a  very health way.

Frozen came into my life at the right time. I was already in the headspace of trying to better myself and lose some of my armor.

Isaac described my inner self battling the ups and downs of life.

Get Together represented my success and need to celebrate after my studies and inner battles.

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          I didn't think i would ever open up. I told my one good friend that is a madonna fan. I always after i reveal about my past  i think i wish i hadn't said anything. But then i think what if your story would help someone else. Not commit suicide. And tell everyone what erotica meant to me it was almost my rebirth song if that makes sense.   the exact date October 8, 1992. I watched it (erotica video)every night in my hospital bed after midnight. I couldn't wait to get back from colorado to see my sex book. I ordered. .  with the help of my grandmother i had sex reassignment surgery at age 21 was turning 22 in 19 days. I lost my grandmother in 2000 and sadly i didn't get to take her to colorado with me. due to her health not being that good at the time. she knew i would never be able to afford it. And i was lucky that she loved me that much to pay for it.  I did take my mother. even if this meant my death. I would have still wanted the surgery. like lily in the danish girl.

           I'm sure people wonder why i'm so against prejudice. Cause i have  dealt with it my entire life. i would of much rather been born in the right body. Instead of being born a little boy that had a female brain that had  to go thru this surgery. .

           Back then the surgery wasn't as expensive as today. I meet a few friends there that i didn't get the chance to see again.I don't think this makes me more a woman its my brain that done that. It just helped me get rid of my body part i didn't think belonged.  and i have no regrets. the only regret i have is it not being done the minute i come out of my mothers womb.  My friends that knew about me always said maybe when your older you will be able to have the courage to tell my story. I was made fun of in school my car set on fire. I couldn't hide it a lot of people said you caused it yourself cause i couldn't dress like a little boy.  I always hate being called a male i think i can live with used to be a little boy. I'm hoping this doesn't make me loose friends. But if anyone needs help i'm here for them.  But i really believe that this is something that will never ever be accepted. 

          due to my mother's illness (dementia) i'm living in  a town where everyone knows me.  It may sound like i'm playing the victim. but i'm really not.

            I feel so sorry for the bathroom issue to the little kids . Aren't able to go to the right bathroom thanks to trump.


edited due to my spelling & wording



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An unsuspecting song that I have found myself referring back to a lot over the years is Jump.


I have found myself going back to Jump at times when I feel I need some strength, support and confidence in making new life choices - changing job etc. I have grown to adore the lyrics and I find the track quite empowering. Whatever decision I have to make, this song always makes me feel at ease with just going with my gut.  :heart:

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