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Camille Paglia: "Madonna must stop competing with younger women"

Luiz Ribeiro

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Camille Paglia holds a conference in Salvador on Tuesday (15)

North American cultural controversy participates in Braskem Frontiers of Thought, at Castro Alves Theater, at 8:30 p.m.; Remember her controversial statements

American intellectual and critic Camille Paglia, 70, arrives in Salvador on Tuesday (15) to participate in Braskem Frontiers of Thought, at Teatro Castro Alves (TCA), at 8:30 p.m. In the capital of Bahia, the event has already hosted the Mozambican writer Mia Couto in July. In September, the attraction is Grace Machel. One of today's most influential intellectuals and the leading theoretician of post-feminism, Camille is known for her controversial views on issues such as feminism, sexuality, politics, religion, among others.

The importance of it in the intellectual universe is characterized by the breakdown of paradigms and a tenuous relationship between public and private life, by assuming, still in university, as homosexual, suffering prejudice from colleagues and teachers. Despite the classical formation, it values ​​popular and massive culture in the academic environment. 

In the early 1990s, Camille emerged as a writer with the book Gente Sexuais, in which she rescued the influence of sexual roles and sex in the history of art and literature.Despite being avowedly feminist, she has been criticized for making reservations to feminism. In her most recent book in Brazil, the intellectual returns to her studies of origin: in Scintillating Images, highlights the history of the plastic arts from 29 works representative of social styles and contexts, from the tomb of Queen Nefertari from Egypt to the northern cinema Of George Lucas.


Check out exclusive interview with American intellectual


Camille Paglia was born in Endicott, New York on April 2, 1947. She has been a professor at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia since 1984. Liberal is in favor of drug liberation, abortion, prostitution And pornography. She became well known after publishing an article in the early 1990's that pointed to Madonna as the future of feminism.




"I am in favor of equality: I ask for the end of the barriers to the advancement of women, however, I am against special protectionism for women" (Photo: Divulgação)
Social struggle of women 

Theorist, who was in Salvador in 2008, conducting the Varieties of Eroticism in 20th Century Art conference, analyzes the current social struggle of women in a crude way."I believe that a strong feminism must be based on respect for man, admiration for what they have achieved through history. This portrait of men as oppressors is a gross slander. Were there criminal men? Yes, of course, but men gave their lives through history, women, and children. Women need to take responsibility for their lives and stop blaming men for their problems, which have more to do with social issues and structures and are not the result of a male conspiracy, "he says.

She goes on to say that the unhappiness that many women feel today results partly from their uncertainty about who they are and about what they want in this materialistic society that expects women to behave as a man and still be able to love as a woman. "When I go to New York, I see these women on the streets: well-groomed, beautiful, successful, Harvard graduates, Yale and ... tedious! Te-di-o-sas. Of gay men have been increasing because men are more interesting than women, "he argues.

Recall five polemical declarations of theory

1. "Women will never truly be free unless they let men be free"

In the Frontiers of Thought channel , the intellectual talks about her new book - a collection of her most successful texts on gender, sex and feminism from 1990 to 2016 - on feminism in the United States, freedom and thought. She argues that men should have the right to determine their own identities, interests and passions without the intrusive vigilance and censorship of women with their own political agenda. "For example, if there is an official Women's Center at Yale University (which really exists), there should be a Men's Center as well - and the Yale men should be free to do and say whatever they want there, with no eavesdropping people ready To denounce them to the totalitarian office of sexual harassment, "he says.

2. "Woman should be motherly and stop blaming the man"

In an interview with Folha de S. Paulo , the essayist affirmed that she is betting on the revaluation of the maternal side of the woman as key to an affective reunion between the sexes. "Women need to take responsibility for their lives and stop blaming men for their problems, which have more to do with social issues and structures, and are not the result of a male conspiracy," he said. In the same interview, she claims to be transsexual, criticizes the production of contemporary art and says that Madonna must stop competing with younger women. "I agree that we need a level playing field, but that will not solve the problems between the sexes," he added.

In almost every event she participates, Camille discusses women's desire to have children. According to her, this has been neglected by contemporary feminists. See excerpt from the speaker of the Fronteiras do Pensamento 2007 and 2015.



3. "Feminism is not honest with women"

In an interview with Epoch , the American says the movement deceived a generation by saying that it was possible to take care of the career first and have children later - a plan frustrated by the limitations of nature.

4. "We choke men. Women ask men to be what they are not, and when they become what they are not, they do not want them anymore"

The intellectual disagrees with virtually every modern feminist. In an interview Veja magazine made in March 2014, Camille argues that women make homas feel wrong all the time.

5. Feminism has become a movement that "protects a bourgeois lifestyle"

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal , she argues that people, whether men or women, "need to be permanently on the defense" because "the world is full of potential dangers and misfortunes." She reaffirms that the problems of Western societies Are due to the negative influence of certain currents of feminism and say that they "protect a bourgeois lifestyle," create a "child mentality" and an "inhuman and antiseptic" social environment.

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Oh please!!  Madonna is a POP artist.  She isn't intentionally trying to compete with anyone. It's the music industry and media that put her up against other artists, young and old!!  Hasn't this loon been bashing Madonna for years anyway?  Who is she to say how Madonna should lead her life and career?  What has she done that's been so impacting to the world compared to Madonna? 

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Most of today's pop artists will burn out faster than she ever did. Even if she's not ahead of the pop industry as she was a decade ago, she was for way longer than any other peer. Britney got a nice boost with Glory but she's about had it. Rihanna is a club girl, and dance music can keep anyone youthful, so she might stick around. Arianna is another Mariah. She's got some good music, and her voice is phenomenal but I still don't see her staying ahead of the game forever.

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Madonna isn't competing with the younger artists. She's leaps and bounds ahead of them.


Not so much anymore. The last couple of albums have been embarrassing. Bitch... is the worst Madonna has ever done (the video made it even worse), and would be sad even for a 20 something artist.

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Not so much anymore. The last couple of albums have been embarrassing. Bitch... is the worst Madonna has ever done (the video made it even worse), and would be sad even for a 20 something artist.

Maybe it was backwards to you, but it is undeniably a catchy fun song that employed Sondcloud's Sophie in its development. Sure, Diplo is the big name there, but even that is powerful, given Diplo is mainstream while still being underground. The video was explosively colorful and showed a very energetic Madonna still wanting to be on the Dancefloor. Rebel Heart was a bounce back. Had it have followed Confessions or Hard Candy, the respect for her in mainstream pop would still be there. I love MDNA but it's clear it is the album that contributed little to her career.

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Not so much anymore. The last couple of albums have been embarrassing. Bitch... is the worst Madonna has ever done (the video made it even worse), and would be sad even for a 20 something artist.

Not really. There is no difference in message between Bitch I'm Madonna and something like Human Nature, for example. 

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Not so much anymore. The last couple of albums have been embarrassing. Bitch... is the worst Madonna has ever done (the video made it even worse), and would be sad even for a 20 something artist.

As long as you know this is YOUR opinions. The majority of fans would disagree with you, especially in regards to her REBEL HEART album. Most fans felt REBEL HEART brought some of her best music in years. I don't see anything more embarrassing to "Bitch, I'm Madonna" than any of her other fun and simplistic classic songs. To me, someone to call it "embarrassing" just didn't get the humor behind it all. It's a fun party song. That's all!  Songs like "Holiday", "Lucky Star", "Where's The Party" and "Into The Groove" have no substance to the songs, but they are simple pop songs that are fun.  And don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying "Bitch.." is classic like these songs, but it's a fun party song like these and other songs in her catalog. 

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Not so much anymore. The last couple of albums have been embarrassing. Bitch... is the worst Madonna has ever done (the video made it even worse), and would be sad even for a 20 something artist.


You must not listen to a lot of music, Bitch I'm Madonna was perfectly fresh and right on time.


Also this person has been trying to ride madonna's name for years, my morning farts are more intellectual.

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Ok, time to educate the morons.


As a lifelong fan of BOTH Madonna and Camille Puglia, I can tell you Paglia was one of the earliest madonna fans, championing her from the start. She fell in love with her after watching Burning Up on MTV. THAT is how far back her admiration and respect for Madonna goes.


Just because you criticize someone doesn't mean you hate them. She is a self-described "True Blue Madonna fan for life". I've had e-mail conversations with Camille and enjoyed gossiping about Madonna with her but I can guarantee you she is a fan and hails Madonna videos as modern works of high art.


Camille IS correct and those of us of a certain age and intellect can see CLEARLY M is trying to catch the younger market, which is something she has ALWAYS done which is also why her fan base has such diverse age ranges. Unfortunately she failed to grab this new generation of teens / twenty-somethings on time which is why Gaga swooped in and took them. (Then again where are those fans now?) Just look at Bitch I'm Madonna, arguably the worst thing she has done in her career (ranks way lower than Can't Stop for me and that is saying something.)

She has almost sacrificed the fans that have been with her from the beginning in favour of trying to get the approval of her daughters generation. They will get it eventually as they mature and look back and realize what they missed once the stars they admire have inevitably burned themselves out and been forgotten. 


Camille is a genius. Madonna is a genius, I love them both, and can criticize both. Nothing wrong with that.

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Excuse me, who's this idiot? Never heard of her.

Dear idiot, she is one of the first ever Madonna fans and someone you need to read.

She is a smart, tough, funny and creative Italian American just like a certain someone we all admire.

Less ignorance, more education.

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Dear idiot, she is one of the first ever Madonna fans and someone you need to read.

She is a smart, tough, funny and creative Italian American just like a certain someone we all admire.

Less ignorance, more education.



@@Fighter, can you do something? I never insulted this user.


As for his/her idol, I don't fucking care who she is, her vision on feminism is enough for me to consider that she's not worth a minute of my time.

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Madonna isn't competing with the younger artists. She's leaps and bounds ahead of them.



If you had said that sentence 20 years ago, I would have agreed. The reality now is far different. Madonna will always maintain her position as a 'legend' in the industry with a stable fan following, however, she doesn't come close to achieving the same sales, chart positions, cultural impact, and now, social media followings of today's popular younger artists. Madonna is Madonna, that will never change, but to say that she is 'leaps and bounds' ahead of other artists is highly erroneous in this modern age.

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@@Fighter, can you do something? I never insulted this user.


Apparently we all have. So much for that education. 


If you had said that sentence 20 years ago, I would have agreed. The reality now is far different. Madonna will always maintain her position as a 'legend' in the industry with a stable fan following, however, she doesn't come close to achieving the same sales, chart positions, cultural impact, and now, social media followings of today's popular younger artists. Madonna is Madonna, that will never change, but to say that she is 'leaps and bounds' ahead of other artists is highly erroneous in this modern age.


So her artistic impact should be measured in social media followers, sales and charts?   :thinker:  You really think popular young artists are more impactful than she is or the myriad of other amazing artists out there who don't sell 5 million copies and have 100 million, mostly fake, followers?



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So her artistic impact should be measured in social media followers, sales and charts?   :thinker:  


No, of course not. But if one is to make a claim that Madonna is 'leaps and bounds' ahead of other artists, one must take all those things into account too. These are areas that Madonna is no longer in the lead. Artistic impact, maybe, that is arguable, but she doesn't sell as well as she once did. It is rather unfortunate, as even though her music arguably does not meet the high standards that she once set, it still is aesthetically better than a lot of the younger artists that currently dominate.


Regarding impact, well.... we should revisit that point 10/20 years down the line to see who is still remembered.

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No, of course not. But if one is to make a claim that Madonna is 'leaps and bounds' ahead of other artists, one must take all those things into account too. These are areas that Madonna is no longer in the lead. Artistic impact, maybe, that is arguable, but she doesn't sell as well as she once did. It is rather unfortunate, as even though her music arguably does not meet the high standards that she once set, it still is aesthetically better than a lot of the younger artists that currently dominate.


Regarding impact, well.... we should revisit that point 10/20 years down the line to see who is still remembered.

Ok but I'm pretty sure the person who said that meant her artistry which has nothing to do with followers or anything like that. Sure we don't really know what the impact of her current work will be decades from now, but I know some of ya'll just hate some of her current music so much that numbers are used to justify bashing it. :eyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Madonna fans that diss Camille like the IMBECILES over at Madonna The Bible are ignorant of intellectualism as well as ignorant of Madonna history. Camille is a genius and she can do no wrong, I'm sorry.

Thank you. At least SOMEONE gets it.

Madonna fans and an intellect are few and far between.

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